Why are most people going to a PvP server? ⚔

I try? Not everyone will accept it. And those are the people that, at the end of the day (or week, considering how long some of these threads are going on), I’ll ignore if there was no progress made. I suggest doing the same, but with less… hyperbolic stances. Because both sides have been pretty wrong along here.

PvE players are exaggerating the stories to the extreme.

PvP players are being rude as heck about it, and trying to flex.

Both are silly. Both are wrong. But both will do what they want to do at the end. I only hope there’s less insulting between them, and more understanding and accepting of other peoples’ gaming experiences.

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I think what we need is for someone to post a “Convince me to roll on a pve server” thread so we can hash things out again under that context. I have doubts that it would reach 800+ responses like this one has though.

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Vanilla is the worst version of WoW PvE. Vanilla is the best MMORPG PvP ever created and the best WoW PvP.

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I’m looking forward to battlegrounds but I’ll quite happily keep my world and battlegrounds separated. :wink:


Like any sane, decent player would.

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Like any sane, decent, PVE player would. FTFY

Don’t talk down on others just because you disagree with their likes. Let them enjoy what they enjoy, especially if it doesn’t affect you, considering you won’t be playing with them.

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This just sounds terrible, lol.

…but that is also part of the draw to pvp servers for me. There are players of all sorts. Folks who might destroy you right when you’re about to kill the last guy guarding the quest item you need. Folks who will leave you alone. Folks who will jump in and help you and folks who will stand there and watch you die. Many other types as well.

And you can call out in gen chat for whoever will come. And when they do, it’s on!

I can still remember the old barrens chat; “2 Alliance 60’s in Ratchet”…and boy did the Calvary show up!

Someone earlier said something about the world being more alive because of the chance someone might show up and attack or kill you. I agree 100%.

I’m a terrible pvp’er but I’ll always play on a pvp server. It only adds to the experience.

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ganking is mad fun and pvp servers back in the day had better players

Initially, I’ll probably be rolling with my old guild on a PvP server. It should be a blast with everyone around the same levels. Stranglethorn vale will be corpse strewn.

On the other hand, I will certainly roll a character on a PvE realm and it will likely see more time played simply because I like the more relaxing atmosphere. But I can take my time leveling it, as I won’t need to worry about falling behind the pack in regards to PvP.

Best of both worlds. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You enjoy something different to me? What an insane, degenerate, terrible excuse for a person you must be…

Do you not realise how ridiculous you sound when you say things like that? It’s quite funny, actually.


That guy is just a jerk though and in the vast minority of players. There’s this idea that like 2/3 level 60s on pvp servers live to troll stv and hillsbrad for some reason. Truth is almost nobody does that. it’s boring. The only exception being if they were leveling an alt and you or someone on your faction did something douchey to them and now they’re out for vengence.


Exactly. In a classic pvp server there was good guys around to mete out justice to the bad guys. Unlike in the post arena implementation, post 3.2 , post cross realm zone world.

The world that slowly pulled many ‘good guy’ pvp’ers out of the world because of the streamlined prospect of good gear. Leaving a veritable vacuum filled by barely opposed gankers.


ERP. That’s what’s behind the tree. Promiscuous Night Elves in every bush.

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Because you’re only playing half a game otherwise…

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Yes. Ive been trying to explain this. Pvp servers offer a more full immersion than pve. And imo, a greater sense of accomplishment from progression because of the challenges of a pvp server. Perhaps only a Rp-pvp server could do it better.

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The first guild that I ever joined and stuck with to make long lasting real friends was only because of world PVP.

I was a lowbie getting camped by a hunter and warrior. I asked in general chat if anyone could help. I immediately got invited to a group and this priest showed up and wrecked some face. I watched him chase them all over a Arathi Highlands until more alliance showed up and started to put the screws to him. Immediately 10 other people joined our party (this is also when I found out you can’t farm mobs for a quest while in a raid group) and within a few minutes they all showed up and engaged in what for me was my very first experience of a large scale world battle in a video game. I thought it was so awesome that these complete strangers dropped everything they were doing to come help some lowbie getting ganked. I immediately dropped the guild I was in and joined “Alliance Disposal Squad” and stuck with them for several years until real life drifted everyone in different directions.

Nowadays I gank lowbies not just because I suck in a fair fight and have no life, but because I want to help others make new friends. :wink:


Erobos described the scenario that most pve players try to make out as the norm and Fooki notes that this was rare for them. It was rare for me as well. The scenario isn’t pleasant, no one likes being camped for hours. I actually don’t think I’ve ever been camped for hours. Just camped excessively by someone I had no chance against. Again super rare.

This is not the same as the normal situation on pvp servers where to run into someone near your level and have a fight. Or get jumped by someone near your level and have a back and forth that is fun for 30 minutes or whatever. Or get jumped by someone too high for you so you grab your alt to level the field.

So we can have it both ways. It can be more challenging and I became a better player for it. And the ganking that Erobos described also almost never happens.


the 9 years horde or the 6 years of alliance afterwards?

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seems to me that people associate “ganking” with what should be considered “griefing”. getting attacked out in the world is all a part of pvp servers; that’s the thrill most of us enjoy- that anticipation of never knowing when someone may be near and attack you for picking their herb or something. griefing, on the other hand, is that BS like i described rarely happened to me because i know how to fight back and am not some lonely prey.

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Back when NOST (private server) was still around, they had the highest active membership of any server out there today. It was PvE.

PvP have to advertise, like they think is something important. PvE’ers don’t feel the need to advertise.