It was almost like he wanted to say he took one out but thought better of it.
Well, not directly. They did it indirectly by providing boosts to the side that was less-represented. Giving them better racials, a better story, new races, giving both sides paladins and shaman. That sort of thing, encouraging people to faction change or roll a character on the other side.
You cant gank low levels on PVE servers. And the endgame in classic is running around ganking low levels.
Generally speaking, more hardcore players trend towards PVP servers.
More hardcore players are also the ones who are aware of and already planning for Classic.
It’s a biased sample set. That’s all. PVE servers will be more populated at release. They always have been and they always will be.
i’ve always played on a pvp server from day 1… 14+yrs ago. why would i wanna play on a pussycat server now?
Looks at where the streamers rolled…
I’m curious if rules will be different for wpvp for pve servers. Like I started on an RP PVE server, and GMs all the time moved people or suspended them for killing lowbies and npcs.
Really I don’t care what server I start on at launch, I’m re-reolling for RP-PVP server as soon as they are up.
What they could do . . .
Put the character creation screen in front of the realm choice screen. Then, when you create your toon and it is time to choose a realm, sort the list so the ones that are shortest in the faction you have chosen float to the top.
You will still be able to get to all the realms. Your ability to roll on any realm you wish will not be impeded. But people who don’t have a particular realm in mind will tend to choose one that benefits faction balance.
Then you choose character name.
Found the rogue.
I’ve played on both servers. Wpvpers on pve servers really start some rivalries. And there’s always some that just grief all day. Wpvp feels really different on pve servers. Kind of more vicious.
Because it is our sworn duty as Alliance to hunt down and smite the horde in the name of the light! (unless my friends change their minds and go horde)
PvP realms will always be the famous realms and will always be most popular. Think what you’d like about the reasoning.
Electing to go PvE is opting out of half the game.
Try paladin. Lol.
I was talking about the beta realms.
And lol no, pve servers are not missing on ‘half’ the game, most of the game IS pve content.
Oh ya, I remember paladin. Had to kill them about 3 times before they finally go down.
Are you really role playing in the world of Warcraft if you have to break immersion to toggle on pvp every time you want to combat the enemy faction?
Games foundations are rooted in faction/racial conflict.
Games foundation is founded in 2 simple rule.
All gear is hunter gear.
By whos yard stick? I barely did any PvE in Vanilla and racked up around 130 days of played. I can understand thinking it’s a “PvE” game if you rolled on a carebear server because that’s true there. Not on a good PvP server though.
I’m not talking about just beta, I’m talking about in general.
I rolled PvE first time around. I’ve always felt that I missed out on some really fun times. I’m 51 now, reflexes are little slower, but I’m rolling PvP. I want some cool stories to tell this time.
“guys. GUYS. listen up. we’re all meeting under the bridge at 5 server time…”
world pvp… hah