"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Many sentinels are hunters, rogues, druids, scouts, outrunners etc. Again the sentinel army is not just warriors, it’s a mix of range, melee, support etc. as most armies are.

Precedent. From having watched them water down and sanitize what emerges out the other side of every point of faction turmoil, I don’t expect the writing to spare the Forsaken.

Also I find it hard to imagine Stealthers just passing by minding their own bussiness in Night Elf Forests with those Sentinel Owls detencting invisible enemies.


This is a good point, and makes me wonder how hamstrung (for better or worse) their future is by it. Everything from their banner to their voice pack to their racial designation was centered on Sylvie, their founder and messiah. How much of that core identity will Blizzard be willing to alter?

If the answer is very little, or none, then it just goes to show how poorly thought out this entire plot was. The Forsaken will forever be an absolute mess of a race represented and defined by an absent villain who betrayed them and retired herself from the story.

But I don’t know. Their iconic moniker is probably not going anywhere - even if we now know Sylvanas saddled them with it under specious circumstances - but maybe Blizzard is bold enough to do-over their heraldry and replace their verbal adulation for Sylvanas with vaguer click-on quotes.


This is the lore forums, not the logic forums, as the burning of Teldrassil should be clear in the first place.

Canonically the Night Elves will be fine and available for any future storylines Blizzard wants them involved in.


It will be like every other race is. They won’t change or update things wholesale, we will just get cringe one liners in cinematics from representatives of said race and a questline here or there glimpsing their new depressing existence. By and large, the game will probably just carry on pretending they don’t exist apart from Calia and Voss interaction.

Nope. Doomed.

As with everything in Warcraft, that only works when the story finds it convenient.
EG: Saurfang forgetting to Bladestorm against roots.

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Lets not pretend that there are no roots out there in which bladestorm didn’t work^^

Somewhat related, it really annoyed me that they wrote Malfurion as hopelessly outclassing Saurfang in martial prowess in his base Night Elf form (note: I fully realize Malf using his Druidness should and would be galaxies beyond any hope of Saurfang pulling down a win).


It’s obscenely stupid that individual alliance characters are each, by themselves, eighty times more powerful than the entire horde cast would be combined as one character.


That is symptomatic of DBZ fanfic tier writing. I’m mostly annoyed that arguably the greatest living warrior was evidently outwarriored by a Druid. Like, of all the ways Malf could convincingly annihilate him (recall the orc getting pulled into the earth in the Darkshore cinematic) someone decided that some claw blades or whatever is what Saurfang couldn’t hope to best. Really? Dude can turn into a bear or a giant cat, call down a tornado, etc. But no, it is his reflexes and Wolverine cosplay that gives the 600 lb tower of muscle with huge axe pause. Ugh.


Äh… the description in this scene in a good war was about his druid abilitys like "the teeth of time destroyes even the mightyst fortress…but in his hands its speeded up to mere seconds

So yeah he was shown powerfull but hes togetherwith his wife descriptet to be (together) maybe more powerfull then the entire Horde by saurfang

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Which is fine, but Malf was basically trouncing him with a fist weapon. Brox can solo Legion forces on Argus hard enough for Sargeras to intercede, but his bro is like “O LORT, MALFURION HAS A FISTCLAW LIFE IS MEANINGLESS!”


Nu Blizzard doesn’t feel warriors are supernatural, unless they’re Alliance.


Brox was as a character no bad idea but was a bad idea to put him in the wota. The same apply to rhonin aswell.

The wota changes through the books were very bad from my pov.

And to be fair, it wouldn’t be possible without the axe of cenarius, a weapon able to wound anything.


Could you imagine if it had been Malf with fistclaws instead? The Burning Legion would have been annihilated.


Its not about an orc shown as heroic but to put an orc in an clearly nightelf hero saga and let him the centerstage

Would be the same as if get tyrande the role of orgrim to release the orcs together with thrall if you know what i mean

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I’m not defending any of the writing. I think Warcraft’s novelization has largely been a disservice to the setting.

Best Warriors can’t outWarrior Best Druids is dumb though. It would be like Khadgar being hopelessly outclassed in Arcane magic because Malfurion could moonfire, or Jaina being hopelessly outclassed in Frost magic because Thrall could frost shock.


And i see this situation and saurfangs speech more in regard to his druidic abilitys and not warrior abilitys. Atleast this is how i see this scene.

Saurfang didn’t fear his warrior abilitys but what would possible for malfurion as druid