"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Having an ability to hide isn’t the same as detecting Hidden… which by the way is another Hunter trick. which is handy for avoiding sneaking outrunners. You can tell which type of sentinel you’re dealing with by their gear and armor. As Horde I’ve really had very little trouble sneaking past the Night Elves stationed there and there really aren’t that many that you can’t avoid the stealth detecters especially as a Hunter which is essentially THE anti-Stealth class.

Did we forget to mention that Rexxar is not only a Hunter but essentially THE iconic Hunter in the setting? If you are going to send anyone to infiltrate past Night Elves it’d be him.

She was very plainly being set up as a facilitator for Forsaken “coming to terms” with their existence and finding peace to carry forward. As if that hadn’t already been their story through Legion.

Sentinels are hunters as well as I said, they have many different classes, they aren’t just warriors. The night elves are so familiar with stealth it’s part of their racial kit, on top of fighting other invisible creatures in ashenvale. The idea that sentinels “are warriors not really trained to deal with stealth” is silly, but you seem to think sentinel just means warrior, so you don’t know very much about them in general.

I initially thought they were setting her up to be the leader of some lightforged forsaken allied race for the alliance or something and then the horde would be getting the undead night elves they raised in 8.1, but then she is just a horde character after working with the alliance like most of bfa.


Like you yourself said, Sentinels are a mixed bag.

As having to repeatedly stealth around them as Horde, not all of them are equally super superior when it comes to detecting stealth.

And you seem to have a problem in remembering that Rexxar is not only a Hunter, the best class to counter both stealthy types and stealth detectors he’s a Hero status Hunter who played the key role in the infiltration of Theramore and the takedown of Daelin Produmoore. He’s a Survival Hunter just as at home in the forest as any Night Elf.

NPCs don’t really follow the rules of a class. But Rexxar is overwhelmingly, blatantly, the quintessential example of, a beast master hunter, since before BM Hunters existed.


She isn’t a character. Characters have motivations. She is a prop.


I think he’s more of a beast master hunter. But this is irrelevant to your initial statement about sentinels in general that was wrong and not really based on anything.

There are probably sentinels that have lived in Ashenvale millennia before he was even born, there is nothing saying he’s the best at stealthing around.

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If I remember correctlyy the Order Hall lists him as Survival.

Doing the exact same job for 10,000 years with no real challenges only means that you’ve hit a plateau.

And again the only class that beats out Hunters at stealthing are Rogues, although Feral Druids are a close second. The latter have more of a duration, but the former are better at overall stealth detection.

I wouldn’t put it past the WoW team to think the character whose entire kit was summoning different beasts (including an actual stampede) is Survival because he dual wields axes.


If I can switch between BM and Survival on a whim, why not he?

Also remember that in the old old days having skills from both trees was a thing. and that’s coming back next expac.

That is how they write characters in this game, as props that exist only when convenient to whoever the Sylvanas or Anduin of the expansion are.


The same reason Anduin is allowed to wear plate armor and swing around an Arms-and-Fury artifact as a “Priest”: major NPCs don’t follow class rules.


If there were no problems in Ashenvale there would be no need for the sentinels like War of the Satyr. Do you think they are literally doing nothing and not absurdly familiar with Ashenvale?

Druids and rogues have infinite duration stealth, so of course they would be better than hunters at stealth. Night elves can also go stealth indefinitely. This is not really a defense of your initial statement.

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Many NPCs are fusions of two classes, Tyrande for instance is Hunter/Priest, Anduin is clearly Paladin/Priest.

Stealth is more than just hiding… it’s finding and keeping track at those hidden detectors, in that Hunters beat out Druids with their various Detect abilities including Detect Hidden.

Very few Sentinels have Hunter abilities those are mainly Outrunners, the rest are the plate wearing glaive wielders

Even by the standards of WoW writing, Calia is a non entity.


I’m not speculating here, WoWdevs have stated directly that major NPCs don’t follow class rules/conventions. But you can usually look back to WC3 to figure out what something’s skill set involves if it existed then, including Sentinels.

I hope Blizzard gets whatever memo you do, because I would gladly see her continue to stay off-camera. Data mining suggests otherwise, sadly.

Data mining is wildly unreliable.

Look I’m arguably the Forsaken’s biggest fan. I don’t know how you’d do a competition for that sort of thing but I’m confident I’d place top 10 at least.

And I ain’t worried. So why anyone else is baffles me.

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