"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Twitter is actually pretty free, they even have adult content there. The only thing they don’t allow is blatant falsehood and stoking hate and violence.

In the Rwandan Genocide there was a popular radio program that demonized the Tutsi and that eventually to outright calls for their extermination. Is that free speech that is necessary for a functioning democracy?

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Part of Elon Musk buying Twitter is because of the several suspensions he got which were unexplained. It’s something Twitter does regularly against users who go against the company’s opinions. Not only does Twitter have adult content, it also has CP which they don’t bother to remove. Not allowing someone to post blatant falsehoods is not free speech. There are laws against call to violence, which are not considered to be part of freedom of speech.


I’m actually kinda interested in seeing the Mortis place.

And I want to be interested in the Broker dungeon. I’ve never been the biggest PvEr but where modern WoW really lost me was turning dungeons into time trial E sports.

Blackrock Depths remains one of my favorite memories in gaming in general, not just WoW. Just getting to it was perilous and being behind enemy lines, exploring Shadowforge was so tense. There were also so many routes you could take and hidden shortcuts and bypasses.

It was a proper adventure. Modern WoW just can’t manage that. And while I think Heroic and Mythic weren’t bad ideas, the difficulty curve spike between Heroic and Mythic is absurd.

Remember that AoE attack that did some solid but not catastrophic damage if you didn’t get out of the way? Now it’s an instant kill.


Tazavesh is a pretty good dungeon, but it’s not made for casuals. There are a lot of mechanics involved. The bosses are good though and the second half goes back to Azeroth.

Personally I think when they pick through the rubble of this age, social media will be spoken of in the same breath as Rome’s use of lead water pipes.

It’s turned discourse into a clown show where the vocabulary of mental illness and psychological trauma have been appropriated to the point of meaninglessness.

We’re living in Bentham’s Panopticon and Heaven help you if you respond a bit awkwardly to a surprise visit from your girlfriend on Tiktok. Because people will go over it like the Zapruder Film to extrapolate your entire life history and moral character based on thirty seconds you probably wouldn’t otherwise remember.


You are entitled to your opinion.

I don’t consider posting misinformation about vaccines, like he did as “free speech” I think it falls under “harmful misinformation” and I support Twitter’s choice to suspend Elon Musk for a time.

Context is everything right.

Posting misinformation is not harmless, it can have serious consequences.

I think a lot of people misunderstand “free speech.” Elon Musk can voice his opinions on why he chooses not to be vaccinated, but that is different than saying something like “vaccines don’t work” because that’s dangerous misinformation. Vaccines do work we have science that backs up that they are safe and they do work, and in a global pandemic, it’s harmful to spead fear mongering which he is actively doing on his platform.

This man cancelled a customers Tesla order because he got a bad review. You want him to own Twitter?


Nope it is free speech because its a private company that is kicking you off their platform because they don’t want to give a megaphone to the insane. But this person is free to roam the streets with their crazy signs.

What is not free speech is someone posts something on the internet and then some government goons show up and you disappear for couple months or years.

The major hope for the usual suspects is that Musk will give Trump his Twitter account back. Maybe he’s bought Twitter because he’s giving up hope of personally going to Mars?

The best outcome for the future I can think of is Zoomers looking at their parents and wondering why they took petty internet disagreements so seriously. It’d make the ADHD and public Fortnite dances worth it. I wish I knew why such a large part of society accepts the state we’ve gotten into. All I can think is that I’m either smarter than the vast majority or there’s significant brainwashing that has happened. Something happened in 2013 and people submitted to it.

Is crowd think really that strong? You’re right that the value of some words has become cheapened, while the value of others has become stronger when it shouldn’t have. Maybe perhaps society enjoys being malicious more than previously thought. It’s easier to disguise it when everyone goes along with it.

I don’t understand why so many people consider this to be a threat to society. There are so many more people who speak out against anti-vaxxing, both IRL and on the news, that it’s obvious the vast majority of people are not going to believe in anti-vaxxing. Are they afraid people will suddenly become anti-vaxxers because their favorite celebrity said not to vaccinate? Stopping people from saying these things is not going to convince their fans to vaccinate, it’ll just piss them off and go against the people who are opposite of them. This type of language is ridiculous.

Why would someone buy a Tesla after giving a bad review? I guarantee you that you could already get banned from Twitter for talking badly about Twitter on there.

