"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Friend, the Alliance flat out wholesale won the Fourth War.

There aren’t flyers around Astranaar any more. Shooting them down was one of the first quests you do when you get there, and they are removed along with the fires in the phasing.

I’m sure there are role players on the Alliance side that ignore BfA and do exactly that as well. All my alts are logged off in Darnassus at this very moment.

Blizzard didn’t remove the capitals for gameplay. What is upsetting people is the lore of genocide, as opposed to the evacuation of the population of the Undercity.

The Sylvanas book shows us that she intended the burning from the beginning, as matches the inner turmoil scene between the two Sylvanas’ in game.


If you are going to say Alliance WON because we are TOLD by blizzard Alliance won.
Why do you not apply the same courtesy to other Blizzard TELLS like… Trisfal Glades is in the hands of Forsaken?

But for some reason you refuse to accept it.

They were still flying around for me even after completing all the quests.
Half of ashenvale was still in Horde hads too, I found a bomb and the Sentinels send me off to Stonetalon.

I’m saying they won because they undid every single thing the Horde did during the expansion (and I remind you, Teldrassil happened before the expansion). Every single move the Alliance uno reversed, and then won. They won all warfronts. They won the battle of dazar’alor. they completely undid everything the Horde did in their war campaign.


Did we undo the Lordaeron blighting? Horde did that but we didn’t undo it as you claimed.
You sit on a throne of lies. A throne of liiiiiiies

So I just got back what was mine but had to suffer the indignity of having the Horde take it and damage it in the first place. Man I feel so much wins its coming out of the ears.

And what did the Alliance do of their own? What did we take from the Horde?

You are likely misremembering, or had a phasing glitch. I flew an alt to Astranaar right now and there are no flyers around.

I just want to point out the goalpost moving. He mentions the fourth war here but the changes it to “the expansion” here:

He does this to try to omit the destruction of Teldrassil, the genocide of the night elves and the horde’s continued invasion of Ashenvale after the fourth war.


Fair point.
The Alliance didn’t uno reverse Teldrassil.
Yet. *
But everyhting else, they uno reversed and won.

Fewer Night Elves died than members of the Horde.
There are fewer Night Elves in existence than the Horde.
We know this because the night elves required the Alliance in order to survive for over ten IRL years.
The Horde is almost completely destroyed by Sylvanas’s gambit, as marked and mentioned by both Saurfang and Anduin at Swamp of Sorrows.**
This isn’t to say that the Night Elves didn’t get genocided, just they died less than the Horde did to Sylvanas’s treachery.


**Also by Nathanos during the Siege of Orgrimmar 2: Electric Boogaloo when he mentions that the only people they have left to fight are Orgrimmar’s civilians.

Darkshore is destroyed completely by the horde, that’s not reversed. Additionally the horde is still invading ashenvale, continuing to benefit from the genocide.

Source on that? The night elves were the only race in the fourth war to suffer a genocide. Additionally think about what you’re saying, you’re comparing the losses of a single race to an entire faction.


Perhaps, but that doesn’t take into account the non-nelf Alliance members who died during the war (Anduin mentions worry about being reduced to ‘drafting farmers’, implying that plenty of humans have been lost), and the night elves still suffered the most out of any individual race in BFA.


To be fair, Jaina wasn’t sovereign rule of Dalaran, even though the game treated her like she was at times. She was supposedly just one member of the ruling council.

The Night Elves retook it after defeating the entire Horde with only the Gilneans as allies.
Don’t know if they rebuilt it. Don’t know if they cared to rebuild it.
Do know that Saurfang specifically refused to let civilians be murdered in Lor’danel, though.

Read my post. I sourced it.
I’ll provide the video, though.

Canonically, I think its safe to say that Night Elves are doomed as a species as long as the Horde is a days’ march from their territory.
The Horde broke them, now they are the fledgling, dying race with barely any defences or big population to support their own defense.

All the Horde needs to do is keep witling them down like the Warsong are doing and its pretty much over for them.
The only way to ensure that canonically Night Elves can survive is to make it impossible for the Horde to ever be a threat again for many generations.

regardless of the idea or solution. The promise of the Horde being better or there is a council now is totally pointless. For the NEs to have a canonical logical chance at survival and actually flourishing again.
Make it that the Horde CANT attack them again. Not wont. CANT.

Lool Saurfang is referencing how many troops he could find to oppose a fascist dictator. Not how many Horde is left. lmao what is wrong with your brain my dude?


The Night Elves, like everyone else in the setting, really only needed the player character in order to survive.

Once the Night Elves had their army back they were able to take on five of the Horde’s races at the Darkshore Warfront with practically just the help of the player and the Gilneans, which obviously as only more of Sylvanas’ plan to grind the Horde into Maw fodder.

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In Wotlk she was still the ruler of Theramore, she didn’t become the ruler of Dalaran until the horde blew Theramore up and killed the former leader of Dalaran.

The entire horde wasn’t at darkshore. Additionally the only proof we have of the night elves retaking it was when the cutscene was added in 8.3, which was after the war ended, so the horde could have just withdrawn. Unless there is something in exploring Kalimdor that states the night elves defeated the horde there.

That’s not a source, that’s just the people who chose to side with Saurfang.

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I think he just has difficulty understanding english.

I was referring to Theramore



I considered mentioning this, but felt that if I did people would miss the point and it would devolve into “Who is the player character”, “how many player characters are there” etc.

read what? Before you move the goal post again. Lets be clear on what you are referencing.

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Malufurion started reforesting Darkshore in the Warfront itself: