Why are classic players against dungeon finder / dual spec?

So anybody who doesn’t agree with you is a troll? Do you realize how stupid you sound?


Is there ever such a time where you shouldnt be allowed to change specs in wow? Its your character you should be able to play how you want without being punished for it.
And to answer, no I don’t think dual spec can be abused.

Oh I did. However, I wasn’t asking your opinion Onethyme, I was directly asking Longyeet to explain why he was advocating for it in a response to my post, which had nothing to do with LFG.

Anyway, to respond to this, in #Retail, dungeon finder works quite well. You can actually just queue instances for leveling, and never leave the city (once you’ve reached high enough level to do so).

Contrast that with something like WoW Classic, which doesn’t have dungeon finder, and your best bet for dungeon leveling is to join a leveling guild. You may even have to shop around a little to find a guild with some members around your level, who are also active. Better yet if you also actively participate in recruiting people you find who are around your level, and regularly joining instance groups you put together.

Or at least, that’s been my experience.

I’ve leveled both ways, multiple times since Classic launched, and find merit in both.

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It’s exactly what you said.

You made a topic on a public forum asking for opinions, somebody gave you their opinion, then you responded with “This wasn’t written for you”

You literally cannot make up something that stupid, you’re an artist


I disagree that Wrath is designed around the Dungeon finder. It wasn’t in for the initial dungeons and certainly isn’t needed for ToC and the ICC 5 mans

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Sorry to be clear I mean the dungeons that were introduced with ICC, not before.

Completely agree that the dungeons released before that were intended to be walked into.

Makes topic asking question, doesn’t like the replies, puts people on ignore.



Don’t need to explain why dungeon finder is bad. We’ve already seen the results after it was introduced. The why’s are pointless, the results are already in.

Anyways, you don’t really want a discussion. Everyone has already made up their minds. I could write a novel on why I disagree with you, and it wouldn’t change your mind one bit lol.


Even the ICC dungeons I would say weren’t really designed around the Dungeon finder. They are designed to flow one into the other and correct me if I’m wrong but you couldn’t say take the portal from PoS into HoR in a dungeon finder group

Dungeon finder existed in tbc but it was like the current retail system. A few tweaks to make it easier to use would be really nice honestly.

Why would I? Wrath of the Lich King was designed with dual specs in mind.


You are correct in that you can’t change my mind, because I’ve refuted these points in multiple forums and nobody can give real answers.
Its always some form of “play how i want you to play” or “youre stopping me from playing how i want”

bollocks, you r literally blaming everything negative that you associate with retail on lfd

Yeah for sure I think they were intended to be done one after the other.

But I think they realized players would want to do one of them without doing the previous one etc.

I mean it’s pretty annoying to have have to do Forge of Souls if I want to do Pitt of Saron after it. Unless they added a portal or something at the entrance to skip? I can’t recall.

ahaha there it is. So he makes the post asking WHY people are against it.

Then admits that he isn’t interested in other people’s opinions at all and has already rejected every possible opinion.

Mwah, spectacular.


That’s fine. Just don’t pretend you’re here for anything but to bloviate. You know, just like the rest of us lol.


I can give you plenty of objective reasons why DF is beneficial. Can you provide one that its not?

There are individual portals for all three but you need to do them in order once for example you can run PoS until you’ve run FoS at least once. There are connecting portals at the end of each dungeon to the next in line but you can also use the main portals in ICC

Not interested in nonsensical arguments like “sit in town queueing”

You know lfd would basically kill boosting right?

Lack of player accountability

Lack of community

Inability to add challenging content (look what happened in Cata)