Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Nicely said Pyri.

edit: I will add the gear for harder content is not really as a reward but to help further people into that content. Without the gear getting better and better the group will hit a wall.


Nicely said but doesn’t matter: OP will do what he always does:

  1. Find as many ways in this thread or new ones to rage about “filthy elitists” and “tryhards”
  2. Call for a mass un-subbing from casual players.

It’s genuinely quite sad to watch … and even more sad that Bliz doesn’t agree with him and these posts will likely continue well into SL. It all just comes across like a very insecure person screaming for attention imo.

OP has literally become a meme at this point.



2: extreme materialism and consumerism associated with the pursuit of wealth and success and resulting in a life of chronic dissatisfaction, debt, overwork, stress, and impaired relationships

It’s real and it is a tool for companies or people to use to drive masses to consume, purchase, and want based on what everybody else is doing and not what they just need. Herd behavior.

Because WoW is an all you can eat buffet. You can eat a little or a lot, but regardless you are going to pay the same price. There are plenty of a la carte games out there, but this has never been one.


“The Snowflake God” forbids people having the best gear without doing the same work …
Has to be the exact same way that they went through to earn it .
And that applies for everything in game . From gear to xmog to mount to achievement to limited time rewards .

Suggesting anything that goes against the above will invoke the wrath of the snowflake god and we will all be buried under a million pounds of snowflakes (He has a lot of worshippers apparently)

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We need to start a crusade to take back the holy genre from the tryhard heretics.

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Everyone pays the same price. this isn’t a “Pay only for the stuff you do in game” kind of game since everything is readily available.

You have the same chance to go do that content.

I don’t watch every single thing on Netflix, but I still pay the same price as the guy that’s watched every single thing on it.

I’m still getting my money’s worth.

This is coming from someone who really hasn’t done much of anything this entire expac or last expac.

I don’t pay my sub to appeal to your manufactured moral sense of what people “deserve”. If you want to get caught up in the moral and political quandry of who is and is not “deserving,” then maybe you should be an economist or a social worker. Games are fun when you are adequately rewarded for playing them, and they are not fun when you are not adequately rewarded for playing them. And “adequte” in terms of reward is deeply, deeply subjective. If your perspective is the correct one, then WoW is not a game, but an economy. And I didn’t pay money to distract myself just to be dropped into some Randian libertarian’s idea of a meritocracy. I actually wanted to have fun, not please some surrogate of my disappointed father. Jesus.


And so another Ralph thread devolves into a rant about tryhards as he rallies other casual players crying “WAAAAH I WANT MYTHIC LEVEL GEAR FOR SHOWING UP!”

Skip to next week when we’ll have an all-new, same-old thread begin anew.

It’s a lather, rinse, repeat cycle using Entitlement, The new Shampoo from Vidal Sassoon.

And THIS is brilliant: I don’t watch every single thing on Netflix, but I still pay the same price as the guy that’s watched every single thing on it. I clap for you with much enthusiasm and vigor.


WoW has never been PTW. May I recommend Black Desert Online to the OP?


I have been saying this on the forums for the last 10 years:

Gear is a tool for the next step of content or to make it easier to do the things you do in game. The bragging rights come in the form of achievements.

I’m a filthy casual, I get the kind of gear I need to do the things I want. But I do like the occasion bone I get for when I do decide to go do harder stuff (though I haven’t done anything beyond LFR since I played Jujubiju).

Keep on “working” for your mythic lewts… I’m sure your “achievements” will pay off one day.


Its a mmo. Why would they work on only solo stuff.


Why don’t you just leave?


why are you here if swtor is so amazing?

I will never understand how this guy can get so many bites on these obvious troll posts.


Ah, Ralph back at it again with the ‘tryhards only want to be competitive!’
I’m extremely casual and I still enjoy raid content. I don’t mind doing the available solo-content, but it’s an MMO designed for player interaction.
I enjoy trying to strive for my best abilities, would that make me a tryhard, even though I’m still casual?

He has always made threads like these, and it works every time. If it starts to die down, he’ll post some response to somebody who agrees with him just to bump the thread. Never ending cycle of toxicity.

Keep waiting for hand outs. I’m sure it will pay off for you one day.


Says the dude with the hidden profile.

I assume there’s not much to see there, eh? No data on your profile for pet battles and mog runs and how many world bosses you kill each week LOL.

It’s ok, mate. Tons of people selling carries. You’ll never have to learn how to play your spec. Just do the BFA way: show up, go afk, and win LOL.

He has always made threads like these, and it works every time. If it starts to die down, he’ll post some response to somebody who agrees with him just to bump the thread. Never ending cycle of toxicity.

Maybe his mom didn’t hug him enough? Middle child syndrome? Redheaded step child?


Stopped reading there. Game is dead, and has one of the most awful progression systems in the history of MMOs.

Coming from a casual AotC player and PvPer, if you think Shadowlands is raid or die you are very stubborn.

You are not paying for the mythic content, you are paying to access the entirety of World of Warcraft. What you do with that time/money is your business and no one else’s.

This argument never made sense to me because WoW is like a gym membership. You pay to enter and what you do in there and how much time you spend in there is completely up to you.

Do you also get upset at people who are more in shape than you at your local gym because you guys pay the same fee to work out there? No, you probably don’t because it’s illogical and nonsensical. If someone puts in more effort and more time paying the same price for the same service it’s not their fault.