"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

The Persians and their modern day ancestors, the Palestinians, would disagree.

Man this Nelf topic is too controversial.

Letā€™s switch to calmer topics. Like religion and geopolitics.


Are you suggesting that Urkraine isnā€™t a Synonym for Third Reich Paradise?

I am shocked good sir, shocked. /s

The Persians did not act to protect Zoroastrianism until it was far too late to do so. The Quranā€™s tenants for dealing with other faiths are pretty exacting and brutal.


Ah yes the Third Reich in Ukraine, lead by a Jew whoā€™s grandparents escaped concentration camps.

Sadly, there are people out there who actually buy that story and think Russia are ā€œthe good guysā€

Given how terrible their troop morale is reported to beā€¦ I have to imagine the poor Russian conscripts had a moment of realization where they went


As someone who knows a lot of Russian and Ukranians my reaction has been abject horror at seeing my friendā€™s lives irreversibly destroyed. Any sense of normalcy, any plans for the future, completely undone. Practically overnight.

But Iā€™ve been amused at the Russian armies complete ineptitude. Years of hearing crypto fascist dumbasses tell me Russia could take the EU and USA at once. Because apparently a countryā€™s martial prowess is based on how cruel they are to LGBT people.

Meanwhile they may outright lose to Ukraine and even best case scenario for Putin, nobodyā€™s taking them seriously anymore. If it werenā€™t for the nukes Iā€™m pretty sure Poland wouldā€™ve invaded already. Their attack helicopter pilots must be drooling, seeing those tank columns lined up waiting for fuel.


Palestinians are a Semitic people and Persians are indo-iranian. Neither can claim ancestry over the other.

There was indeed a bunch of book burning for a while but honestly the only reason the arabs were capable of over running both ERE and Persia was the centuries of war between both empires, extreme corruption both a royal level and priesthood. Pretty sure most average people by that point were done with the upper class.
Good generals tended to get killed by insecure princesā€¦ There is still a bunch of zoroastrian temples in Iran and they are trying to keep from falling into ruin as cultural heritage sites. Better late than neverā€¦


Wow did subvert one trope Here itā€™s the Bright skinned Elves with the autocratic government and ruthless behavior.

Give the Humans some creditā€¦ They do try.

To be fair, wars in Azeroth are the go for the Jugular type. Thereā€™s no distinction between targets.

Also the nitpicker in me needs to point out that she said ā€˜ancestorsā€™ when she meant ā€˜descendantsā€™

Man, just by mentioning god Iā€™m gonna get this thread locked, arenā€™t I? I was just trying to point out that older writings donā€™t necessarily have better morals due to cultural drift (and arguably because older works are not necessarily written better than modern works in the first place), not start a discussion on religion and geopolitics.

That little strip of land has changed so many hands and so many wars that literally pushed entire populations out to be replaced by an imported variety of peopleā€¦ But I am pretty sure Palestinians donā€™t really have much relation with Persians/Iranians.

Iranā€™s story is one people have to pay attention to.

One of my closest friends is the daughter of a Zoroastrian Persian who booked it after the Theocrats took over. As he tells it the religious crazies were just one faction of the revolution.

That enemy of my enemy is my friend mantra really breaks down the millisecond said enemy is taken care of. When the power vacuum hits, the crazies tend to win, because theyā€™re crazy.

I remain very worried my dumbass country is going to attack the place. Because I do believe the Persian people will win out in my generation. Unless we ya know, bomb the crap out of them.

ā€œHuh. This house of cards just wonā€™t stay up no matter how many times we set it on fireā€

When the revolution happened it was a mix bag of people who wanted to change things, from communists to the religious right and everyone in between.
Then Saddam (with some Saudi and US convincing) thought Iran was vulnerable so he decided to invade, problem was that Iran didnā€™t purge the military, the Shah just left and Iran was being supplied with tons of weapons for years.
Anyway, 8 years later and couple million people dead both countries were at a stalemate.

What the war did was unite Iran in a single direction, which didnā€™t cause in fighting butā€¦ basically anyone with moderate views was shipped off to the frontlines or volunteered out of patriotic duty. The crazies stayed behind and consolidated power becauseā€¦ of course they did. Lets just say it was more important that sky daddy being happy than country.
Their selfishness and willing to do what was necessary to get their way made their jesus land (islam edition) utopian dream come true. I donā€™t want to make this discussion too political but I will say the religious right says the same things, does the same things and behaves the same way. The only difference is branding.

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This is wrong, she Ā“s supposed to be exactly this KIND of person.

You got the entire reason wrong why the wardens are so anti-Tyrande from beginn. It is deeply rooted in Maiev, she was supposed to be 10000 years ago to be the next high priest of elune, but Tyrande was chosen over her. That affected their relationship for ever. Maiev herself build the wardenorder around her and made sure that the warden will be loyal to her

After Illidans Punishment, Maiev swore herself that Illidan will never be free again. Then when Tyrande went to the Wardens in WC3 to order Illidanā€™s release, she was refused, and that is insubordination, just in light of this crisis with the Legion She had no time to debate, nor did she have time to deal with 10,000 years of bitterness emanating from Maiev who felt left out since the events in WOTA.

UFF, too much copium if you ask me.

