Why are classic players against dungeon finder / dual spec?

How to know you can ignore a post, step 1:

It begins with this statement

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Because it removes the importance of ones reputation, so people just be dicks, and it doesnt matter. It decreases the social behavior aspect of the game, and just lets you sit around in queues.

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This is why I believe most that support the DF tool believe it should not be cross realm. This can be in the game, but only for your realm.

This way you do not get the anonymous players, just those on your own realm.


That would be fine.

Well I say most, that is a false assumption on my part. Let me say that there are SOME that support the DF tool, but want it to be realm only.

I still know I will probably get the “Stop speaking for everyone” response though.

dungeon finder should be obvious, it’s an anti social feature to a heavily social game. Dual spec however, majority of players want.

ya you shouldnt be able to swap specs in a raid

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Why do you think? Keep changing the game until you have war tables noob

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People who think this way are basically in a cult.

Dungeon finder was great for a lot of people and didn’t harm anyone. People who struggled to find groups actually got to play the content. People who only wanted to play with their friends could still do so and could actually get to the dungeon faster. The game continued to have challenging content options after automatic queue options were added (and even queued heroics weren’t faceroll at the start of some expansions).

Faster dungeon access is great both via an automated system or summoning stones. Respecting people’s free time does not hurt the game.

There’s a lot of issues with WoW, but making content more accessible was never one of those problems. It was frequently complained about by a certain kind of person, but it was basically just scapegoating nonsense.

People always say things like this. It’s never been true. When you pug a dungeon in classic, people barely speak. At all. When you pug a dungeon with an automated queue system, people barely speak. It’s exactly the same in terms of socializing. People also hardly ever are particularly awful in automated dungeons in my experience of having run hundreds if not thousands of them over the years. Every once in awhile, sure, but it’s not this endless toxic nightmare a lot of people seem to pretend it is when criticizing it.

Reputation? lol. Even on small classic servers most people don’t know, care about or remember 90% of the other players playing on their server outside of their guild (sometimes even the people in it).

Cross realm means you get to play with friends on your friends list that are on other servers. Cross realm options opened up social potential in the game, it didn’t remove it. You already can play BGs with people on other servers, being able to run into them in dungeons or even group with them and queue with them would be an improvement in terms of social aspects of the game.

I see people on like 5 different classic servers on my friends list. I can’t play with them all like I can in retail. Yet classic purists insist classic is the more social version of the game? lol.

Where are you getting authentic from? The players are different now than they were then. Since it’s really the players that make the game what it is, we have absolutely no chance at an authentic experience.

Dungeon finder and raid finder would be great tbh

Cross realm tech did indeed allow us to play with our friends across servers, yeah… but more often than not, folks using the dungeon finder are grouped up with random folks from where ever. I can see both positive and negative outcomes.

This also happens, though I don’t personally view it as a negative. I view that as another positive for people who don’t have a lot of friends or can’t get into a regular group for whatever reason. It’s also nice for people who are short on time and maybe there’s not many or any people on their own server looking for a group right then etc.

Yeah, that aspect can be great. But you do have a higher chance of ending up with turds in your party.

that’s just a misconception that people cling to…

Nothing is stopping you from being as social or antisocial as you want. You don’t even have to use lfd, or you can party with friends and queue.

lfd doesn’t make you antisocial.

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I’m against dungeon finder because it is the road that leads to the highway of avoiding each other in game.

But I’m not against dual spec. I think they could even modify it to add a heavy penalty and I’d still be okay, as long as the functionality is there.

Hell even if they KEPT the cost but let me save templates and respec where I stand, I’d be fine. There wouldn’t be much of a way to explain how I magically lost 50g in the middle of Terrokar forest or some thing but whatever.

Dual spec is just such a naturally “good feeling” feature in WoW that there’s no way I would be against it being added.

Complaining that dual spec keeps too much gold in the economy is like complaining that your kid left his bedroom light on when your neighbor has been stealing electricity from you. It’s small fish compared to the gold problem caused by RMT.

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I really don’t like dual spec, but perhaps some system that existed in TBC could be tuned to give convenience, but just at a lesser penalty of the 50g (at max cost).

If it’s where people just want a second set to change to, it should require some inconvenience to balance the convenience such as:

  • Only available at class trainer
  • Only allows changing once per 24 to 48 hours (can tune)


  • First swap is free a week, second is max cost

The thing with classic wow is that there should be a tradeoff. Having everything at your fingertips is lazy and pandering as well as running counter to intended design. As the xpac between the original design and the QoL grab bag in wotlk, at best it should give something in the middle-ground (similar to the LFG system updates :clap:

The reason there is the cost is that there should be a decision that is made before making a large change to your character. This is far more interesting because yes it’s inconvenient, but that’s the point and players can work to mitigate this with planning their week of activities over the week. Or, players can specialize (which I think is what was intended) instead of trying to be the best at everything.

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Then you don’t pay attention.


Or exaggerating a single or untrue perspective to try and lend “reputation” to his future arguments and generalizations? :thinking:

What is this…thread number 4 on this where you refuse to listen to anyone? So much for ONE thyme.