Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

WoW is what it is, and has been for the last almost-16-years. If it’s not what you want, that’s fair. There’s a lot of other games that you might enjoy.

Sincerely, someone that doesn’t raid anymore and doesn’t feel entitled to get the best gear from WQs.


I can understand the goal of incremental growth for progression, but I do think there are alternatives.

I personally like the idea of tier gear that only works within each vertical. That way, the best PvP gear comes from PvP, and getting it doesn’t do much for raiding, etc. Raid tier wouldn’t be of benefit in PvP (outside of iLvl), etc. This way each route has their own routes. But of course, that has it’s own flaws too… particularly on bag space.

This is actually how it was in WoD. Raid gear would get bumped down in pvp and the same for pvp gear in raid. You could use both as a stepping stone in the other but neither was as good as gear made for the content.

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More stuff like Mad World please.

Congratulations on being a rational adult. Your parents did a much better job of raising you and instilling ethics in you than some on here.

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Stay in BFA for a minute, since SL its not yet launched and we’re technically still on previous exp.

First, set max ilvl gear in WoW. Its a solid number? no, because of… lets say a “arguable” balance that number its on a range between (again old, dont want to mess with the new ilvl yet) 470~480. Remeber this number bases on all of your items.

So with that in mind, you can do solo content for high lvl gear. Do progress to 4/5 mask horrific visions, they drop (old) 460 to 475 ilvl items guarenteed. Also, there is an item that always is upgraded and pops your ilvl in one way or another, specially now… Ashjra’kamas.

So that covers the average high level content. Takes time and effort but you can do it alone.

Well… where’s M+ dung and H/M Raid placed? Only on offer another alternative for you to improve that time and effort… with more time and effort. Also that includes another challenge: do socials and know how your class interacts with others classes. Still gives the same ilvl but for more time and effort invested.

The high of highest level come from M Raid yes, and requires more time and effort than the others, but than number is slighty better that the items you can get from solo content (HV) and social content (M+ and Raid). Again, at the end it gives the same ilvl you can get from the previous two ways with more time, and effort. In fact, that gross ivl items come generally from the two last bosses and its not guaranteed.
That high of highest ilvl come with another challenge (more time and effort)… master your class and spec to tops.
Regardeless of all discuss, WoW methods works well for any player profile… and (just now comes an opinion, above its all facts) I think they’re improve this on Shadowlands.

You can be carried all you want… do the social content all you want… and do solo content all you want. Some of them requires more time, some more effort and some just talk to somebody and try to challenge yourself… but at the end of the day all ways put all players in the same spot… Rextroy tests subjets.

First off, if you’re not raiding and your not doing pvp, that’s the content you are doing. Massively overgearing it to the point where it’s like leveling pre-Legion doesn’t make it interesting or fun.

Second, it removes content. Since everyone can overgear everything save the most recent raid, for the most part, the raids before are useless. 5 mans even moreso.

Third, when this comes up people always mention new and returning players. Which makes me ask, if there are so many of these players, why is it a problem to actually progress through content as opposed to simply being handed it?

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Thanks for the content CASUALS.


It is me, the elitist try-hard who does all the content YOU PAY FOR. Haha!

twirls evil moustache

Yes more single player focused content in a MMORPG! This sounds like a winner winner chicken dinner how do we get ralph onto the dev team!


No, you werent.

Never said gear. You even quoted me saying ilvl. Smooth delusional “top 100 warlock” brain can’t compute.

No, it wasn’t. Visions were terrible filler content with affixes designed to be annoying over being challenging. Same thing happens with M+ affixes where Blizzard confuses annoying with difficult. Just another reason why you shouldn’t lie about your skill level when you say dumb crap like this. To add to this. visions didn’t award “near end game gear” as much as it added a method to obtain sockets which was far more impactful. Great for the person who logs in for 2 hours a week to get their weekly key and weekly vision done. Very bad for someone who actually wants to play the game.

Without a single original excuse no less, the amount of repetition is hilarious, it is like they never actually stopped to think for themselves so they can only repeat outdated talking points tryhards started so they keep people down


Another one,

Can we get an active up to date count of how many times ralph says tryhard?

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This! So this! I don’t mind the grind for PvP gear and I don’t care that it’s not as good as high end raiding gear… I just care when someone is high end raiding gear is roflstomping peeps in PvP. We’re not asking for easy gear, we’re asking for separate. We’ve had it before

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I feel genuine embarrassment who is championing behind Ralph.

Washed up mythic raiding burnout who is just here to talk about how amazing SWTOR was even though it’s been considered the biggest and most expensive MMORPG flop of all time.

He has absolutely no idea what he is talking about and makes up points to try and fit his narrative. Best thing is he has anyone who disagrees with him muted so he doesn’t bother to respond.

It’s literally a thread full of people agreeing and nodding their heads at fake news.

It’s not even worth trying to debunk his garbage because it’s clear most people aren’t interested in being informed by people who know what they are talking about.


This is strange, as a casual, I feel there is more than enough for me to enjoy without ruining the experience of someone who has more time than me to do more difficult content that has never been shoved down my throat?

He tries to speak on what “tryhards” are forcing him to do and doesn’t acklowdge how these cancerous /played systems force others to grind far more than he ever had to. Classic solo player mindset going into an MMO thinking he’s entitled to everything at a much easier pace than others. He’s a mythic raider in that he clears a raid 2 expansions later in a transmog run so he kind of knows what he’s talking about.

Best part is and I’ll keep repeating this.

Ralph was in a mythic guild, he had BIS essences, BIS azerite and BIS talents except for first row. He is literally a try-hard burnout.

He bragged about how he was casual “but still getting content done” but never got back 5/12 M.

He spends most of his time picking fights with people who know what they are talking about in the shadow priest discord.

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That’s quality lore lol

Sort of irrelevant since you guys have been using the same rationales for as far back as I can remember as well.


Except it’s not and you will gear up even faster with the new system than you would have in the old system.

Ralph is literally fake news.

If that’s my largest issue I’d be thrilled to death :blush: