I was lucky to be on a server that had rivarlies I guess.
Oh also, pvp servers I did play on, other than certain hubs at certain times, people just ignored eachother so much of time. It was letdown.
I was lucky to be on a server that had rivarlies I guess.
Oh also, pvp servers I did play on, other than certain hubs at certain times, people just ignored eachother so much of time. It was letdown.
Every yardstick? the game is mostly PvE content, always has been.
Did barely any PvE in Vanilla? then you actually did miss most of the game then ,but the real question is, did you do things that YOU enjoyed doing?
Well I was and in beta they are bigger because thats where the streamers went,lol. Also the comment I responded to you only said beta realms :O)
and in general, not really, it has historically been pretty even.
I already had enough instances of being separated from people via sharding and seeing others cause of CRZ. Also I rolled PvE back in vanilla all the way until they changed the server type with the 8.0 pre-patch. Wanna try something new this time.
Ah nice you polled everyone in the beta right now and 100% of people rolled PvP because streamers?
Say what you want, you’re missing out on half the game. Sandbox world PvP is huge. PvPers don’t need Blizzard to spoon feed us content. Raids exist to get better gear for PvP.
Yes there are different rulesets for pvp/pve servers
I’m one of those converts from pve to pvp.
It was sandbox wpvp that made me realize I had missed a whole different angle of the game.
Lol it is pretty obvious ,lol and nowhere did I make a number claim, simply said that is a reason why the population is higher there, even a fraction of the top streamers audience would fill up the server.
Lol no, it is still just ONE activity, one piece of content. If you focus entirely on one aspect of the game, then yes you are missing out, but you are definitely not missing out on ‘half’ the game if you don’t wpvp, that is just silly bias.
is huge to YOU.
I think its pretty obvious , it allows the ability to kill or be killed in the world. Some dont find that fun so to each their own. (pve realms)
And many others.
point is that is just an OPINION,lol.
There is not, nor has there ever been one ‘correct’ way to play/enjoy WoW.
You just want to fish and never do anything else? Yay
You just want to fight over quest hubs all day?yay
You want to quest?yay, but you will run out , Yay?
You want to raid?yay! ,etc.
Want to join the sweatiest PvP guild on the realm full of spicy memes and troll BRM? Roll PvP.
see there you go! :o)
point is that is just an OPINION,lol.
I believe the first time she replied to you, this was the point she was making… You claimed people were missing half the game by not doing pve. An opinion.
Haven’t read all the replies, so it might have been said already; but a lot of people interested in classic are veteran players, and a lot of them have fond memories of pvp skirmishes and events that happened on their server, and how fun it was. Yeah, there are always the drive-bys and the ganking, but pvp was quite different in vanilla than it is now, especially world pvp. The vanilla pvp experience cannot be had in retail atm, and Classic pvp offers the potential of enjoying that again, for those who liked it, and also for those who haven’t experienced it but have heard about the fun times their friends had back in the day. I can see why that might skew people in the direction of pvp servers for Classic.
not really, was being stated as fact, no my claim is that in the end it does not matter, but if you want to be truthful if you did not do any PvE content, then yes you would be missing out on way more than half the game, most of the game is PvE content.
The responses from the PvPers are exactly why you shouldn’t roll on a PvP server.
There is nothing extra from being on a PvP server except some delusional fantasy of being better than everyone else because you took longer to do everything. Grats?
Half the “PvPers” won’t even have the patience to make it to 60 let alone raid.
Are all PvE’ers this extreme? Jeez this comment is over the top.
Opinion again. I can get to 60 in 9 days played an then spend the rest of my time exclusively grinding pvp gear rewards, bgs, and world pvp. I could end up with 130 days played like she mentions. How much of the game was pve to for me?
I play both pve and pvp. As you pointed out when you ran out of other arguments is that it is opinion on whether this is primarily a pve or pvp game. I don’t even care what blizzard says. If there are a significant # of players doing nothing but pvp, it is primarily a pvp game for them.
I spend most of Wrath playing nothing but bgs for hours. It was mostly a pvp game for me during that expansion. It was mostly pve for me during vanilla.
People who pve only are closed minded, small, & not intelligent enough to defeat a live enemy
Honestly, I first rolled on a PvP server back then and that’s why I’m going to do it again.
World PvP is a big aspect of the game especially back in Vanilla. I hate getting ganked while leveling and I try not to gank Alliance if they’re low on health cuz I’m not an butthole
Opinion again. I can get to 60 in 9 days played an then spend the rest of my time exclusively grinding pvp gear rewards, bgs, and world pvp. I could end up with 130 days played like she mentions. How much of the game was pve to for me?
What I said? no it is not opinion, the game is mostly PvE content.
I can get to 60 in 9 days played an then spend the rest of my time exclusively grinding pvp gear rewards, bgs, and world pvp. I could end up with 130 days played like she mentions. How much of the game was pve to for me?
But you did not do solely PvP content as there is so little of it actually in the game compared to PvE content. Now did you ignore all pve content while doing BGs and wpvp is the question.
I play both pve and pvp. As you pointed out when you ran out of other arguments is that it is opinion on whether this is primarily a pve or pvp game.
Lol never ran out of anything, at its core it is a PvE game, but it has a healthy dose of PvP, though much less in Vanilla.
The point really is that is DOESN’T matter, even if you are doing content that is a small part of the overall game as long as you are having fun, that is what matters.
I think that anyone that only does one type is missing out at at least trying all the different things there is to try though.