Why are classic players against dungeon finder / dual spec?

It’s no secret that the classic #nochanges crowd is vehemently against the 58 boost. They argue that the game begins at lvl 1, to which I agree. TBC added many improvements to the leveling experience. However, I don’t really care about the boost being added to the game.
I agree that the leveling process is important. Which is why leveling improvements like single-realm DF/dual spec should be an easy choice.
-DF provides an additional choice to leveling and meeting people of similar level you may have not met otherwise. (p6 world is pretty empty for a new player)
-Dual spec provides an additional choice of role (good in a role playing game)
Respec gold sink doesn’t really work. The people who farm the gold to constantly switch do and the people who don’t just dont respec.

How can people who claim the leveling experience is integral to the game (while afk boosting SM) be against such leveling QOL changes? These 2 improvements can breathe life into any server.


You will get those things in Wrath. Is it too much to ask to just enjoy TBC?


I’m not against dual spec but I am against dungeon finder. It creates world of queuecraft, where you just in the major city and the game becomes a multiplayer lobby rather than an online world.

I think the game is better when you have to form dungeons organically and travel out into the world to do them.


As long as you promise not to riot when we get them in wotlk.

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As opposed to sitting in a major city spamming a macro in trade and lfg chat?


The most damaging and community-killing aspects of dungeon finder are the cross realm part and the port to the instance, IMO. So having it on a single realm with no port probably wouldn’t be the end of the world.

But I think people grossly overestimate how useful it would be for finding groups. People think they’ll always be able to just press a button and find a group like they do in retail, but in single realm, the pool of players to draw upon would be much, much smaller.

The LFG channel already does a pretty good job of matching up players who want to run a particular dungeon, IMO, and if a group can’t be found on LFG channel, it’s probably because there simply aren’t enough people that want to run that particular dungeon online at that particular moment. And single-realm dungeon finder is not going to help with that problem. It’s not going to conjure up players out of thin air.

Dual spec, IMO, changes the gameplay significantly. It’s part of the whole homogenization of the classes trend over the course of WoW’s evolution, which a lot of people think made the game more bland. Suddenly every hybrid is a jack of all trades that can fill every role with a quick spec swap.

The original developers obviously wanted players to feel relatively unique in their spec, for their character to have an identity tied to their spec, and for different specs to add flavor to the game. Not being able to respec (or respec easily) was a core aspect of RPG design at the time this game was made. They didn’t WANT players respeccing unless absolutely necessary, IMO. The inconvenience/cost of it is intended to discourage it.

Plus, dual spec makes raids significantly easier because players can swap specs from fight to fight, to add/subtract specced tanks and healers as needed. TBC content was not tuned with it in mind. And with the other modern metas, raids are already going to be much easier than they were back then.

TBC is the best version of WoW ever released, IMO. I think it will be just fine without those two modern features.


Yes because you each still need to venture into the world and make it to the dungeon rather than queue a game of forkknife.


never saw the appeal of the walking simulator, especially when you’ve already seen it b4. plus in tbc you just fly there in 5 min


Wrath was perfectly fine for over a year without the 3.3 random dungeon finder. We didn’t need the rdf then. And if we get wrath classic we definitely wont need it then.


This player gets it.


sounds like the deal is off. Going to ask for dungeon finder in tbc now


You have it backwards. If I can queue anywhere then ill go do something in the open word. If I have to spam chat, then I am stuck in town.

I’ve been at a dungeon with 4 people trying to find a 5th countless times. I often have to hearth back to town to spam, then make my way back.


Dungeon Finder removes any form of interaction with other players. if you press buttons and form a group there isn’t even a hello you do the content and leave.
As for Dual Spec if they throw it in the game they probably won’t patch a heap of things such as people might join an arena and changes specs if they see certain classes as in other aspects of the game.
People who play healers and tanks in TBC just like Classic are set with that spec and have more value in the game.
Respec just cap out and takes a few respecs before it does, its the same the other way as time goes on the amount of gold to respec drops but i can’t remember how long that is.
I see it more so that just like Layering it sounded good at the time and as usual people found ways to abuse it. Dual Spec it will be no different.

People have choice they can level with other people in the open world or as you said they can jump in SM and pay for Mage Carries. completely up to the person. but that is choice as is paying Blizzard for a Boost. you rush though all the content though you will have a drought later. you are better off enjoying 1-70 but hey… everyone to their own.


So are you for players having choices or against it? Very confusing comment.
If someone wants to dungeon que up thats their choice right? Doesnt stop you from questing or finding a group by spamming chat.
And comparing layering to dual spec?? It’s just a choice to use 1 out of 2 preset talent tree choices. No way to abuse it.


Who was it written for if not people on the forum you posted it on?

Seriously, answer that question.

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LFG channel, your point just got GG’d

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I don’t think an automated LFG system should be added into any classic version including WotLK

I would like to see a no automated system though. If you want to tank a dungeon you add yourself to the list of available tanks and if you’re looking for a tank you can see the list of ta is looking for group.

Allows people to more easily signal their desire to run a dungeon without removing the community or accountability from the system


I can see it being added with ICC in LK.

IMO it wouldn’t be so bad at that point, the game was starting to be designed around the dungeon finder.

But I certainly would protest it being added anytime before then, the community would probably riot.

i am of the reality that i am not a major shareholder of blizzard so what i want has no impact on the game. personally i don’t think boost to 58 should exist but even if everyone in this game signed a petition to have it removed it will make no difference. but i also value that people have the right to make their own choices in the game and life. so if they want to make a shortcut and pay for a boost i wouldn’t refuse to play with a player that chose to do that. Think we just need to accept the facts for the facts.

I am comparing the lack of thinking out how layering was going to work and throwing it in the game instead of lifting how many people could login at once.
Blizzard pretty much had to remove it from the game as people found ways to get gameplay. world PVP, oh no the opposite faction is approaching. sent invite request to a different layer party join party and watch them disappear running toward you. Can’t find black lotus jump layers to find spawns increase farming in the game. jump into a raid find ways to get layered and a boss to respawn. you don’t think they’d be some kind of bug where you could change specs when you shouldn’t?

it better be in from the start, like everything else. Sick of this boomer nonsense and chat spam