"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

That’s true but lack of education, misinformation and propaganda plays heavily in controling American group think. American patriotism indoctrination or “Americana” is unique beast only seen in facist dictatorships.

There’s been many a time I’ve gone to the poorest places in upstate NY and seen delapidated houses decked out with new Americana patriotism and that’s got to be the biggest culture shock.

You don’t see patriotism to the same extent here because it’s known that patriotism is rooted to facism.


Yes, but he came back solely to destroy the Alliance of old and reshape it into a Horde-lite complete with a warchief because the developers have zero passion the faction. That’s why his story stole so much Horde material, including the wolf obsession.


Its a toxic self-fulfilling culture that digs people deeper into the hole instead of just getting out for sure. And honestly looking at both the US and Iran I don’t know what the solution is.

More education? Any sensible thought gets drowned by the online and multi-billion dollar propaganda programs.

A lot of his back story and introduction and all the bad changes for worse he brought with him was definitely bad but it didn’t really feel like it was intrinsically his fault as a character.
Blizzard just made him wear all that baggage. At his core he was just a big chin human king who wanted to take a proactive stance against a real threat without any children’s cartoon level moral lessons. (I mean finally. More of that please)

If it wasn’t Varian it would have been some other dumb character made to bear all that burden. Human or not honestly.


To help you get this straight, since you clearly need help.
Mara lied and said the forsaken owned Tirisfal in 8.3.
She was wrong.
She cited an Alliance officer who had a book in the final quarter of the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand Upon Two as proof that the Forsaken owned Tirisfal in 8.3.
8.3 happened in January of of the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand Upon Two.
Roux’s book, likewise, has the forsaken themselves confirm that they do not have a home.

So, tl;dr:
Mara lied and then lied again and said that Shaw knows more about the Forsaken than the Forsaken themselves do.

Lordaeron Capital city is gone. That was their home.
Trisfal Glades is an entire zone with multiple villages in it… The forsaken hold Trisfal Glades.

TDLR: You don’t understand the difference between zone and a city.


Apparently not, given that they are stated to be rotting in Orgrimmar’s heat because they do not have a home.

This is exactly why Elon Musk should absolutely not buy Twitter. Freedom of speech (not to be confused with hate speech) should not be censored by an individual, government, or corporation.


This does not prove they don’t have trisfal glades, it just means they have not yet made their migration back to trisfal glades.
If you had an actual quote that says the Alliance HOLDS Trisfal glades rather than some corpses rotting under the sun that would work better for your headcanon.

Smalioz: They own and can live in Tirisfal Glades. They’re just risking ruination for funsies.


Maybe because moving an entire nation that lived in a giant city into a couple of villages and the wilderness is not optimal.
Maybe despite the punishing heat Orgrimmar is safer than Trisfal glades for a recovering nation.
Last we heard the scourge was running rampant around the world.

Unless you have PROOF.
Actual. Proof.

That Alliance holds Trisfal Glades and is denying Forsaken return you have no ground to stand on.


Only markedly less interesting. Because at least Thrall’s doing Moses by way of Spartacus. And honest to God Blackmoor feels like he wandered in from Westeros for what a ruthless psycho he is. He goes harder than most of the villains.

Which makes it all the more insane there’s a gladiatorial slave ring going on under Thrall’s nose. Thrall is literally his slave name. Think he’d be prone to cracking down on that sort of thing.

And the human leader being a fury warrior is so dumb. Even dumber when their leader was a Priest and they had him in plate, dismantling a tank with a sword. Seriously how ridiculous is that? Anduin’s a lot of things but raw physical powerhouse is not one of them.

I don’t care how mad you are. A human fighting an Orc would play out like;

He could still be a warrior but make him cunning, not a berserker. Wins through clever tactics. More Sun Tzu than Genghia Khan.

But you actually have to be smart to write intelligent characters so. Yeah just have him try to brute force everything I guess.


I really preferred hotheaded, “unbalanced” Varian. He was interesting and offered chances for the Alliance to be aggressive without becoming evil.


my most liked varian incarnation was the wotlk one.

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Well Blizzard already showed us how a human and orc would fight in a 1 to 1 hand to hand fight.
The bear wins.


See though the human wisely uses a spear so he doesn’t have to get into arm’s reach and matadors the engaged Orc. Uses the Orcs momentum against him. He’s fighting smart.


I guess we can kind of look at Warhammer that inspired warcraft.

How does the Empire fight? Formations, discipline and with tons of magical/gunpowder artillery to thin out enemy before running them down with their knights.

How does the Orks fight? Well they rush through with brutal strength and destructive magic trying to overwhelm the enemy. Oh and they throw goblins into the meat grinder but I don’t think that applies much to wow haha.


I love how much the Empire incorporates spears and halbreds. When you are fighting something 3x your size that could snap you in half you’re going to want a very long, very pointy spear.

Always bugs me in fantasy when humans charge something that has demonstrated its capacity to eviscerate men in plate armor. Use a spear! They’re pretty great! They’re so great we made tiny spears you could fire from afar.


In history the spear was the equivalent an assault rifle.
Swords are like pistols, you take it out when you really really need to.

You just can’t beat the reach of a spear.
Anyway, Andiun would be salvagble to me if his entire vocabulary was replaced with 5 words for now and ever.

in that specific order. No matter the circumstances.


I was in the same kind of boat trying to explain the story of shadowlands to a returning friend (missed a lot of the covenant stories and 9.1. 9.1 being something I had mostly skipped as well but played through the story a little while ago) and if it’s not something you directly play through like “when was uther bad”, I try to give them a general idea but a lot of it ends up being “well I’m pretty sure they lost a patch worth of story content and cobbled this together from that”.

They love the Zerith Mortis design anyway because they said it reminded them of Journey, another thing that confused them was the rapid succession of the quests to get flying in that zone because there is no space between like when you turn in one quest and anduin is already saved. But at least they like the idea of the primus being the actual bad guy and I think the only enjoyment I get out of wow lore at the moment is speculating on how the story could be better.

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Elon Musk buying Twitter does not infringe on freedom of speech. Twitter isn’t a platform that supports freedom of speech in the first place. Besides, Twitter is the cesspool of the internet. It’s in a state where Elon buying it either improves the website or worsens it enough to shut it down. Both are welcome options.