"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Wouldn’t hold my breath. Consistency does not exist in this IP because it is treated like an obstacle to be jettisoned at the faintest hint of inconvenience. Couple that with routinely writing themselves into corners and just shrugging and moving on as if it never happened.

But hey, no negativity in the dojo. Just a lot of fart sniffing.


“I’m not proud of is, but it’s important to me that Anduin be proved to NOT always somehow be right about everything in spite of all logic, so…”
(abducts all remaining night elf children and started feeding them into a woodchipper)


As a new player you go through Exile’s Reach as it’s a natural complementary starting point to Battle for Azeroth which is the 10-50 soon to become the 10-60 experience on your first character. On subsequent characters you can choose to start from your racial area. It makes for a fairly seamless transition to Dragonflight once the new expac comes out.

Dude had certain toxic issue he GREW from in the course of his archs. He actually realized that fighting an endless war was not going to solve anything(hence why he decided to give Vol’jin a shot) and he ultimately did mend his issue with Anduin.

I’m glad that all the people who had called for Malfurion’s death had that thrown in their face. They didn’t even get to fight him as a general in the Darkshore Warfront, just stuck fighting Maiev over and over again.

No one lost any RP areas. Just talk to Zidormi. There are plenty of role players out there in Tirisfal ignoring that BfA happened at all, or role playing that they had lead efforts to undo the damage Sylvanas did to it and have the Undercity restored. The areas were not made inaccessible.

While I understand your sentiments, your choice of example is ironic, as Astranaar is the one location where phasing was used to in fact put out the fires. Astranaar was the one place in Cataclysm where the Night Elves turning the tide was actually shown and made the default phase in the game after the Alliance player quests through the area.

Though obviously that did make the War of the Thorns event intentionally sting all that much more, seeing Astranaar’s inhabitants dead and gathered there.

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The serrounding area is still battle scarred and there are Horde outposts around you and the Horde fliers are still flying around.
The only phasing is to put out the fire. That is all.

I would not describe putting out fire as “turning the tide”


Crazy how this is entirely irrelevant to my point about specifically the new player experience and the lack of racial diversity in the questing on alliance side which is the default leveling experience. I’m not sure why you posted this.


As generaly question. You identify clearly more with the horde and thats is fine but why do you talk the nightelf issue in every situation?

What gives it to you?


Drahliana is a Horde leaning player astro turfing as a Night Elf centrist where any issue currently plaguing them is unavoidable or has a very logical reason why its there. And should stay there and any fun ideas of what could be done more she is there to put a stop to it with what she assumes are sensible reasons.


By that logic no one should be upset with what happened to Teldrassil, after all just talk to Zidormi!

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We’ve been given conflicting information on what was in Sylvannas head from the time of Wrathgate on whether she was reacting to events or whether she was in cahoots with the Jailor even back then. Did she plan the Burning of Teldrassil from the get go, or was she reacting on Saurfang’s failure to execute the task that the entire war was supposed to have been waged for… the death of Malfurion Stormrage.

None of that changes, or even effects even a little, what I said.

Again, the entire fourth war and wot serve only one purpose, to feed the maw, with or without malfurions death, this was irrelevant in the real goal, he would only one more soul for the maw


Tyrande did as well until they watered her down.

It’s funny how characters like Varian and Genn were only necessary after the night elves got defanged.


No one likes losers, Kahehiro. Intent has no meaning when results matter to people.

Night Elves were defanged ever since wow launched. It was one of my frustrations with that race even though everything about them as awesome.


Are you kidding???
Americans love the underdog. It’s so profound that folks from other countries point this out left and right!

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Personally I think the Nelves were kinda screwed the moment BC dropped.

Like the Forsaken they were the odd man out of the OG 8 races. They Nelves and Undead were their own factions in WC3 and had to be awkwardly stapled to the Reds and Blues respectively.

But in BC the Horde doubled down on being a disparate band of weirdos. The Belves could not be more different than the WC3 Horde members. Which actually made the Forsaken retroactively less weird. Because from then on it was pretty distinct from the WC3 and became the monster mash we know and love.

Conversely on the Alliance, while the Draenei are aesthetically unique, they’re culturally not at odds with Stormwind. Their Light worship may be more Eastern flavored but they have the same god as the Church of the Holy Light at the end of the day.

Then came the Worgen. Who while connected to the Nelves via Moon stuff, are still one of the OG 7 Human Kingdoms. I find myself usually wandering over to do human content on my Worgen as unsurprisingly Victorian furries look better stalking cobblestone steets and deciduous forests.

So the Nelves remain the odd man out in an otherwise relatively homogeneous faction. Whereas on the Horde, half the faction are odd men out. Hard to feel out of place when everyone is. So the Horde gets to feel like this ragtag rainbow coalition of renegades with little to no cultural connections outside the ones forged in the trenches fighting side by side.

While the Alliance’s nations are all basically compatible with Human culture, except for the Nelves.


To be fair to Loyalists we were also not in conspiracy with the Jailer, and we more than anyone, got blindsided.

But we got our favorite to finally apologize and acknowledge us so that’s a tiny, tiny silver lining for us in this crap storm, after we were drop kicked into Hell.

NE’s at least lucked out with a hero story. We were just point blank the villians of two expansions… now what?

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Only if they win, baddie.

Or are you telling me that the lion’s or bears are “America’s football team?” Look at the Olympics, America expects wins.