Why are mass reports still abusable?

Just trying to advertise my era gdkp in game with this macro:

/4 Coin Crusaders GDKP clearing all raids and looking for more. MC on Tuesday, BWL Thursday, and Naxx or AQ40 on Sunday. See (discord link removed) for signups.

And get hit with a in game warning that I was mass reported for inappropriate language:

"Warning - Communication
Your recent communication behavior is not in line with how most World of Warcraft players communicate.
You have been reported multiple times for Language, and further reports may result in you losing privileges or being suspended.

Please help create the best possible World of Warcraft community by staying positive and not resorting to hateful, discriminatory, obscene, or disruptive messages."

Now I and the other admins feel like we cannot say anything in public chat channels to advertise it or fill groups if people can just abuse automated reporting to potentially ban us. How are those reporting me not getting in trouble for abusing the reporting system?

Because that’s not considered abuse. People are allowed to report other people’s chat. What you received was simply a warning that others had reported you. It could have been for spam too or perhaps other players are tired of seeing GDKP messages constantly.


I was reported for language…that doesn’t make any sense.

The warning just indicates that others on your realm find what you are saying to be inappropriate or spam, etc… and it encourages you to examine what you may be doing.

If I had to guess, I’d say part of the issue is that you are referring to discord. Referring to third party platforms is generally considered shady.

Are you advertising on the character that is running it or using a level 1? The message should be coming from the character that will be participating.

Finally, Perl is correct, folks are tired of the endless spam and doing what they can to curb it.

Not everyone will select the correct category when reporting. We don’t generally fault them for that.


I’m just going by what you posted. You said that the warning was “Warning - Communication…”

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The message was posted from this character, a nearly full BIS rogue who runs the GDKP. And I cannot imagine people thinking discord is a shady platform, literally the whole gaming community uses it at this point. These seem like some lame excuses to invalidate my complaint that people can mass report others to trigger warnings/possible bans.

No account action is automated. All of them are reviewed by a GM before getting handed out.

At the worst, if that’s your full post, you might get in trouble for spamming, but even then I suspect an opt-in channel wouldn’t risk it.


Not that Discord is, but taking discussions to discord can be.

I’m not invalidating your complait, Fleeced, I’m simply explaining why people might report, as it is part of our Advertisement policy.

I should also clarify though, this is not a contact point to file a complaint. If you have an issue with how something works, you’ll want to submit your suggestions to our Game Developers. There is an option to do so in the in-game interface under Support in the main menu.


Are you saying it does or doesn’t fall under the advertising policy? I see no mention specifically of GDKP groups in it. If so please clarify how it pertains to my group specifically. And what are the possible ramifications if people keep reporting us?

So far I’m just seeing explanations of why people could feel justified in reporting me. But no concrete reason of here is why, here is what you can or cannot do in advertising your gdkp, etc.

I see you listing it in /4 - make sure you are ONLY advertising in Trade. You can be reported and will be sanctioned for posting that in General or LFG.


That seems counter intuitive, I’m not selling anything, I’m forming groups.

Gold is involved. There have been a number of threads about this lately. It’s not something debatable. You can only advertise services in Trade. GDKP falls under services.

You are welcome to try and keep at it, but you have been warned. People get sanctioned for posting where they shouldn’t.


That is what I’m looking for clarity on, is there a blue post outlining that?


That literally doesn’t list a channel lol, the other info is good to see though.

Also, another question – in which version of the game are you doing these GDKP runs?

Classic Era

Well, a lot of gold selling and buying is done over discord and so is RMT


Not Season of Discovery, I hope?

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New policy doesn’t go into effect for five more days, unfortunately.