"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

I’m a thin wuss who cries and wants peace in RL. WoW is where I go to be a violence-fueled rage monster with just sickeningly ripped muscles who can actually solve all their problems with the careful application of axes- and if that doesn’t work, MORE axes. And I objected to being shamed for that.

The manosphere is toxic but what men fail to realize is that women are on the fringes of the manoshpere (in this case gaming manosphere) just rolling our eyes while Our faves die.

Womenz die so the menz can cry.

it is known.


I mean I roll my eyes lots too. I am not good at Man-ing, I guess. I knew I shouldn’t of let myself catch the gay. It’s too late for me, now.


I caught the gay once. It was 1998, I was 12 and had a strange attraction to Gillian Anderson.

Sadly, that’s just a normal pre-teen female experience, it was either Gillian Anderson or Lucy Lawless. It was a phase for some and a lifestyle for others.

Im just saying if it comes to it, grownass adults who still take ques from fictional archetypes should become the great soylent majority.

Look what happened when WoW tried to subvert a trope as simple as ‘Orcs are an inherently evil irredeemable race of monsters’. It never even really took even when it was true.


They aren’t inherently evil, they just have a genetic predisposition to committing genocidal conquest, with or without corrupting influences, but some of them act really depressed about it in between genocides. Geez!


Humanity has taken ques from fictional archetypes for as long as we have existed. Our storytellers in the past were just a bit more careful about the morals and values they presented than they are now.

That’s all.

Not really.

I gushed over The Northman precisely because it was an ancient story told as written. All the characters are objectively awful and our protagonist throws away a perfectly healthy relationship with Anna Taylor Joy to go grudge fight his uncle in a volcano.

The sad thing is this story from when years still had 3 digits is not meaningfully different from stories we tell now.

It just didn’t try to make the vengeance crazed, blood hungry berserker come off as any better than the men he hunts. Which is why it’s losing out to a C tier animated kids movie.

Somehow in millenia of development fundamentally we’ve just gotten better at lying to ourselves.


…uh? WoW’s storytellers in the past were a bit more careful than the ones that are here now. Don’t confuse that with humanity’s storytellers in general. My family has a bunch of old books, and one of them is a children’s schoolbook from the 19th century. One of the questions the kids are supposed to answer is literally “Which of the races of man is the greatest and one most beloved by God?”

Older works have bizarre/bad lessons because of different cultural values. WoW has bizarre lessons because it’s badly written.


Oh, yeah… I did not word that quite right. You have rightly smacked me between the eyes with a rolled up newspaper.

Fortunately you’re not a worgen, so there should be no serious damage done. If I’d hit Micah like that she’d be curled up looking sad all the rest of the day. Poor worgen and their rolled-up newspaper vulnerability.


Which God?

If it’s a sheer numbers game probably Italians since the Romans just adopted whatever they stumbled into.

Horrifying as that era was that’s such a cute relationship to religion.

Thems your gods? Cool heres ours. They hang out now


more like “thems your gods? cool here’s out gods. If you don’t convert and worship our gods now we kill you. Cool?”

That’s how paganism went underground in basements, and now we have rumours about how the secret illuminati own the world, like Tom Cruise at an orgy.

There are only a few exceptions for religions meshing without a lot of static, really… and ironically they all tend to be due to people trying to force a monotheism. Like the ill fated attempt to force Atenism in ancient Egypt.

Usually, most cultures simply took the pantheon in place and overlaid their own. That’s how you end up with Thoth-Hermes-Mercury and the like.


That was more a distinctly Abrahamic feature.

And hey credit where it’s due. They won. Overwhelming majority of the planet is Christian or Muslim.


I was going to say “don’t forget Judaism” but they deserve a break or a free pass. (at the very least our ongoing empathy)

China has muslims in concentration camps rn and that fact is largely ignored by western media.

Just historically speaking, not exactly the winning team. Sequels did numbers though.

And that is totally wrong of China to be doing. An interesting note, though… history has shown that the nations which have managed to evade Abrahamic Monotheism stomping out the native religions tend to do so because they stomp the Monotheism first. Early Edo period actions to stamp out the spread of Catholicism from Europe and its associated colonialism issues in Japan jumps to mind.

And yeaaa… Judaism never did that as it isn’t a proselytizing faith. Its quite insular, at least traditionally.


Oh they do.

But as an American I’m not really in the best position to lecture anyone really.

Like Russia is absolutely in the wrong for launching an illegal invasion of a country based on completely fabricated reasons.

And so were we.