But lets start from beginnig why this scenario didnĀ“t make any sense:

First: Tyrande waited for several thousand years and trained and guarded nordrassil and her people in the long watch. I mean, this is enough time to build a biiiig amount of patient, and if the night elves donā€™t have the legion marching on Nordrassil right now and nothing stops them at that moment, Tyrande is also extremely patient.

second: The reason why this entire scenario didnĀ“t make any sense ist that the night elves standart tactic is the tactic that was used by varian, it would not make sense for Tyrande to choose a strategy that is so atypical of her own favored fighting style.

third: We know that koosak was deeply anti Night elves, he didnĀ“t like them a bit, and he said this multiple times on twitter, to say that this scenario make any sense ā€¦with this person as leadā€¦feels like an insult.

i meanā€¦ā€œFu the nightelvesā€ are an infamous saying of him!

If you want to know more about Tyrande, i would recommend to read the novelsā€¦and play wc3 maybe again, but to understand the warden/Tyrande scene in WC3 take a look into the end of the WOTA Novelsā€¦

And btw: Varian was never really a wolf, you have no idea how a wolf works if you think that this is ā€œWolfishā€, a wolf would not let himself go into RAGE when he hunts, it blinds the senses too much, besides he would want to avoid driving his pack away.

The pack would him - should he bring too often harm over the pack - by the way also cast out.

Varian was one of the dumbest characters WOW ever wrote and his only good believable time was WOTLK, the rest was just ā€œHuman king above everyone expect anduinā€; and apparently it worked out that many people thought that varian was a good character.

he was an infect on the alliance, and he was one of the reason so many people today hate the ingame humansā€¦

The 5.1 scenarios feel a lot more relevant lore-wise than the ones at launch. How did you come up with the faction specific ones? Also, several players have felt that Tyrande was an odd choice for Varianā€™s foil in A Little Patienceā€“why was she used as the headstrong one?

To speak about Tyrande specifically, we wanted to get back to her Warcraft 3 roots, in which she was very much gung-ho. So when we wanted to show Varianā€™s development, we thought sheā€™d be an interesting foil. Iā€™ve been getting mixed feedback on this. Some people think Tyrande comes across as whiny there, and thatā€™s not the intent at all.

The idea was more: ā€œThe enemy is right there, theyā€™re cornered, letā€™s go in and get them, casualties be damned.ā€ And Varian, who has come a long way in this campaign, is like 'I would have done that back in the day, I know what Iā€™m dealing with, Iā€™ll be careful now." He made good use of the resources in that battle, which is the main point in the scenario. Heā€™s learned his lesson and even says on the beach that a bundle of sticks are not easily broken. Heā€™s learning a lot about what it means to be a leader. Certainly the genesis of that scenario was to show Varianā€™s continuing development and what sort leader heā€™s shaping up to be. Wrathion is really interested in studying Varian as well in his 5.1 quests.

Mixed feedback is an underestimated statement in 5.1ā€¦it was almost entirely negative and didnĀ“t make any sense.


Well thatā€™s kind of the thing, you basically get punished for caring or being invested in the lore anymore because they just donā€™t care. Plus the amount of time you have to wait for even small things to get answered and hope ā€œwait and seeā€ even yields anything several expansions later is absurd. Wow now is probably intended to be better if you just skip all the text and only occasionally watch a cutscene and just say ā€œoh wow that music is so emotional, and the characterā€™s expressions were great!ā€ without thinking about the actual content.


Youā€¦do know Goldrinn is a giant intelligent wolf right? Heā€™s a animal and wolves are a lot of things, and cuddly isnā€™t one of them. You still donā€™t get it.


I donā€™t think anything of Hordes culture is left, I dread to think whatā€™s left of the Orc clans or what the Forsaken do now that their identity has been canon balled by Blizzards madness.


I know more casual players whoā€™s main interaction with the lore is asking me about it beyond watching cutscenes.

And I think even they were dissapointed when I confirmed none of SL made a lick of sense to me either.

Iā€™ve gotten back into SL and my lock and I find myself liking it less now than I did initially. Because now that itā€™s all said and done I know for a fact the chance to do anything interesting has came and went.

I am sort of looking forward to at least finishing it though. I never logged in for 9.1 and luckily the Lock BiS is in Ardenweald which is the one Covenant I never got around to.

And even thatā€™s kinda accidentally entertaining as my toon is a fel warped undead destro lock whoā€™s about 30% on fire constantly.

PoV, youā€™re a Spriggan;


Maybe the problem is not the religion itself but religious institution or organization. Anytime a religion becomes an institution or organization itā€™s going to become a state, and the individual vs the state imbalance will be present.

Reminder that Valeera was originally created to be Varianā€™s love interest. Because having a trophy elven waifu is a requirement for the male human fantasy I guess. Goodness the Alliance story since he showed up is trash.

Also the amount of people who think Varianā€™s story was new and interesting just highlights how many people are unfamiliar with Thrall. Varian is literally just an orc in a human body and loaded with Human Potentialā„¢.


People enable the institution.
Just look at the american right and the culture wars they engage in, no big bad institution controls them against their will.

I liked Varian. In a world of Jainas and Andiuns preaching peace as the Horde was stabbing us in the knee he was breath of fresh air.