"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

They aren’t.
They won Cataclysm.
They destroyed the dumbo orcs during BFA.


“Blizzard, won’t you be An Angel to these poor creatures? You can donate by writing a ‘Worgen re-taking Gilneas’ storyline right now.”

In the Arms of an Angel…


The adults are talking Dread. Go take your headcannon elsewhere

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I get that you don’t read quest text (or watch any of the cutscenes blizzard provides) but the nelves won all night elf territories in Cataclysm, and the orcs ran face first into the wisp wall and died, then got buried, then got one shot killed by Tyrande.

Kyalin makes up the lie of “male orcs defeat female nelves” but in fact of truth that isn’t what has been presented.


Again, go take your head cannon elsewhere

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Sorry just clearing the air that yours is a lie.


I know you lie. Your entire premise is based purely on your own made up lore



Read until it sinks in.

Blizzard: Night Elves won the night elf territories in Cataclysm.
Micah: Orcs always beat night Elves

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See above. Read until you understand it

I’ll be honest, I don’t want to see a faction war anymore either, but can there be any way to fix what’s broken? Is there a possibility? How can you really give the night elves back some of their luster, especially when compared to what they should be?

They were the mortal guardians of Azeroth, no idiots and fools should do that, but they are sadly degraded to that here and there, “sending their whole army away”, unconquered for millennia, creating an empire that started to compete with the Titans and had the potential to surpass them…where is just a hint of the grace they should have had.

i don´t want this “big great night elf empire back” but atleast…i want the night elfs not be weaklings and loosers. Thats not to much to ask, if you ask me Benedikt.


Casual reminder that Micah lies so often, so pathologically, that she tried to pass this off.

More made up nonsense. You really are disillusional bro. You literally have entire fake conversations in your head


It’s literally a screenshot.
Holy hell is there anything you won’t lie about???

Seek help bro.

Oh I’m not interested in a depression dick measuring competition. But I am saying the Banshee’s head belongs to the Forsaken.

I’m not really much of a faction hard liner. I like most of the Alliance. The one part of it that I don’t think works is Stormwind. Which unfortunately has gradually become the only part of the Alliance.

I’m all for fantasy stories where we see a version of humanity at it’s best, like in Star Trek or to a point LOTR.

But that doesn’t work in WoW. WC3 already told us there are Orcs who are better human beings than actual humans. This is the setting where even a Lich or Black Dragon can be a perfectly reasonable and friendly person. It’s sort of the anti D&D. There are no chaotic evil races. Everyone’s just a person and we’re operating in a complex world full of hungry gods and scheming politicians. Even the concept of fire can be working an angle here.

So trying to hammer it into, we’ll, Warhammer is stupid. Because even then the humans are still prone to the worst aspects of our nature but as the enemies only want skulls for the skull throne it’s clear who’s at least occasionally reasonable here.

BFA could’ve been a very interesting story. Azerite was allegedly a game changer. It’s potential as an energy source was limitless. Sprinkle a bit of powered Azerite on a musket ball and it’ll hit like a cannon ball.

With the Legion finally gone after eons of threatening Azeroth, and this miracle resource bubbling up as a result, could’ve made both the Horde and Alliance act really ugly. Not because they were working for the Devil. But because of their own greed and fear and dreams of a world where they’d never again have to worry about their rivals.

And N’Zoth was right there. I mentioned it elsewhere but I’ve a scene in mind;

N’Zoth cackles in voiceless whispers when we discover his agents were behind so many of the war crimes.

But then we get a flashback. And there were so many signs. I’m picturing a mirror in Brennadam reflecting the truth of Black Empire agents causing the devastation. A flashback to Vol’Dun where the Vulpera are very confused when we say they saved them from the Alliance but don’t know quite enough about the world to argue.

The truth was right there the whole time. We didn’t want to see it. We wanted to hate, we wanted our fears to be realized, we wanted every paranoid thought about the other to be true so we could justify our worst instincts.

N’Zoth didn’t deceive us. He just encouraged what was already there.

Then you’d have a story where the Alliance and Horde would come together, but awkwardly, and with a feeling of immense shame and worry. The Black Empire may’ve done the worst but plenty was done by the Horde and Alliance proper. Things said and done that can’t be forgotten or brushed aside. Paranoia about reprisals begins to tickle our mind, and this time we know it’s no void meddling.


Amadis and I have had major differences of opinion but he gets things right more often than wrong. And that was one of his right ones.

It WAS a series of wins. The Night Elves got virtually their whole Ancient Pantheon, the one wiped out by the Legion in the War of the Ancients as well as Cenarius during the RTS, resurrected.

They got Nordrassil healed and renewed.

They got Fandral’s sabotage of Teldrassil fixed and we finally got to put paid to the biggest Night Elf jerk besides Xavius himself.

We got restorations in the middle of the Felwood and of Desolace and Nigth Elves had a major part of it.

Was there destruction? Yes there was, and that was a global thing.

Those were wins for the Night Elves. And they were all in game.


The concept doesn’t work half as well in my mind if it turns out that N’Zoth’s henchmen were really behind it, instead of…the “people” I’ll just call them that.

This plot with “the darkest humanity is the worst monster” works best when you suspect gods, but in truth only distract from your own feelings. N’Zoth as a supposed mascot ala “he was to blame”, and the truth is revealed in that…it was all…really all…the peoples themselves, they don’t need an old god…to do terrible things.

The people want excuses…and saw in N’zoth an excuse…but to face the truth means…to face the own true monster inside themselv.

Can it not just stay on her body though? And can that body with a head just return to lead the Forsaken already?!