"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Having played both sides (and I play exclusively Alliance now) I don’t agree. Switching to Alliance has made things better.

And I have to say, I have been mystified by the “Horde just beat up the Elves narrative”. I’ll get into it because I just don’t get it. But first let me point out that so many of these arguments involve citing an example to “prove” the point. This is an actual fallacy. You can’t prove a generality by citing examples. Doing that does nothing to show that other things don’t counterweigh that. And, IMO, they don’t.

As to the War of Thorns. Blizzard has the Horde reach Teldrasil by a trick. And even then, with the entire Horde fighting only the remaining “home guard”, they put up a real struggle so the the Horde needs a flanking maneuver to succeed. Then, after Teldrasil is burned, the NE, even after sustaining that loss, drive the Horde out of Dark Shore with only the Worgen to help. How this turns into “helpless NEs” is beyond me. It begins to feel to me that NE players are almost trying to find reason to make themselves unhappy.

BTW, the Worgen aren’t shown on screen fighting, but the confrontation in the throne room shows that Genn is helping Tryande. I think the Draenei are where Anduin wants them.


No. They were not justified. Just because she rationalized them does not make them justified. Stop.


I never put the lore itself in the forefront of my RP… just my interactions with other characters. For us… the lore was just a backdrop, hardly front and center.

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“The silver eye of the Goddess looks down upon the filth of the Horde, and sees the sins they try to hide in the dark! We will teach them the terror of the night! Their flowing blood and rotting flesh will serve to feed the sacred trees!”

The entire Alliance vs the entire Horde @ Lordaeron
Just Night Elf civvies vs the Entire Horde
These aren’t comparable events.


But even in the Horde vs Alliance scenario (lordaeron), the Alliance was losing until Jaina arrived and intervened.

and it was not the entire horde…saurfang wanted originaly to stomp on the night elf with an ratio of 12 to 1 in armynumbers, instead of 8 to 1 according to “a good war”

When you kick off a story with genocide, you set a very high bar for feel good moments. More so when the fandom receiving the genocide already feels beaten down. So Blizzard throwing up their hands and saying gameplay first was always going to be a recipe for disaster. They learned nothing from mop.


Indeed, and i don´t think this “feel good moment” will come, atleast not as it would be expected, maybe in mini steps, allways a little, but this will feel not satisfying, but more like a bad attemp to fix this.


You didn’t read the book then.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll definitely look into it :smile: :wolf:

I loved Hyjal questing in Cata. Going around and bringing back all the Wild Gods to help us fight the twilight cult and Ragnaros forces was some of the best fun I had as a worgen player. :wolf:


my big issue with the wild gods of hyjal atm is, that even if the night elves suffered deeply, the wild gods simply ignoring them.

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The wild gods and dragons have always been described as being aloof and concerned for their own well being though.

I wonder why WoW even has gods when they’re all absent or get killed.


I really enjoyed the way Warhammer Fantasy handled gods. I wish it was similar in WoW.

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Indeed, its one of the best ways of all fantasies to handle their gods.

Warhammer and LOTR handled their godtier Characters pretty well.


I love how even someone as evil as Nagash can rise to become the god of death :wolf:

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This was age of sigmar, we spoke about warhammer fantasy, and i still think, warhammer fantasy handled their gods much better as age of sigmar.

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Age of Sigmar is part of the Warhammer fantasy setting

its not, age of sigmar is its own thing…its not part of the warhammer fantasy setting.

Warhammer Fantasy = The old World
Age of Sigmar = The Realmworlds.