"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Having an educated opinion on politics is better than having non at all. You had no idea that “virtue signalling” was a buzzword coined by a conservative and when we talked more I acknowledged you as a liberal centrist.

I don’t think you understand your own politics to have a valid opinion to judge me for mine. As a liberal yourself you defend conservatives way too much. You fail to realize younand I are on the same side politically.

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It’s not, you made that up to go against me.

I’m not a liberal, I’ve even said before that I consider myself center-right and you acknowledged that. Either your memory sucks or you’re lying.

Whatever Evelyssa. I don’t care. I think you are a toxic hothead and I’m not surprised you support alt-right group think. There I said it.

I don’t believe for one second you are not the toxic BDSM GM that you baited me with. and you probably are a panty sniffer. All of that tracks with your persona here. if by some chance you are a woman, then good luck to you Serena Joy. May the odds be in your favor.

Much as I loathe Trump, and I’m not going to mince words here he’s at best too stupid to have a clear ideology and is merely only useful to the masses wrapping their agenda in the flag and carrying it with the cross (Lincoln warned of precisely this), it remains strange he’s off but the Taliban is acceptable.

Not sure I understand the rules here.


I’m glad you understand the hypocrisy here, and make no mistake, trump is a man child, but the taliban, a TERRORIST organization is allowed to spew their vile rhetoric, but trump gets banned for saying stupid stuff?

Free speech is only getting suppressed for one side and some people here don’t see that as a problem for some reason


I’m an individual, my loyalty lies in whoever agrees with me which is usually no one. My beliefs and values are more important than any group. Here, IRL, I will stand alone if I have to.

I made a post in the lounge the other day about forum threads derailing into personal discussion and this is what I mean. People can’t help but get personal here. I’m Destroyer Of Worlds and if push comes to shove I’ll embrace that. Whatever.


So basically you are a narcissist and a dumbass. Never doubted that for a second.

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You can get suspended on the forums for cussing, Dunning-Kruger.

I don’t use twitter but from the outside looking in, they definitely don’t apply their rules evenly across their userbase.

and I say this fully believing that Trump should never be allowed access to any social media.


Twitter is mostly moderating western stuff. Same issue with Facebook, there are some truly disturbing stuff in other languages from other countries that is running rampant with little to no moderation.

Its not exactly like purposeful sanctioned vile speech but more like under radar and low priority moderating.


Well this digressed into politics. So, which faction the liberals are in most. Alliance? With the blue flag? Asking for an Undead friend…

You walked into the wrong neighborhood undead. I suggest you pack up and go back to where you came. You git?

I agree with your (Evelyssa’s) comment that silencing people only drives people to other channels where their views go unchallenged.

I strongly support the Ukraine. But I think banning Russian news feeds was a mistake. Now people who support the invasion of the Ukrainian can claim that we can’t refute their propaganda and say their claims are the hidden truth we want to hide.

But, in the end, a democracy can’t really work unless all viewpoints are allowed. That is why freedom of speech was considered fundamental enough to put in the bill of rights. For everyone who thinks Trump has view points that are “beyond acceptable”, just remember that they said that same thing about gays in 50’s.


And the award for bad takes goes to, drum roll please, you.

its you.

The Horde since it’s more diverse. HMPs are part of the Alliance.

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Oh come on the Alliance is just as diverse as the Horde.

I respect your viewpoint on this, but when it comes to international affairs I disagree. Open discourse among those within a nation is what’s important. When it comes to international matters, countries will try to use propaganda to influence the citizens of its enemy. Influencers of a nation within itself will also use propaganda for their own goals, but that’s usually to create change, not so much to destroy. Besides, if people want access to info outside of a country, it’s actually not difficult to obtain (atleast in the US).

Diversity in both Alliance and Horde is a lie. Factions may be several groups working together but they all end up becoming Humans with different skins for the Alliance. As for the Horde they are bound to do what their Warchief orders them to do at least up until BfA.
That applies also to classes. Like for example Priests. So much diversity in that class but sadly they all have to work as regular light worshiping human priests.
This game may give you the impression of diversity but let’s not fool ourselves into believing that.


This really, really stood out to me after recently doing some of the old starting zones, the Vanilla ones, as well as the TBC ones. I did them after I went through Exile’s Reach for the umpteenth time and it really hit me how you leave to go to Stormwind after finishing the latter with no idea of what your given race, and lore, is beyond the little blurbs at character selection.

With the current, and future planned new player levelling path, new players will be forced to go: Exile’s Reach>BfA>Dragonflight. This means they’ll be hitting max level having zero clue about their chosen player race’s lore or history. Hell, they won’t even know about the Burning, since you can basically level through BfA without so much as touching the War Campaign.

It will be all binary Horde or Alliance, everything painted over with an orc or (Stormwind) human brush.


I had forgotten about Exile’s Reach. I remember how shocked I was to have a human teaching me about my own culture. Explaining what the Cenarion Circle is and how to use my powers. I was all like :scream: :man_facepalming: