"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Ah, okay. As answer to zerde.

But to simply expect from the night elves now to move on and to be the bigger person is…huge, compare to all the bs they have to endure in wow lifetime…especcial from and for the horde story.

But b2t. My topic is more that many nelfs -fans get attacked because of the story …i wanted to build a bridge and understand for their situation.


The issue is mainly that the NE and to a extent the worgen, have suffered at the hands of the horde, repeatedly now and we’re still not allowed to get any sort of satisfying conclusion for the crimes comitted against both races.

Something has to give eventually. :wolf:


But how do you build a bridge, when some still won’t even acknowledge the pain most NE fans feel and are often told they’re hysterical or delusional for feeling a certain way about blizzs writing? :wolf:


Thats the reason i explained it without attacking anyone.


She’s very intellegent. A pleasure to debate with.

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Alliance voices haven’t been heard and I think that only makes the Alliance fans yell louder.

Thier gripes are valid. Horde favoratism has been at an all time high since BFA.

Shadowlands validating only Sylvanas fans only rubbed salt in those wounds.


Well actually I believe it goes beyond that. I don’t think it’s either Alliance or Horde favoritism rather that favoritism to certain characters and the rest of Azeroth be damned.


Well, the post was fine. It just had an example of something I wanted to refer to. That is why I didn’t quote him.

Well, as I said, I don’t think NE have uniquely suffered. (Assuming that is what you mean by “being a bigger person”). And I think the idea that they suffered for the Horde’s benefit is an example of not being willing to see the other point of view. The idea that the Horde story benefited from the burning of Teldrasil is just wrong. And we know that Afrasiabi did it for the headlines not for the Horde story.

But if you feel that way, you are at a dead end. I have to tell that I’m sure Blizzard doesn’t see it that way. You aren’t going to get story based on that. If you feel it is too much to get past, then I have to say this game will never be what you want and and if it makes you as unhappy as you sound, drop it out of your life and move to something you enjoy.


The Horde has their own list of things they suffered from the Alliance. In my opinion Jaina is allowed to skip free from attempted genocide and ethnic cleansing with the Horde responding how much they love her. (yes, I’m sure there will be the usual “Alliance did nothing wrong” responses, whatever). Ignoring the other points of view (even if you are “sure” it is wrong.) Is part of the problem.


to be fair:
this entire story was in context of…theramore (Atleast the ethnic cleansing…and “attemped genocide”)

i take my break if its too much for me, be sure :wink:

Honestly I think what the Night Elves need some epic wins on the screen without any monkey paw business.

Its like the developers take extra effort to male sure when they give NEs something there is something else that makes sure whatever step forward there was… there is something that takes them two steps back.

And this constant teasing festers resentment. Because they keep reopening wounds and then sprinkle some salt.


I love how the Forsaken never came up once. Only unlike Wrath, this time I’m not being sarcastic. The Forsaken were marked safe from the Shadowlands writing, thus far at least.

Still though. I don’t give two shakes a lambs tail how much Tyrande forgives her. She massacared the Forsaken. She bragged about it. She had any dissidents still in uproar about her massacare disappeared by secret police. Her exact statement was;

The Forsaken could be Loyalists, or they could be Anima.

Fun, fun, fun, fun.

I would’ve stood up and cheered if during her heartfelt apology, this happened again;


This 100% being the villians of the story did not benefit Horde fans. There was no satisfaction felt beyond superficial faction pride in victory.


BfA was terrible for everyone and sadly, I think the expac may have irreparably divided the fan base for good. :wolf:


as i said before, my argument here is not that the horde hat its soo good all the time, but that the night elves have …every reason to complain and should not met condemed for their problems and issues…like many times happened here.


I assume you mean when horde fans diminish how NE fans feel by always making it about how the horde somehow has it just as bad or worse?

Which, honestly, is a tactic I’m getting sick of. It’s like We’re not talking about the horde right now. But how NE fans feel :wolf:


The past can’t be changed, and some I’m sure will continue to meet the night elf fans who want to talk about their problems here with contempt or trolling, I think we just shouldn’t be like that and keep them in check as best we can.

A lost case is definitely Treng in regards to the night elves, for him every second of night elf content is too much, but that doesn’t mean everyone who is pro horde thinks that way.


Oh, I know. But there are some who will employ a aura of Fake Sympathy to try and steer the conversation away from how NE fans feel to make it about the horde. Just like this conversation just now, how it got steered towards how the horde has it worse.

It’s a old tiring tactic.


I just think there are a lot of weirdos who blamed Red players for burning Teldrassil. Which would make exactly as much sense as me lambasting Blue players for being unable to repel our attack.

All of it was completely out of our hands.

At this point I don’t want Blizz touching any faction conflict narrative because they do not know how to write one. I speak no word of hyperbole when I say I at least helped write a better one when I was 12.

Back when on the Venture Co we had a WRPPvP campaign and my guild, the Blacktooth Grin, we’re explicitly the villains. They were Dark Horde, Blackrock Orcs. But even then there was a bit of tragic humanity to them. The Warchief, Gorfrunch, was already ashamed he’d grown a gray beard. He should’ve died in battle long ago. This was nothing but the world’s bloodiest suicide note.

Their worldview was so steeped in warrior culture that the idea of living for any other reason than to die in battle was not just alien but offensive to them. There was a sadness to these people’s worldview. They were causing so much death and destruction not out of sadism, but because they needed to die by the sword.

They were still 100% villains but you understood why they were the way they were. And there was no grabbing a chunk of their soul to make them better people. This was an ideology, a belief structure, a way of not so much life but death. You couldn’t ask them to do better because from their own perspective they were doing their best to live a good life.

Compare that to Sylvanas working with the Devil. And a lot of the Horde just going along with it even though she’d betrayed, murdered or betrayed then murdered everyone of them.


I get where your coming from. But look at this from the perspective of a worgen or NE fan. One is depicted as a female warrior race…that is routinely embarrassed by the Horde and made to look incompetent everytime they go up against them, and the worgen, a race of angry wolf men in, get reduced to homeless puppies in stormwind, and than told Human Potential is the only thing that matters and are never allowed to show what they’re really capable of.

All I’m saying is, we’re angry too and I wish people would see it from our POV just once. Without the whole Well…the horde has it worse, or lost more BS that constantly gets bought up.