"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Yeah, they ruined her and it makes me really sad. I unsubbed a few weeks ago. My sub runs out on May 16th and I probably won’t be back until she’s back.

I thought I could fall back into lorevor RP but I just don’t trust these writers any more.


It’s really hard to say who wins the misery game.

  1. Humans have had both Stormwind and Lordaeron absolutely decimated.

  2. The Gnomes suffered an unknown amount of deaths when their city was irradiated sometime during the Second War.

  3. We’ve been canonically told that Quel’thelas lost 90 percent of it’s population when Arthas invaded with his Scourge army. When their ancestors were exiled for Kalimdor, their wanderings to find a new home read like a Trail of Tears of deprivation, suffering, and death, enough that at least one elf held a grudge about it for millennia.

  4. The Darkspear had their homeland sunk beneath them, just about every troll tribe outside of Zandalar seems to have suffered from a fall of troll civilisation.

  5. The Draenei had been fleeing a crusade of extermination since pretty much the beginning of the history of the WOW universe. A considerable number suffered from devolution from Fel energy becoming Broken. They suffered a further insult from Blood Elf sabotage leading to their crash on an island chain off of Kalimdor.

  6. Then of course there is the whole history of the Orc clans from their first contact with Kil’jaden.

  7. And now of course the Night Elves. Enough of them were killed during Saurfang’s rush through Ashenvale to create a manifestation of Wisps of the kind that had not been seen since Malfurion’s detonation of Nordrassil, but even that number would pale besides the losses in Teldrassil and Darkshore.

As you can see above outside of what’s happened with the High Elves, Blizzard doesn’t give us quantity descriptions mainly qualitative senses on how much each race lost during those events. There really isn’t much to go on as to who should be wearing the Crown of Suffering.

The only conclusion that can be made is that Azeroth truly earns it’s status as a Crapsack World.


That’s the fun of RP.

My mistake was tying in so many of my characters in with the Forsaken’s narrative. Because surely they wouldn’t blow up everything to have us just jog in place for years, right?

Give me a break I left in Wrath. I thought this was still a competent company.

Hence why my current character is a bright red dandy who has permanent cosmic jet lag. Why’s he in Ardenweald? Because he’s the Moon Rat Messiah, of course. Where’d that happen? Eh, one of those worlds Blizz says is there but we never see.

I like to imagine they’ve progressed to about mid 19th Century level of technology under his guidance so once a month the denizens of that world have to deal with a rodent Napoleon. Then the full moon goes away and they regress into;

You can just chuck deuces to the storyline and come up with your own fun.

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Sorry to see you and alysna go. I’m gonna miss you both terribly.


Never a truer word. I’m glad you see it in the end.

Well I’m here till July.

I still gotta say WoW really is the best MMO. And unfortunately it’s the only multi-player genre I actually enjoy. Because it turns out I was not hot ish, 15 year Olds dominate shooters now and forever.

For me really depends if I find a fun niche on WRA. I say I like writing and I do but turns out I prefer acting.


I been shopping around for something to keep me occupied until Dragonflight comes out in a year or two. Nothing for me to do in Zerith Mortis or anything. Most my friends are leaving the game or already left.

I just haven’t found anything fun yet. I might play Diablo Immortal when it comes out though :wolf:


Eh… she may have a point. I mean, look at their leader Malfurion. A part deer, bird, bear, goat, tree man that looks so comical you can’t help but think they meant him as a joke. Maybe Blizz does have something out for Night Elves.

All I can say is pick a different race to play the game or quit the game if it makes you so angry.

have 12 days left on current token. might buy another soon depending on what timewalking dungeons are on offer at the time. last time I quit for an extended period I just bought an old gameboy advance and played pokemon emerald again.

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Having played both sides, I believe it is very safe to assume that Night elves uniquely suffered for sure. They’re pretty much a joke.

I mean, just compare the two scenarios between WoT and SoL. Horde fight back the Alliance to a standstill by their own power and the only reason why the Alliance wins is multiple acts of Deus Ex Machina. Horde just beats the Night elves up and burns the tree. And the Alliance meanwhile, even getting the jump on the Horde, couldn’t even get that without having godlike characters to carry them. The Horde makes the Alliance pay for their invasion. Night elves just get smushed because the Horde is more powerful. Where were the Worgen? The Draenei? Nowhere, because the old devs had a fetish for humiliating Night elves in particular. They wanted to tell a story about the Night elves losing and logistics of that be damned. And considering that Night elves are considered a matriarchal society, it really makes you think. :thinking:

I just find it funny more than anything now. After having thoroughly killed my passion for what Night elves were, it’s probably the best comedic storyline ever told. Lots of slapstick. You could set the entire War of Thorns to Benny Hill music.


Hugs Gonna miss you hun. You always manage to make me laugh and your sense of humour always brightens up a topic :wolf:

I got back into WoW in 2017 because I was in a downward spiral and needed a hobby to keep me in doors.

Turns out you change a lot in 5 years though. And if I’m up at 1am at a bar my only emotion is anger that I’ve once again ruined my hard won sleep schedule.

Seriously apparently insomnia is one of those things that just never leave you. Have regularly stayed up 2 days in a row to force myself asleep at a regular hour. And it takes approximately one day for my body to go

“Ah so we’re back on the nigh ish huh?”


Might I suggest Lost Ark? It’s free to try out any way it has rather intelligent alt handling and the graphics are rather pretty. It’s what I and the Husband are doing at the moment along with Diablo.

Dreadmoore lives in a fanfiction setting where I reign over a Kaldorei Empire that still exists, and exists exclusively to oppress the Horde.

That said, yes, I do still to this day enjoy a curated selection of the Kalimdor Cataclysm questing experiences.


So long as I get to be the Forsaken’s hell sent King of Worms I’ll recognize your claim to the imaginary dominion over the already imaginary lands of northern Kalimdor.

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You’ll have to ask Dreadmoore. I don’t pay the rent in Dreadmoore’s head, but for some reason my name’s on the lease.


I am unsure how this forum thread is productive. All I can say is in general Azeroth is a miserable world to live on for the last few decades. Everyone gets their teeth kicked in regularly.

As to the other topic… Expansion gap falloff is a thing that happens… but I do worry a little that Blizzard has burnt enough people bad enough that a lot of them simply… won’t come back.

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I’ll settle for Grand Admiral then.

I just want to use this;

Seriously the Forsaken inexplicably have the Horde’s largest naval presence. Which actually is quite explicable when you remember they can’t drown.

Can they just once do the undead raises hands to raise the dead thing. But instead a massive zombie sea serpent explodes out of the surface?

I think it’d be cool.


best part about BFA was when Nathanos and the dark rangers walked into the wall of water in Nazjatar because “Oh! they don’t need to breathe underwater”


Cut to SL and Tyrande is choking Sylvanas.

And the Forsaken not having to breathe is arguably their best racial. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve AFKed under the surface only to come back to see Alliance just over the surface.

Additionally BFA was great because I lost so many attackers diving deeper and deeper. It was especially fun when I got my seahorse from the expeditions. Because it’s faster than swim form. So I could circle back, flip them off then zoom off like I was ducking goth Aquaman.