Why are classic players against dungeon finder / dual spec?

Yes pretty well every Classic player has paid for a boost here or there.

What’s bad about it? You see the add in LFG, you whisper the guy, you pay your gold and you get the run.

It’s an age old tradition, services for money.

If players have the option of going AFK while they get XP so they can watch a movie etc, they will always take it.

LFG wouldn’t do anything to stop that.

Yeah agree, they were childsplay if you did them with a guild group who actually communicated.

People were just so used to LK heroics where you could just run and gun.

Mmmm, some of them were definitely overturned, especially for launch. Plague guys in lost city and a lot of stone core mobs.

But overall having to plan a pull on the most basic level of “kill this, cc this, interrupt, this” is a good thing and cata was the closest we had to that since TBC T4. And I don’t even know if heroics will require any CC with current experience.

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I havnt met anyone who is against dual spec, it would be a very welcomed change.

As far as DF

One of my favorite things about classic is the old rpg elements like your reputation, server identity and community. (You could say these are all the same things) I also play retail, and honestly DF Is the most anti-social element of the game, despite its goal to bring people together. Everyone is disposable which leads to rage quits and toxicity with no consequences because you will never see them again.

Classic dungeon finding is you meeting people on your server, around your level, and you have to go out of your way to get everyone to the dungeon.
Now, let’s say you go through all that work, and you find out your tank is new to the game, wipes the group etc. What do you think happens to that group in a dungeon finder environment? They leave, and possibly flame him.
In classic, if someone leaves, the dungeons done and all that time is wasted. People are naturally much more committed to making it through, and helping each other along the way.

We can sit here and argue pros and cons for hours. Dungeon finder is in retail and we know all about what luxuries it offers, but also the loneliness it brings along with it. Classic was suppose to bring us back to the good days of wow before the game got washed to what it is today. #somechanges are welcome, but let’s keep the game centered around its values.


no one knows who you are

this is a egotistical fantasy you’ve cooked up in your head

No one is helping you to the dungeon in some kumbaya bonding moment. We are afk 20 mins waiting for you to get there.

Right, in classic you’re trapped there, and either way, you have wasted an hour of your limited game time. That’s when you see really toxic stuff

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I am onboard with the LFG bulletin board type thing we will get in TBC where people post what they are offering or looking for and people can recruit from there.

What I am not interested in is the system matching groups for me with zero communication.

Also I don’t want dual spec but it is for personal enjoyment reasons. I like having to make trade offs and compromises in my talenting and gearing. It makes it more fun. With dual spec all of that goes away.

And no this isn’t one of those “well don’t buy it” situations since it is so vastly superior that it actually feels bad choosing to not have it.

Also playing an MMO and not wanting to be social is kinda…counter productive is the nicest way I can put it I suppose.


This is an argument that people use and it always confuses me because how do you even come to this conclusion?

It’s so absurd and wrong I just have to know what wild logic you used to get to this.

What don’t you understand? some talents are good for heroics and some talents are good for raids. Maybe I want to include quality of life stuff so I can do a little more in between raids. If I want to make one spec for all of it, I have to weigh different factors and make a decision. Maybe that means the optimal game play requires adjustments from the norm. Maybe it means I gear differently than the lists that people have optimized for a specific spec in a narrow format.

I enjoy trying to find the niche that works well while not being the “standard”. Might it suck? Sure, but that’s something for me to figure out, and having to invest each time forces a level of commitment to give it a shot.

With dual spec it’s just make a heroics spec and make a raid spec. Shift 2-3 pieces of gear based on content, done.


Have you ever heard of this channel called LFG, that’s global?

I don’t think you actually play Classic, but yes, there are server communities and reputations that have developed over many months of experiences with a lot of the same people.


Yeah being stuck in town to find groups was something we did in 2005/6 but classic has had the global channels on every server as far as I know.


same server dungeon finder I’m not opposed to as long as it doesn’t teleport you to the place. No crossrealm and no instant teleport to the location.

I like dual spec for tbc, makes PvP less of a hassle to enter.

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LFD crossrealm is bad, retail group finder would be great.

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Yes, but a lot of people aren’t looking at it. It’s filled with so much spam that you have to put it in another tab. Spamming trade and lfg makes it much faster.

On my hunter 4 months after release doing dungeons was a joke. Hours/days trying to find a group.

There are already systems in game to help you form a dungeon.

What most people DESPISE is auto grouping that also teleports you to a dungeon and its cross server…

The reason people hate this is because the quality of the players drops due to really toxic laziness that is oh so common in retail because of this automatic wheelchair ramp crap.

The fact that you gotta be involved in the grouping process in Classic actually makes the dungeons even if slower to get more enjoyable, it does not eliminate toxic players but it certainly does reduced the toxicity a lot.

I play both retail and Classic, and I will tell ya without the LFD system and all that nonsense the game experience is literally 10X better.


I have played both retail and classic as well. Currently leveling in prep for TBCC. Almost 60 now and I’ve been able to run 2 maybe 3 dungeons due to classic players being toxic or the horrid world buff meta or just people in general boosting their alts because its faster. Classic has been a terrible experience from the perspective of a new player coming in late game.
DF would put a huge dent in - if not eliminate - mage boosting and cause people to actually play their alts.

They’re the equivalent to that old guy down the street with the tattered, unlit American Flag flying 24/7, rain or shine, who yells “get off my lawn!” To all the local kids.

Two things:

First, there’s no guarantee we will get Wrath Classic. We “assume” it’s a given, but we don’t know for sure it will even happen.

Second, they’ve said there were limitations of things they could do back when this game was original and that had they the technology and the time they probably would have done them sooner.

I’m not saying they should or shouldn’t do these things, however, there’s no good reason we can come up with that they SHOULDN’T do these things now that they have the ability.

It’s a rehash of an old game. Let’s be honest, there are things that can be changed that won’t change the overall experience of the game so greatly that they can’t be added.

Would dual spec hurt on the second go-round AT ALL? I’m going with “no, it will be fine”.

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As others have pointed out, dual spec has a lot of knock on effects.

It changes the game massively.


It’s a QoL change that improved things massively when it hit. I’m all for it.

Yup, there it is. He’s an anti-social lazy player who wants things done for him.

No progress in retail, and no progress in classic. But thinks they know it all, lol.

Get to 60 and start running alt/pug SR raids. You’ll figure out how things actually work after a few weeks.