Why are classic players against dungeon finder / dual spec?

MASSIVELY!!! come on dude it just makes something that already exists in the game more convenient.

He’s a troll. Ignore him.

“I disagree with him so he’s a troll”

Grow up man, that’s literally infant behavior.

Hey man, just using your own words.

It has a lot more knock on effects than you might think.

I can see your point, it would be more convenient, but convenience does not make the game better necessarily. Retail is a perfect example of that.

We will have said features in WotLK. I want my TBC classic experience. Stop trying to make the game be more and more like retail. We will eventually get there, but let’s take our sweet time and enjoy the ride huh?

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-I don’t care if the boost is there or not.
-I’m against Raid/Group Finder (not LFG). Autofinding and joining a Raid/Group kills social interaction since you most likely won’t encounter those randoms again.
-I am perfectly fine with a dual spec.

You can’t be using retail to make bad examples for everything man, it has a lot of bad things yes but a lot of good too, and dual spec was always one of the most beloved features,

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You’ll get dual spec in Lich King Classic. Only another 2 years~ and you’ll have it.

I can’t seem them adding it at this point, they would have announced it ages ago.

Pretty much every QoL fearure of retail was long demanded by the players. I suspect people griping about it either didn’t play then, or have very rosey glasses.

Name 2

Any impact that dual spec has can also be done with 100g which, with the current classic economy, is very cheap

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Dungeon finder I feel is better left out, as I feel like it actually would take away from the original TBC experience. With how important reputations are for attunements, being able to freely queue for dungeons would drastically alter the questing experience

Dual spec I’m neutral on. I don’t believe it would have a significant impact on the actual experience, and as someone planning to play Warrior I’d like to have separate specs for tank and dps, but I’m not clamoring for it either

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100g is a lot of gold. For any player.

I truly CBF getting into a full debate about Dual Spec. Lets just agree to disagree.

Respec cost is 50 not 100, and its true a lot of players like myself are sitting on 50k+ gold from gdkps, respecing is just a mild inconvenience.

It’s 100g to go both ways I assume that the person speccing out of their main spec will also have to spec back into it. When I tanked for people in TBC they gave me 100g to go prot then back to fury

Edit: added words for clarification

There we go. Inexperienced and low level players always have this mentality or at least argument about “bis lists” and “whatever the stream tells you”.

If you’re blindly following guides then you’re doing it wrong. If you blindly ignore data and research and sims then you’re doing it wrong. There’s a balance.

And now the data shows as long as you hit certain things in your talent tree you’ll maximize your talent based dps. Everything else is w/e.

Any spec you have for raiding will be more than adequate for dungeons. It’s not like M+ builds and raid builds in retail. Your pve dps build is not going to change because you’re in a dungeon or 10 man.

You could swap some very minor utility things but it won’t noticeably affect your performance.

Okay, so tell me. Show me the builds and show me the parses/segments or sims that clearly show a significant increase in dps. Because no one has ever even been able to link builds to support this wild claim.

And you think people are going to use their second spec for a theoretical, negligible dps gain?
Not for pvp?
Or healing?
Or tanking?
Or specific farming?

They’re going to swap around for an imaginary bonus. Sure. You kids do that.

This just oozes, self centered, pretentious drivel.

If you don’t want to use the dual spec, don’t. Or better yet, you can now have 2 kinds of sub-optimal builds that are negligible between each other. Wouldn’t that be fun?

Most people, especially healers and tanks, will gladly welcome the dual spec and the game as a whole will benefit from players having more freedom and choice. Again, especially healers and tanks who we desperately need more of.

You wanna call others narrow minded but then you hyper focus on your own personal preference of being “nobly suboptimal” for no reason.

Not something I expected you to understand. You asked a question, I answered it. I have zero interest in having a debate.

I got nothing against BIS lists, so I dont know where you got it. I said I enjoy trying to figure out things that apply to my specific situation and wants/desires. Once you made up something I didn’t say I stopped reading.

I wish you a good day.


Regina harder to get dungeons in Classic now in ultra late phase 6, but I typically get 1 or 2 per play session.

Look into your servers discord, every server has one, mine has many channels for just about ever kind of classic wow activity. There is a few groups of levelers that I play with, trick is don’t get too far ahead or too far behind. If you play a lot make some other alts and start leveling those so you can stay with the pack and keep em all on friends list and let them know you are on so they can send tell when there is enough for a dungeon or mini raid like UBRS.

Once you hit 60 look for soft res groups, it’s a really good system and ultra fair.

Don’t get too focused on certain items; remember your armor is every bit as important as a weapon or that trinket you may want.

Good luck, it’s all about using your resources wisely.

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You already were, don’t be disingenuous.

go back to retail idiot. what an absolute shame it will be when people like you ruin our one chance at an authentic tbc experience by demanding countless changes. seriously just give it a rest