Why are most people going to a PvP server? ⚔

just make sure if you’re good at pvp, to make videos of your endeavors, so us non-pvpers can live thru you vicariously. sorta like watching people become navy seals and you think to yourself…okay glad that’s not me. :rofl:

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That was not my experience when leveling a pvp server.

and that is coming from someone who doesn’t even step foot in arenas. go figure!

no, ganking is just attacking/killing. griefing is when you camp someone to the point they turn the game off or something similar.

like i said, some people really need to learn what’s going before they try to act adult and participate in a discussion.

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I don’t agree but anyway. People throw this “immersion” word around way too much.


i don’t get it either. to each, their own i say.

WoW pvp has and always will be Carebear pvp :smiley:

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Sadly, Blizzard disagrees. To them that’s just PVP.

I would only play on a PvP server if i was a Rogue or Druid.

Because everyone else is their victim.

I’ve requested that, though, back in vanilla. Having meaningful pvp targets would have been great.

no, it all is Player vs. Player. it’s just that most players have some form of decency.

looks around the forums

Do they?

yeah. just because the forums are full of whiners, griefers, and trolls, it doesn’t mean everyone in the game is as well.

I dunno, it seems pretty accurate to me to make that assessment on live at least.

and you’re entitled to your own opinion… whether it’s right or wrong.

It’s an opinion. It can’t be either one of those.

Facts can be though.

when it’s based off facts and observations, sure they can.

Nah. Opinions will always be subjective, thus never right nor wrong.

…This is a rabbit hole I’d rather not explore though. Word is the rabbit who lives in it likes to bite the heads off clueless knights.


people see things blindly all the time. it doesn’t make them right just because they feel so.

Fair point. I’ll take it.

Still, can we not? I can feel this conversation going to dark places with evil head-chomping rabbits.

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