"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Shadow Rising was before exploring Kalimdor, you shoot you in your own foot with this statement.

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Thank you. The forsaken own Tirisfal, that was the point. I’m glad you finally came to realize that and have finally admitted it.


So, let me get this straight, the forsaken own tirisfal, but according to dread they don’t because a book AND the game say they do….plus it’s getting updated in the next patch, so that must mean they don’t actually own it.

Did I get dreads head cannon correct or did I miss a step? :wolf:


That’s about right, the tale of mememoore continues. I wonder what his next crazy and absurdly incorrect take on the lore will be.


personally, I can’t simply dismiss some of his claims purely because I can’t trust the people actually in charge to NOT, despite all previous contrary evidence, suddenly do exactly what he says is true/is going to happen.

The intent of the war of thorns was not to secure Azerite. Its no where in the story.
Azerite was never a primary or even secondary concern in the war. It was a resource chased by players but it was not used by either faction in any real way. We were more concerned with a standing powerful Navy as a more pressing concern than an Azerite super weapon tipping the balance towards one faction or another.

It was a border conflict perpetuated by the Horde. Night Elves were not invading the barrens for their resources.

Yeah killing the kids of the enemies YOU attacked is bad.
You know maybe Blizzard should shame the Horde more, seems like some players are missing basic morality of whats wrong and whats right :sweat_smile:

The last time the Horde had a wow race captive was the Red dragon flight.
I cringe at the thought of how WoW writers would write a captive Night Elf race at the hands of the Horde troops storyline.

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They made this problem when they gave the Horde Nightelven styled Druidism based on the same Wild Gods. Now the Guardians of Hyjal cannot act for either side because both sides have equal claim to them.

They should of been based on Loa, like the Zandalari Druids are.


Are you… sure about that? In the quest “The warchief commands”, Sylvanas mentions Azerite explicitly. Even that capturing Teldrassil was about controlling the Azerite transport routes.

“By occupying Darnassus, we will control the flow of Azerite and ensure it cannot be used against us. The Alliance will dare not attack its own city for fear of harming civilians.”

That’s what the Horde player was told at the beginning.

I ask “Why do you think it’s minor”, you say “They started it”. I don’t know if you even read what I write.

Let me rephrase that. Do you think “If you kill your enemies, they win” is a plausible mindset the average Orc has? Is that how the average Zug from the Warsong Clan thinks when he fights Night elves in Warsong Gulch? Are we supposed to believe that Zug is totally shocked when he learns Sylvanas killed Nightelves, although that’s what he’s been doing in the name of the Horde for a decade?

i guess they could still be biased, i mean, the zandalari have wild gods aswell and they are clearly biased.


The Alliance does not share those Loa, however, so there is no faction dispute there. They didn’t plan for ever doing something as outrageous as the War of Thorns because Blizzard back in Metzen’s era left would of never of permitted it.


There was no Azerite in Teldrassil. If The Horde wanted to move all the Azerite there later then ok maybe but before the war started and after it too Azerite was not the primary concern.

Naval supremacy was.

Because it was minor… it was just on the border, it didn’t penetrate any deeper into Horde territory or into Alliance territory. It was a border skrimish that the Horde started and the Alliance didn’t pursue any further than fighting them off.

I was under the impression that the Orcs were no longer in the business of putting everyone to the sword because of a war the Orcs started.
They did that to the Draenei and the Humans of Stormwind and apparently that was mentally scarring and horrifying to them.

They SEEMED to be drawing lines between warriors getting killed. That is honorable apparently.

thats right, but that doesn´t mean the wild gods of hyjal could be not join the night elves again…?

And I didn’t say there was Azerite on Teldrassil itself. i said it was about the control of Azerite. Which was mentioned explicitly. You can’t erase Azerite from the questtexts.

The minor border war about vital resources the Horde wanted, I get it.

Depending on the writer, I guess.

Azerite was a major plot point they seem to of kinda… abandoned, even early on. What should of been a major motivator I think got abandoned when it was decided it was not securing Azerite which was driving Sylvanas but her deal to mass murder everyone to feed their souls to He-Who-Wears-No-Shirts.


Control Azerite to do what exactly? What did we use Azerite for in BFA? Were there great war machines of Azerite? Was Azerite turning the tides of battle? Why was the control of Azerite necessary?

Did we go to Zanadalar or Kultiras to control Azerite?

Nope. We went there to control the seas.
Remove Azerite from BFA and literally nothing changes.

So you finally agree that this border “war” was as a result of Horde actions rather than Horde’s existential threat from the Night Elves.

Lol what? Isn’t this supposed to be the main Horde identity? Thats what Warcraft 3 was all about. A reformed Horde…

I’ll say they do a positively God awful job of conveying that information.

I’ve a frankly unhealthy obsession with the Forsaken and I genuinely believed it was still functionally abandoned. Not beyond reclamation of course but between the Blood War and the Unleashed Scourge who tf knows what anyone’s standing armies look like at this junction.

Then again this is from the same company that gave us Gilneas who’s status is less a story detail and more a field of quantum theory.

The Forsaken questlines in both Silverpine and Hillsbrad would suggest it’s still actively occupied by Gilneans. Exploring Azeroth would suggest it’s been at least reclaimed lately if the Bloodfangs took SFK. And then the Sylvanas book says she Blight bombed the place upon leaving.

Which again contradicts the Forsaken’s storyline. Where the Alliance army agrees to a truce at Greymane’s Wall before falling back behind it. Which seems to me like unreasonable terms if they’re walking straight into a toxic nomansland.

And also this means the Worgen based on Purgation Isle planning an attack on Hillsbrad with the Stormpike snuck around the Southpoint Gate, somehow, then swam there.

I often wonder why we even bother caring because CDev clearly does not.


at times I feel as if we are better off taking story elements as if they exist in isolation and enjoy them for what they are. When you try to put them all together you find they dont make a very good cohesive puzzle.

A large part of that I think is their historical Gameplay First philosophy, which meant the story was made up to justify the game mechanics.

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That doesn’t work though. Because Tirisfal, Silverpine, Hillsbrad and the WPL down the line all tie in with eachother.

It’s all in all a pretty well told story. So much so that it’s almost jarring when you get to Arathi and there isn’t some Alliance threat to fend off.

You get there and it’s just a Forsaken border patrol with some citizens that have oddjobs for you to do.

My favorite is Goutgut the Abomination. He wants you to check in on his Ogre Pirate friend Lolo;

"Goutgut get sent scouting. Look at many things. Big adventure!

Goutgut found secret pirate ship. Pirates all scared, run away. But ogre Lolo not run. Lolo make friend with Goutgut!

Goutgut have to leave, but miss Lolo. You go say hello to Lolo for Goutgut."


This franchise is ruined.


Alliance is just that hardcore man.
You thought not looking at explosions was cool? Try walking through radioactive green goo after signing paperwork.