Allowing everyone to speak is what free speech is.


They are allowed to speak.
Think of it this way, I am free to travel.
I can walk, take the bus, take a ship, take a flight, take a crappy car or a super car.

If I get banned from flying on an airline or I am unable to purchase a lambo to go from newyork to boston does not mean my right to travel has been infringed upon.

Because we live in a society, we want society to benefit the people who live in them, not create division and chaos. People with platforms have influnce and should be doing thier part to benefit society and not create chaos.

If it wasn’t for the fact that we are in a global pandemic, I don’t think people would care, but the anti-vaxx debate has become politicalized and radicalized, tied to white supremacy, and that’s dangerous.

Anti-vaxx is a deep altright indoctrination, that verges on a dangerous disconnection to reality. It’s up there with Flat Earthers.

It’s fundimentally a threat to democracy. Now, some fringe arguments can be made from PoC that vaccines can be used for nefarious purposes (mostly relating to sterilization) and we have history of white supremacy and abuse to support this, but that’s why anti-vaxx being tied to white supremacy is also silencing valid PoC concern and fear by pickbacking off of real racism and real fear.

Do you think Elon Musk buying Twitter prevents freedom of speech?

One way free speech is denied is not to prevent it entirely, but only allow it in marginal places. This allows most people to never be exposed to different views, which is what free speech is all out. In the 50’s, this was how and expression of gay rights was suppressed.


I don’t like billionaires purchasing everything and making their own little corporate empires with controlling fingers in every little pie in society is a good thing.
So yes. I do.

And I think Elon purchasing Twitter to promote “”"“free speech”""" is a load of bull. The only people I hear complaining about freedom of speech are the crowd who fearmonger about one minority or another.


Of course not. But of course people conveniently don’t bring up how the Iranian leaders are allowed to tweet death to America, but anyone who’s conservative is banned from the platform.

Wonder why that is


American conservatives are the tough guys, the ones that don’t do cancel culture.
The ones that argue facts and logic don’t care about anyone’s feelings.
That they are strong and tough and manly. With values and integrity.

Yet somehow they are perpetually the victims of either the media, society or minorities. The ones engaged in suppression of art, books and education. The ones who support people with very little integrity or with any values. Even when confronted with video or audio evidence, they choose their feelings over facts and logic.
By the way what happened to freedom fries and the dixie chicks?

Conservatives are a walking and talking contradiction. At least the current ones.

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I’d suggest

A. The internet needs to become a public commodity as it is impossible to function in society without it, you can’t even apply to most jobs in person

B. Some form of national social media where your constitutional rights apply. Like it or not it has become the public square of our age and tech barons having the ability to blacklist anyone, whether I agree with their decision or not, with no due process isn’t a good thing.

However on private media platforms your rights do not apply. You are not anymore entitled to use Twitter than you to a seat at a theater, and just as with that management is free to remove you if they feel you’re disrupting the experience or harassing other patrons.


“America” is a country and an idea, not a person.

Not all threats to America are to it’s people, sometimes “Death to America” just means an end to American colonialism and poliece state. USA is the only country that has militry bases in foriegn countries and has actively participated in de-stablizing Iran and the middle east for access to thier oil by force.

The situation is not comparable to free speech if USA is holding Iran at knifepoint.

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Silencing people who disagree is what causes division and chaos. Everybody has influence in some way. Silencing people is what’s dangerous. It’s really damn suspicious when something that’s a minority opinion gets silenced. It makes it look like there’s something to hide.

When people get silenced, there are those who retaliate by taking it a step further. It’s better to let these people expose themselves than for them to flock together in places unseen. The suspicion caused by the silencing pushes people to their side. The majority of people aren’t going to be swayed to a side that’s publicly expressed whenever it’s obviously wrong.

White supremacy, alt-right, threat to democracy, racism, NICE BUZZWORDS. You’re a crowd following leftist who has either been trained to bring up these subjects whenever controversial topics appear or you’re willfully trying to split this upon certain political lines to vilify people who don’t agree with you. I haven’t forgotten about you calling me alt-right because I use the term “virtue signal”.


You’re missing how hypocritical the far left is when they had control of twitter. And they were suppressing free speech of those they disagree with by banning them.

I also don’t appreciate people screaming death to the country I was born and raised in. America might not be perfect, but it’s still my home