"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

I’d say the worgen get dibs first :stuck_out_tongue:


We transform sylvanas into a hydra…so can get everyone atleast one head of her


That would be funny to see :stuck_out_tongue:


Barring a retcon? No.

She murdered them by the bushel. Knowing full well the whole time they’d be sent to a fate she personally knows to be tortuous beyond words.

And her best excuse is she thought it’d be only temporary agony beyond description because she inexplicably decided to align with the cosmic architect of all the world’s greatest injustices? A being what personally empowered her and her people’s worst tormentor?

Yeah there’s no real walking that back. I’m again glad she didn’t make some weak apology to the Forsaken. She was working with Kel’Thuzad. What even.

If they don’t kill her outright she’s at least mopping up the giant bat guano for one century for every Forsaken she killed.


Sylvanas betrayed the entire Horde. Killed important Horde characters. Destroyed a Horde city. Manipulated the Horde into killing itself, complete with its own prophecy which the players were aware of.
I’ve always felt the Horde was owed her head, but Blizzard disagreed.



Let’s also talk about Calia Menethil WHO STANDS AROUND ORIBOS THE ENTIRE FLIPPING CAMPAIGN… and does nothing. There’s a brief RP thing you can trigger where she waxes a bit about her dead brother, but nada. Nothing else about Lordaeron, the Forsaken, where the HELL their people are planning to resettle now that Sylvanas asploded UC with the blight bombs.

I was annoyed enough at Golden’s writing for the book basically whitewashing and glossing over Sylvanas’ numerous atrocities to avoid any real consequence or conclusion, but seriously, the fact that almost NOTHING ends up actually reflected IN THE FREAKING GAME is just tiresome and infuriating.

I assume Calia is the new Forsaken leader, only BECAUSE Blizz has failed to actually say anything differently.


Didn’t the recent novel reveal that Dark’khan already EEWWW called dibs on it?

Unfortunately yeah :face_vomiting:

I think you are stretching in this particular case. Jaina says, “I had Darnassus locked down.” She doesn’t say “Tyrande and I had Darnassus locked down” or “The sentinels and I caught every rogue that tried to sneak in.” Her line, which is all we have to go on, describes herself and only herself as the one who secured Darnassus. She is quite insistent that she, and she alone, caught every attempted infiltrator up to this point.

Out of curiosity, can you give an example of a storyine for a particular race that is the sort of thing you would like to see for night elves?

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You mean there aren’t dibs for the elf who opened up the gates of Quel’thelas for Arthas? and was the main Big Bad for the Shadows and Light manga?

My ideal solution would be to have Calia as the figurehead. She takes the throne both to lend legitimacy to the Forsaken as a state in the EK. But is mostly used as a diplomat and friendly face for the Forsaken.

Much like republics with monarchies they didn’t behead she can just do outreach missions, wave at camera and attract tourists.

A new Desolate Council would actually run the day to day bureaucracy. Ideally this is led by Voss and includes Calder Gray as the RAS representative.

Voss would be the people’s voice. Gray would be RAS’s. And I’d add two more to represent the military & espionage machine and the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow’s.

The Forsaken are so bereft of characters at time of writing that anyone playing those roles would practically be new characters. I’d vote for a now undead Natalie Seline and ya know what bring back Darnell.

He’s an undead in Deathknell who’s big and dumb but actually quite sweet and we never see him after Cata. We just know he joins the Deathguard and wishes us luck before we part ways and head on our PC adventure. He turns up again helping defend Hyjal but that’s the last we see of him.

If I were writing the Forsaken Heritage quest I’d have it start with us meeting now Grand Executor Darnell who’s quite sheepish about his new position. Easily could say he’s proved to have a very sharp tactical mind in the intervening years. You catch up on some of the adventures you’ve been on since those humble beginnings at the Shadow Grave.

He’s already been chosen as the Deathguard’s representative on the council. Its a military appointment so he doesn’t have to worry about votes unlike the other candidates.

So just as he did in Deathknell he follows and helps you sort out last minute problems Voss, Seline and Gray need solved to secure their voting blocs.


Hecular is still in Forsaken ranks. He was Kel’thuzad’s right hand man. The Forsaken are not innocent sheep she herded off a cliff. I reject that characterization of the Forsaken.

There are Twilight Cultists and Cult of the Damned members in the Forsaken.

Sylvanas was hardly ‘the worst’ her intentions were muddled, but they were justified, if she believed it would end thier ongoing suffering, or she would remake reality to make it more fair.

I feel like Blizzards attempt to Scapegoat Sylvanas is both insulting and dehumanizing.

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Helcular was killed before he could do much of anything and was resurrected by the Forsaken. He proved useful so was kept.

I don’t offhand know of which CotD and Twilight Hammer members you speak of. I’m sure they’re there.

But they didn’t betray the Forsaken, now did they?

And every other game race as well. Heck even vanilla had a Twilight Warlock Night Elf.


She did betray the Horde but they never liked her to begin with.

She destroyed her own city.

She killed a traitor who lead a resistance against the Horde.

Retcons that ‘the jailer made …’
Ya know what. Nevermind. I don’t care anymore about Blizzards story. Blizzard ruined Sylvanas not you. This fight is pointless.

Blizzard ruined Sylvanas.


Nonsense. Being a Night Elf fan does not nake one immune to criticism or critique. Especially if they are making bad faith arguments, or outright lying.

If some Night Elf Poster says the entire race was eliminated and there were no survivors - which is a thing Night Elf posters have said here - they will be corrected.

Or if they say Night Elves have had it worse than anyone - that is simply a biased opinion that will be challenged by folks who disagree.


Thanks, I spit my drink out on my monitors…

You have the right to disagree, but to answer with contempt or Bad Faith just because a night elf writes something here, that’s really beneath everyone and it’s not necessary.

And …cursewords, do not act like one fan stays for the entire fandom, but as often she claimed annoying things, she did even predicted the outcome true…and this was ONLY the worst possible imaginable scenario, that she was right every time and thought only the worst scenario should us say a lot.


you’re welcome :snake:

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Cmon Ren.

We both read the same book. Sylvanas is FUBAR at this point. I’m sure they’ll Illidain her in a decade when we’ve all stop caring.

Her motivations were idiotic. She pushes aside all doubt. She smothers her own voice of reason. Allegedly her conscious and kindness were being kept in a jar somewhere in the Jailor’s pantry but that doesn’t make a lick of sense even in the context of the Sylvanas novel.

She is completely ruined beyond repair at time of writing. And any attempt to bring her up again will only result in more stupidity.

I’m sorry they ruined your favorite character. I truly am. She was mine once upon a time but frankly they ruined her in Edge of Night then doubled down on it.