Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

I know, I’m saying I have no idea how it still works lol he’s been doing this for like a year and people fall for it every single time. Just crazy to me. If everyone put him on ignore like he deserves he’d go away eventually.

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It’s been tried. He just starts threads on alts.

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Not a fan of creepers myself. Keep pressing those buttons gud buddy, maybe there’s a job for pressing buttons gud out there somwhere.

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Fortunately he makes it really obvious that it’s him. Like a one-trick pony.

Oh I will … and get my good, good loots for doing it.

Enjoy those world quests, mate. Don’t break a sweat killing that murloc with 1/10th your health. Might need a nap after all that effort LOL

This is probably why WoW is and will likely always be more popular than SWTOR.
There is nothing wrong with it, as much as there is nothing wrong with a person enjoying that type of content.
The game provides you options to increase gear without raiding (as an example the gear in Nazjatar can be increased in iLVL through upgrading it with the pearls, the clock is entirely sole content, and azerite neckless again was all solo content).
And to be honest I dont believe that only 1% of the population raids more than casual just as much as 99% of the population isnt casual or wanting no/minimal group activities.

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The genre is unprofitable without casuals, by the way.
That means the game shuts down.


Its not annoying to be called out cause someone can?

Locking information behind a wall stops others seeking validation of bias.


I got a gold star for you… look it’s just as valuable as WoW loot! It’s GOLD! And it’s a STAR! :star:

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What the actual eff do you think Torghast is?

Is that the place where we are locked to walking speed?

Cause running breaks our experience of the gameplay?

Hidden profile is just for forums. They can’t hide armory. He’s done no mythic+ whatsoever and only LFR raid wise. iLvl 101 (doesn’t say much to me as I don’t how what it was before squish). He’s done pvp though, I’ll give him that.


If someone is complaining that wow is a pile of you know what then why is that person still paying a sub? Why is that person posting on the forums? Best course of action would be to walk away from something you don’t enjoy…yes?


IDK what blizz is doing but swtor is smooth running even on a crap pc no lag time what so ever.

Recruiting for the crusade.

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With the introduction of NiM Dxun, the best gear still comes from the equivalent of Mythic raiding.

No surprise.

Because Raid or Die is not a thing.

Really? Where did you got this data from?

Well, its a social game. There should be incentives for grouping up.

Well, I don’t know where are you getting this data from. People will always prefer convenience, that is human nature. But convenience has a very high cost that is not normally perceived. If you have no incentives to group up, you will not form relationships and your experience will be much lesser without you even noticing. What makes mmos interesting is the social features.

You make a lot of claims, I don’t know where are you getting this data from.

Yes, because they have the data and know where they should invest time in. Funny how they think that high end content is so important.

That is a very odd way of saying “Rewarding the most invested players”

Oh so now you are concearned about how devs manage their resources… And no, the art team is not doing balancing right now, they are probably working on the next patch or even the next expansion right now.

What? What is fun about realizing your class is the worst and having to abandon it to level another?

Because everyone pays for everything. Try hards pay for casual stuff and vice versa. And no, casuals also like their game to be balanced, its not a 1% thing. Almost nothing in the game is interesting exclusively to try hards.



I really appreciate these aspects of FFXIV. Their crafting system is also a gigantic piece of tender, juicy and rewarding content relative to the stale, meager pittance that is WoW professions.

However, I just cannot seem to get past the hump of leveling thru ARR. Every time I go back I say, “This time I will do it! I will make it to end game!” And yet every time around level 35 I just lose all will to log in. That and the maps are confusing and elezen are a little creepy to me. But really, I wish so damn much I could get into that game like others do but I dunno, I just can’t.

Plus WoW has this hold on me… I mean, so much nostalgia and memories and past times… and when I log in I always know where to go and what to do, unlike in a new game so bleh. :upside_down_face:

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