Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

You can play 1 day a week and be full heroic raid geared, even mythic ilv by the end of the tier, casual doesnt mean bad you just have to actually play the game.

People still believe UO died from trammel. A AAA game with full loot wouldn’t make it past pre alpha these days.

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I’m glad there are game for people that need to be handed things to feel important.


Daily Ralph thread, move along

SWTOR is practically dead. A damn shame, cuz the progression system was well done. You could either grind out tokens for end game gear or jump the line by doing aforementioned end game content.

You still had to put the time in. Wasn’t exactly handed to you. And that gear still wasn’t quite as good as the actual gear, it was heavy on stamina over main stat. Not completely, but enough to give you an incentive to run the harder stuff.

I also loved how you could customize your stats 100%.

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Yeah guys let’s just remove the hard earned gear that the good players get, that’s how video games work right? Do less work and be less good and get the same rewards as better players.

Yeah, no.

Your dad was lying when he told you that.

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I’m just sad the genre is declining. WoW is the king of turd mountain. I just wish someone would come along and revolutionize the genre and put WoW in the giant toilet where it belongs.


It’s not even that. It’s more like hall of famers. Heck CE completion is usually between 3-5% depending on the boss. And most of the early bosses of each tier have like 15-25% participation.

This is just another typical Ralph flame war thread.

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If I run out of content, I’ll stop playing. Until then I will be out there plugging along.

what makes you think you deserve decent gear? rushing through selfplay mobilegame difficutly dungeons that need zero communication?

People deserve it for paying a sub to this :poop: pile. If people aren’t being rewarded for playing the game in their preferred style, it’s like the title asks, why are they paying for other people to be rewarded?


Thankfully I see this post has been flagged for spam as OP goes off on ANOTHER “filthy elitist” rant.

Get help OP. Seriously. Or unsub. It’s time.

Then keep playing that. I can steal cars in gta online, does it mean I should be able to steal your mount?

It is insane to me that Blizzard is forcing 99% of players to play with restrictions to their gameplay because the 1% of the sweatiest, cheeto fingeriest, beardiest neck nerds of WOW would make several system changes to their character per raid boss fight. It’s insanity. Blizzard, just let us play the game the way we want to play the game. Don’t hinder everyone because a small group of people would take 100% advantage of each of the systems THAT YOUVE CREATED to get an edge.

Best move in my opinion would be to delete the soul bind and conduit system. Shadowlands would be fine without them. The game would be plenty of fun with swappable covenant abilities and the legendary system. And with one less borrowed power system the development team could finally truly focus on class balance and game play.


You’ve been able to upgrade them through getting tokens through the Alliance Raids for a while now…so you dont have to touch a Savage raid to get 500 gear.

We are the 99% !! :rofl:

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ok ok, put the cat down!

likely because the content is now easier and they want the gear boost going into Shadowlands so they don’t suffer the same things I did on my hunter. new content, new gear, but my old stuff sucked so I died a lot while questing and levelling to max.

also the raid sets are transmoggable and they might not want to run “old” content later and not have any sort of guarantee that they’ll get any loot.

So which is it… do you want decent gear or the best possible gear for logging in and running a single heroic dungeon per week?

Your own endgame is whatever you make it. If your endgame is heroic raids, cool, but you’re not going to get mythic gear. That’s not a design flaw in the game; that’s a problem with your expectations (you expect to get the best possible gear without doing the hardest content). If your endgame is pet battles, also cool, but it’s tough to imagine a justification for rewarding mythic ilvl gear for doing that.

What it really sounds like to me is that your endgame is getting the highest possible ilvl for the least amount of work. This isn’t a game where that’s possible. And again that’s not a design flaw.