"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Again let’s remeber about the impending doom over their heads. You wanted Tyrande to fill in forms and establish a meeting with the Wardens to have them think about whether to listen to Tyrande and free Illidan? each second lost was a second closer to total destruction. Like it or not she was their leader and they failed to obey. She chose the best path with the little time an resources she had at the moment. A choice that proved to be the right one.

Anduin was there from the start. He learned the perils Sha posed. He explained the issue to when he arrived but Varian didn’t deem Tyrande worthy to share that critical information. The same thing happened with the Blood Elves. He was working in secret with Lor’themar to have BE back into the Alliance but never ocurred to him to include Jaina? the one person that at every meeting advocated for peace a cooperation between both factions? the one persone who’s worked for years with elves in a city of humans and elves live in mutual understanding?
Varian was the reckless one by thinking he was the only one capable of handling things.


Men don’t cry or want peace!! only sissy priests do that, men carry a big sword and run away from their problems. (and thier kingdoms!- it’s a surprising recurring theme) some even drink demon blood because they are so misunderstood and know that only by being bad can they be really good!


I’ll take the sissy priest over the toxic man baby all day, everyday. Varians solution to everything was either violence, threatening violence or treating his kid like a pos. God…I hate that character so much.


The rockem sockem red vs blue anime Varian was a fun trip into the world of male fantasy ngl.

Do boys/men like that kind of stuff?

It seemed like a gratuitous canon divergence just for a Gary Stu fantasy of Varian punching himself. Was this supposed to be a deep Horde vs Alliance metaphor? Who knows.

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Eh. I tend to be interested more in player’s stories.

This is a dynamite setting, top notch, absolutely my favorite in the genre.

But the story’s been okay to meh. Always. It got worse when they decided they also wanted to make this a character drama because the lunatics at CDev thought any of these characters are actually good.

Seriously take a shot anytime says “THIS CANNOT BE!”. Seriously the Jailor was not actually that bad by the standards of this writing. It’s just other villains were attached to the setting, which is genuinely quite good, so we mistook them for being good as well.

WoW’s strength is in Azeroth and the playable nations therein. Stop setting it on fire for cheap marketing stunts that’ll show a Q4 subscription boost followed by a staggering Q1 drop. I know share holders are bug people who only speak graph but players are who actually pay them.

Just focus on the beautiful settings that are already there. Update existing ones. Put in stuff that’s already in the lore. And keep the story on a big dragon or squid or pirate King or borg queen or lich king and how the various nations of Azeroth are trying to stop them.


There’s nothing wrong in that. The world is full of different personalities. I do love my berserker characters as much as a peace loving enthusiast but damn it Varian was shoved down our throuts stealing the spotlight of everyone that surrounded him.
I always complain about humans in this game but I don’t really hate them. I hate the fact that Blizzard insists on making them the protagonists even in situations that they have no bussiness in.


Not any less than Goldrinn is for that matter.

I hate players who play humans because that’s standing at an ice cream buffet with all the best flavors of fantasy and still choosing vanilla, with no spinkles.

They had 10,000 years of mostly peace. the fact that Tyrande had to bulldoze them meant that she utterly failed in her duty as leader to keep in touch with Maiev AND her Wardens during hat time. Instead she let Maiev run her Wardens has her own private little cult of personality and she wound up having to kill them as a result.

One of the reasons Goldrin chose him is that he embodies the Lone Wolf.


— Every Baddie Since 2005


It doesn’t excuse Varian for witholding critical information.


“I tired of this!”

Jumps away






What was she going to do with it, beside go off half-cocked?

We cannot know that and every possibility would be met by another one just as good as the last. There’s no point in discussing that. The only fact is that Varian showed his unwillingness to see other leaders as equals and the Alliance payed the prize many times for that.


Look there’s a white guy with a strong jawline and great hair who’s tasty in a fight. Obviously he’s the good guy in charge who can do no wrong.

Not like WoW was birthed from subverting that exact trope or anything.


The Forsaken scientist attached to the exploratory group deep inside Gilnean territory carefully examined the latest capture feline specimen, one of many. “Interesting, all the cats in this land are simultaneously alive and simultaneously dead, and yet are NOT undead. This bares further study.”


Hey that’s not accurate.

Sometimes we are handed a pretty lady. Who’s only job is to chill us the hell out, birth our heir then immediately die via a rock some drunk threw.

So we can be even angrier for a spell but then ya know the son has his mother’s soft heart and reminds us to maybe calm tf down.

Then we die violently.

That’s manhood.


…I dont, no. :expressionless:

Not at you really, but I am always surprised people surprise pikachu face that gamer culture is so toxic when that sort of stuff is what they have been fed as a basis for normality from a young age.