Why are most people going to a PvP server? ⚔

there’s jackasses on pve servers as well- you’ll always have them regardless where you go or what you do. it’s part of real life.

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It turns out playing on a pvp server actually makes you 20% better than everyone else. It has been carefully calculated.

first off, not sure why the need to repetitively say something 20 times but word it differently each round; it makes no sense.
secondly, this is exactly why they get called “carebears”- no danger or care in the world… just pick an herb here… kill a mob there… but then beats on chest “ugh. we better than everyone! just look at my achieves!”

yeah… big whoop.

Except for right now, when you’re advertising how smugly superior you are for not advertising.

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almost sounds heartfelt, eh?

Ganking happened on pvp servers. Just not to the extremely excessive amount that you pve’ers like to site. Reason is because in the era before arena, patch 3.3, and cross realm, there was good guys running around ready to mete out justice to the bad guys (gankers).

Is Pathfinder half a game if you don’t organize into teams, stop saving the town, and try to kill each other?

Nobody would seriously suggest that lol.

However, you could argue that because of the challenges presented on a pvp server that immersion is more complete, and progression carry’s more weight.

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I was just saying it to be silly.

…I’m actually 25% better. Maybe even 30.

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What an extraordinarily odd thing to say. You seem to have a very skewed view of life on a PVP server.

On a PVP realm, your plans will frequently be disrupted by wPVP. I will say that again - on a PVP realm your plans will frequently be disrupted by wPVP.

That does not mean you are constantly ganked. It doesn’t even mean that you are often ganked. It means that on a PVP realm your plans will frequently be disrupted by wPVP.

Consequently it will take longer to level up, to farm, and to gear up than it would take on a PVE server. You are in direct competition with the other faction and they will sometimes try to interfere with your goals. You are forced to change your plans often. It takes longer, and yes it is more of a challenge and more of an accomplishment when you reach max level.


i much prefer watching other people pvp, especially if they’re good at it. personally, its not the most fun i’ve ever had, when i did engage in it. i prefer pve as i can choose my battles.

seriously, you must have some idea how awful bgs were for alliance in vanilla.

Seems kind of sad. But at least you’re honest.

PVP/PVE - read all the responses and chose to match your temperament and style.

Who do you think YOU would like to play with?

i’m a fan of vurtne but i wouldnt want to be killed by him lol (this is hyperspace). i’m happy to roll with people who are a bit more…lighthearted? wow is not a serious game. its very tongue in cheek. the races are mostly caricatures.

This is something I agree with wholeheartedly.

But for me that means not getting upset by anything - it is just a game.

i’ll add that being nearly old enough to qualify for social security, i find my patience level waning along with my eyesight and other vital functions. lol if i need to finish an objective and can’t because i’m being corpse camped, i’d lose interest rather quickly, log out and go play pve. :joy:

The easy answer? Population.

The TL;DR answer?

People have some weird complex, myself most of the time included, where we like to get absolutely destroyed by someone ganking and then fight them for honor. Many times losing anyway, but w/e. Also this leads to calling friends in to kill them, for our honor. which will end up in them calling friends in, for their honor.

Long story short PVP realms have a great potential to have massive samurai battles very frequently. And as much as PVE is preferred for world first raiding content, no one can get over those sweet sweet honor battles.

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Ganking = Griefing.

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And that, dear friends, is why PvP players get the bad reputation they so richly deserve.


Squirrel. .

need a squirrel gang, in the vein of ooga gang.
their names would be things like nutz, acornz, chipz, breadcrumbz, kernelz, seedz. ya know all that meme worthy stuff.