Why are classic players against dungeon finder / dual spec?

How would LFD kill boosting?

The two aren’t really connected in anyway. People don’t buy boosts because that’s the only way to do the Dungeon they buy them because it’s the highest xp/hr

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Ahh interesting, has been like a decade so I didn’t remember that.

Either way, I think the community would be OK with LFG so long as it was added when it was added in the original game.

I wouldn’t really care if they didn’t add it.

Toxic players will never go away. Next.

Nothing will prevent you from being social. Next.

I honestly don’t even know what this means tbh. Its old content either way it likely won’t be challenging until t6.

Lol why would it kill boosting? Players will always find the fastest possible route.

There’s no chance actually playing the game instead of being boosted would be faster.

Back in OG Lich King there was an exploit near ICC where you could tag high level mobs and have a booster kill them, was massively popular.


Because leveling alts via dungeons is super quick, and far more enjoyable than boosting or questing. The market for boosts would dry up quick.


More enjoyable than sitting AFK while you watch a movie? Yeah nah, most people would rather AFK.


I could, but I won’t lol

After all, you’ve made up your mind, and I don’t really care to change it anyways. Go ahead and want LFG, I don’t care

Why? you can press enter up enter every other min to spam while doing other activities.

You can use chat while inside of a dungeon?

Seems like a bad faith argument after you’ve said something like this.


It causes you to form relationships as well. LFD was nothing but random awquardness where everyone was a no one.


You need to remember the 3 types.

Group Finder - This is what is coming in TBC and is basically a list of premade groups looking for more members. It is not cross realm and will not automatically find you a group or teleport you.
This is perfectly fine and is plenty for TBC. This is the system that I would like because taking LFG spam and making it more manageable and efficient.

Dungeon Finder - Came in near the end of Wrath. Automatically groups you with others and teleports you to the dungeon. This system will not work well in TBC because you need more control of who is in your group to complete many heroic dungeons.
In preraid gear you’d need to CC a fair amount.
In raid gear you can zerg down most packs but you need the gear.
LFD takes control away from players in a very negative way.
Teleportation is bad for the game world. I’ve had a lot of fun chaotic times running to instances.
This would encourage more dungeon spamming which is bad for the game world’s density and health.
It encourages negative behaviours of entitlement and non-committal attitudes.

Honestly it’s just a bad idea and I hope they decide to move forward with just LFG and scrap LFD/R entirely because it’s clearly a big part of the cultural decline in WoW.

Raid Finder - Anyone who has actually played retail, you know with a real guild and raid team, knows LFR is a septic wound that hemorrhages puss.
It’s toxic, it takes forever, it gives worse rewards than M+, only shows the absolute worst aspects of group content, and just generates frustration and negative, anti social behaviours.
Kill it on retail and never let it be seen again.

As for “meeting new people”, you can do that with LFG. Having LFD do all the work for you and automate so much you lose more social interactions and promote a mentality of “queue, zug, queue”. Classic is working and feeling as good as it is because the systems force you to be more patient, and social to succeed.

The only people against dual spec are the raid noobs who make wild claims about guilds “forcing them to switch specs for each trash/boss”. Which is just the dumbest claim.
The people who say stuff like this have little to no understanding of their own class, much less other’s.
Until you show me segments/parses or sims to prove a reliable 5% or more damage increase by switching talents you’re just making things up.
Spoiler: You can’t and you’re making things up. Almost all bosses are either single target or cleave and any aoe is trash or just a brief target switch to nuke down.
There is no benefit to swapping talents for bosses that would make it a guild requirement.
And if it is in your guild well then you’re probably in a bad guild or one that is taking itself too seriously. Go to a different guild. GOSH, IT’S THAT EASY!

Meanwhile the benefits of dual spec is huge convenience for classes that already require a lot of maintenance and work. Healers/tanks.

So let’s see, made up stuff about forced spec swapping for trash by dunning kruger raid leaders?


More tanks and healers because it’s way easier to just swap to/from them for content they want to actually play in that moment?

I’ll take the harmless increase in quality of life for healers/tanks.

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Your not afk, you’re constantly running in and out of the dungeon and finding new boosters, because the current one sucks. Selling your crap in town. Ohh this mage died too, 20 min break for him to get zanza.

I boosted 5 alts. It freaking sucks. It’s nothing like how the youtubers make it look. The only satisfaction I got was not paying for the last run of the day.

Toxic players may not go away but if I’m picking who gets in my group I can elect to not play with them. Hence player accountability.

I didn’t say you couldn’t be social I said there is a lack of community please read words before responding to them. Without LFG there is a reason to add tanks and healers to your friends list with LFG there is less of a reason to do that

If you don’t know what that means you likely didn’t play in Wrath or Cata. Cata launched with hard heroics based around a similar difficulty to BC’s as opposed to the easy heroics that Wrath had. People queued into them with LFG and because they had no communication or connection to each other they didn’t put in the work to coordinate and do the Dungeon. As a result Blizz had to nerf the heroics.

Leveling alts through the Dungeon finder is MUCH slower than doing it through mage boosts. Especially as a DPS. As a tank or a healer with instant queues it’s closer but as a DPS waiting 15-30mins in between dungeons it’s honestly not much faster than just questing

Most people would prefer to do that rather than actually running dungeons.

There is no doubt in my mind. Players will always take the laziest and easiest way out.

Yep thats the good one

It certainly does not. There is nothing stopping you from preforming group and queing.

Then you’ll love this part - you can preform your group and then que, or just run there

Yep. You can add them and que together!

Ive played since vanilla but okay

You could preform but people will always take the path of least resistance therefore greatly limiting the number of people available for groups not in the Dungeon finder

And if you’ve played since classic you would have known what happened in Cata with heroics

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Just ignore this guy, he’s clearly just looking for attention.

All he’s done is troll when anybody has provided any feedback on his idea what so ever.

He probably lives alone and needs the attention on the forums to keep him going.

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And why support them with a system that encourages anti-social behaviour and non-commital attitudes?

If you try to engage socially with a system that does not encourage or support social behaviours then there’s no point in trying to to begin with.
When everything is so automated there isn’t incentive to be social.
This is a big reason why retail feels so cold and empty.

Cataclysm launched with overturned fights that required people to actually plan their pulls and properly CC. Coming from overgearing everything in wrath and just zerg aoe nuking everything it was a hard shift for many players.
So many complained and just wanted the dungeons nerfed and instead of tuning down a bit they nerfed it into the ground.
From then on dungeons in cata were a joke and so we’re dungeons ever since then.
The only dungeon challenge that would exist would be challenge modes and then eventually M+ in legion.
But the idea of normal/heroic dungeons you couldn’t yolo aoe down in preraid gear was put to death and never seen again.

In the current system, yes, because the current system sucks. Trying to find a specific dungeon group with the current system as anything other than a tank is a joke. As a dps, it’s basically impossible.

LFD is just as easy.

Have you guys ever paid these gold farmers for boosts? It’s not a good experience.

I agree with most of this post but I want to say the Cata heroics were not overturned. They were perfectly doable in normal gear they just required coordination and paying attention to the mechanics