"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Hunters also can magically turn invisible:


Zekhan is a shaman so he can’t stealth, if we are just going off game mechanics.

I wouldn’t want to see the uproar that would happen if Zekhan was considered Rexxar’s pet, given the negative backlash the book already got for how it portrayed Zekhan.

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Hero doesn’t mean victor. I don’t know how much simpler I can make this.


Exploring Kalimdor? I haven’t looked into that. I’ll care about the updates to Azeroth when they update Azeroth. Rule of cool reigns supreme so all of that is subject to change the moment it becomes inconvenient to a different idea.

As for Shadow’s Rising I liked Zekhan a lot in that book. It was nice to get the perspective of this young man who was essentially just a cadet who tried to do what he felt was right in a world gone mad.

I vaguely recall some people bothered that he had a crush on Talanji. But I thought it was fine and if anything kinda interesting to get some insight into troll beauty standards. Her dainty tusks were attractive if I remember correctly and I wondered if the opposite is true for troll men.

Because I’d joked in character to some HM Tauren that their Mulgore cousins were getting defensive what with all the looks their lady friends were giving thlse big antlers of theirs. It’s always cool to come up with a similar idea the pros did.


So, Did we get any good worthy updates for Kalimdor in that Exploring book?

it was just a book about how much Copeland hates the Horde.

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Friendly reminder the Velves are one book club and they can field a standing army.

There’s always just enough of whatever group we’re talking about until it’s time to bang that “Forsooth, we are but a flickering candle standing against the hungering dark, yet we shan’t yield!” melodrama glockenspiel. And then there’s enough again immediately after that story beat.

I’m pretty sure the Forsaken don’t have a means of reproduction at time of writing. I don’t care lol. Because population doesn’t matter in this setting. It’s utterly immaterial and is stupid to fret over even for story nerds.


Rexxar is a Hunter, I believe survival spec. Camouflage IS one of our tricks. Sentinels are warriors not really trained to deal with stealth.

Void Elves are an evolutionary mistake and don’t get me started on regiments of void elves parading around.
I was speaking logically as per the current canon the situation Night Elves find themselves in and how logically speaking… they are done. As things stand they will go the way of the Dodo bird.

With all the scourge still running around they will have good numbers to reinforce them for a while but in the future? Yeah Forsaken should go extinct like the Void Elves. Undead aren’t natural to a working life and death cycle.

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Sentinels are a wide variety of classes, they are not just warriors. This include rogues, hunters, priestesses, scouts, druids etc. Also it’s strange you forgot about the night elf racial literally being stealth, not to mention they fight satyr who stealth. The assumption they wouldn’t be trained to deal with stealth is very strange.


Sentinals are a mix of warrior and hunters and even partly druid.

No. Because rehabilitating Scourge has one instance of working and it took both true love and Sylvanas’s immense resources to manage.

What do people not get about this? The reason there’s Forsaken, and there’s Scourge, is because some people had the sheer iron will to break free. Hence the Will of the Forsaken racial.

It’s actually very interesting because even a man as talented and educated and skilled as Nathanos Marris didn’t have it in him. But the grandma with dementia who makes sweaters out of batpelts did.

And I don’t think that’s inconsistency. I think that’s actually one of the most accurate things in game. The most random mfers will be able to do extraordinary feats of survival or strength in do or die situations they were completely unprepared for.

That’s why I always role my eyes at those men’s self help books talking about a warrior spirit.

Nobody would’ve guessed a frail girl with head trauma induced narcolepsy would rise up through sheer tyranny of will to operate an incredibly advanced spy network and constantly sneak in and out of enemy territory to rescue upwards of 300 people from enslavement. But that’s Harriet Tubman for you.

Nobody knows who’s got that in them till push comes to shove. But the Forsaken, to a man, do.


Don’t fret, the Forsaken will enter a new age where everyone views them as people with a skin condition and our Holy Lady of Womenethil Goodness ushers in a return to the Holy Light for the totally ordinary people with no undeathy implications of Lordaeron.

Yeah and they’ll make Goblins into tree huggers and Tauren into industrialists and Orcs into meditative academics.

Seriously in what ducking universe is Blizzard going to pour just immense resources into completely rebranding the Forsaken?

Everything. Every single thing about them. Would have to be reworked from the ground up for that to make a lick of sense.

The universe where they refuse to get the memo about Calia and the Alliance stop viewing them as monsters. The world rejecting them is supposed to be central to their theme, but Calia is being inserted as a cultural panacea.

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Oh is she?

She’s a non character. She has no opinions, goals, or even a personality beyond being a vaguely polite idiot.

I don’t know what the original plan was for Calia but it’s obviously been scrapped. People reacting to her like she’s the doom of the Forsaken either in worried or celebratory fashion are out of their damn minds.

We’re probably getting her and Voss standing awkwardly around in the Royal Quarter for the foreseeable future and duck all else.


She is an anti-Forsaken that is practically an Alliance character. It is possible they pumped the brakes on whatever they had planned for her, but I strongly doubt hooking her into Forsaken storylines and showing up as a representative in Orgrimmar points to anything other than exactly what people were dreading.

Well domination magic thingy is gone so any joe shmoe can break free now theoritically.

In her case, I wouldn’t even say she is practically an alliance character, I would say she is one. I don’t understand what they are doing with her.