Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Wotlk when daily dungeon grinding was a thing. Most people were able to focus on main and at least two alts without being hardcore and raid content also would come with dungeons to give the majority of the player base something to do. After that the “hardcore” top percent started dictating the rules again. We may never see a game that was balanced so well as Wotlk ever again sadly. Also if Swtor got all the money they gave Anthem it would have been fully updated and curb stomped WoW. Engine is only thing holding it back.

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You guys gotta stop

Nothing will ever beat wow, it’s not like a regular video game like Morrowind where something can come and be better than it and everyone jumps ship. Wow has freaking residents, we live here and we’ll die here it doesn’t matter what other games come out. If there’s some new game you love then take care but the residents will keep wow alive :man_shrugging:

Classic WoW has beat Retail in being a RPG. Swtor has beat Retail in having a happier player base. Fortnite has beat WoW in being a MMO. So how is WoW Retail still winning? Cause if it was they would still let us see sub numbers and see server population data.

WoW is winning with the most addicts that can’t let go.


Ah I understand, you don’t mean beat as in die you just mean some immeasurable metric.

How many players wow has doesn’t matter. People would just either A) in the event wow has like 1000 players: “I knew it wow is a dead game” or B) in the event wow has 20m players: “Blizz is releasing fake numbers”. :man_shrugging:

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Oh I know. I see more in common with them each day to people addicted to hardcore drugs. I hate everything about this game but cant stop playing always chasing the dragon…

There is no “win” what’s the win? Wow still exists :man_shrugging:

If they hate “everything” about the game then they probably do have mental issues. Hating stuff like xmog being on the shop, the level squish, aoe cap, etc isn’t hating everything though and as long as there is something they like then they have a reason to still be playing.

This game has the worst gearing system Of all the games I play. It’s so bad it actually sucks some of the fun from the game.

This virtual world created to alleviate boredom has been transformed into a virtual stress generator. Can I push a key high enough this week? Are the rng gods gonna drop that op trinket I desperately need? Have I farmed up enough herbs to provide myself with potions every pull?

I been seriously contemplating whether or not it’s worth my time anymore myself. I mean it is who am I kidding but I still consider it.


Things I like about WoW currently… Posting on the forum, and pimp slapping trump trolls in trade.


SWTOR is basically a single player game now so this thread is moot.

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Oh ya I only come back for holidays as it is the only left I like about the game that is fun to me. Use to be the lore also but that ended with Legion.

And both of those things are actively detrimental to the community, and we’d be better off without them.

I know that feel, Legion got rid of one of the things I enjoyed too, pre-scaling leveling :heart:

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Dam right. With Chromie time hoping they would undo that. As if you want the scaling that is what it is for.

Cant ppl go at their own pace already? If you want world first sure its a competition. You want mythic kills in general, you literally dont need to compete but just find a guild that does mythic on a schedule you can meet.

If you cant do the content that drops the best gear (either die to skill or time idc) thats a different issue, but then what do you need the best gear for and who cares you dont have it?

I pugged almost every m+ i do at 15 and up for 8.3 and i never felt like it was a competition or a problem. I plugged along and got drops as i went and hit my goal. No 1%er here for sure

It’s 1:1 a KMMO without gear breaking and downgrading. Endless daily/weekly chores and RNG praying. Play some KMMOS like Archeage and BDO then you’ll see how similar this game is now.

It’s honestly sickening.

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Source please.

Because this is a Massive Multi-Player On-Line Role Playing Game.

And I say that as a strictly solo player.


Even casuals can see the same content mythic raiders/runners see. You just see them on a much less rewarding and less difficult setting.

And so the devolution continues with poop emoji’s.

Thanks for that. Show’s the calibre and mindset of the whiney casual who hates the tryhards. You and OP should guild-up lol

LFR is calling, dude. Maybe download Hello Kitty’s Adventure Island. Might be more your speed lol.

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