Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Your tinfoil hat is too tight.

The elections prove that a lot of people can’t think for themselves.

Your referring to the new honor gear vendor? If so, Super Grindy is an understatement.

I was actually playing SWtoR when this new function got introduced several years ago. There was a mass exodus of people leaving because of these changes. I gave it a 3 week try, before cancelling my sub, for a game that I very much used to love, and invested a lot of time and money in. It came in shortly after one of their new expansions at the time. I remember it well. They ruined the game with their idiotic system where everyone gets loot for dailies, dungeons and other bs. The loot was given in the form of loot boxes with horrible rng design, in their attempt to keep things fair. A game that was already struggling to remain relevant, due to lack of content just completely went down the toilet at this point with the most idiotic changes in gaming history. I’m still pissed about it today, and this happened years ago.

So no, this get loot for doing anything is not a good design, in fact it’s horrible. I can only imagine the lack of effort anyone puts into that game now. You have to be a complete skill less dead beat to find this fun. Oh look I did some dailies, time to RNG for some loot. /shoot me.

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I second seven’s comment. I too was there the (week?) that swtor died. And it was the week that everyone could get gear without doing the hard stuff for it.

here’s the psychology aspect of it: people do stuff for perceived rewards. that is the sole motivator. it is why the soviet union fell apart and why capitalism is thriving. in videogames its loot of the most valued color (purples in wow). because that makes you feel special. and if you feel special then you feel happy. even if true happiness is an illusion.

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Well I have news for you. I can think for myself. I have been for quite a long time now. I still think raids should have the best gear in the game. I still think solo players shouldn’t be able to get the best gear by playing solo.

i thought starwars was decent. reason i quit was strictly because they forced me to haul around that stupid bot. i HATE npc’s following me. in WoW they keep trying to shove that lame *** bodyguard system on me GRRRRR. if i want a retarded npc following me ill play my damn hunter or lock.

thankfully WoWs is optional or it would drive me insane enough to quit. yes im wow racist. i HATE all npc’s…except sylvanas and arthas. LOVE those 2

edit to add: i personally hate raiding and stuff like that. for me the problem is being forced to see the place way way way to long. back when i raided in BC we did kara for over a year cause my guild had horrible luck with drops. by the end the place litterly put me to sleep in boredom just by entering it.

when WotLK came around they wanted to continue raiding and all i could think is OH NO not going through extremely long real life movie of ground hog day again. raidings just to much of the same thing for way to long. to me that is beyond extreme boring so i will never do it again

I almost forgot about companions. I actually used to love them. (Well some of them, I really, really hated some others). However I recall a change they made that removed their gear, and they were just loyalty level based. Getting strong enough to the point, where they could easily solo groups of mobs on their own. Because the game wasn’t casual enough…

I simply didn’t go into every variant, just asking the question (also I’m not a mythic raider). Geeteoo corrected me that is is primarily around PvP, which does make sense, but I don’t think the other statements are untrue. Over the course patch, even with just PvP, you should be capable of getting to a level based on your skill. Will you get to it as fast as mythic raiders? Probably not, but doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish the same achievements.

Blizzard hates casuals and PVPers. It is known.


Currently, if there are no changes, gearing through the honor vendor alone will get you a full set of starter gear when everyone else has finished gearing though the first raid or two.

End result being you can’t gear for pvp through pvp. By the time you’d get your first set it would be entirely useless.

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Blizz logic :rofl:


SWTOR sucks and my favorite class of any mmorpg in it.

God I hate Ralph so much


I thought they generally keep pvp gear at the same scale as what M+ gear available is? If that is not true, now I’m beginning to understand the issue, as that does seem to provide quite the dissadvantage at the start.

The overall concept of what they seem to be trying is to slow down Mythic Raiding. From an M+ perspective (my choice of pushing content) I’m not that concerned, but from a PvP perspective perhaps it is a bit harsh.

Then this is a issue with blizzard and there inability to figure out a good spot for getting gear for pvp. It has nothing to do with raiders.

I’ll be leveling and unsubbing. Played around a bit on the beta… shadowlands end game doesn’t interest me at all


Yeah, with Legion it seems they decided that everyone should do the same content for gearing. Before that pve gearing and pvp gearing were, for the most part, entirely separate.

I think it’s foolish that they slowed down mythic gearing. It’s not going to change the final outcome only irritate some of those who like gearing through that content.

Because, without some incentive to drive content, there is no fun. Honestly i have never gotten this thought process ever… Reflect on yourself… Get better and progress… This “I pay so i deserve the content” Sure Go do your LFR and Heroic dungeons…

This logic is so counter productive to the state of the game…

I do think they should go back to a wod gearing system, as far as the separation of pvp and pve. Though I do think they needed to slow down m+ gearing. Not as much as they did but a bit would have been fine. The one piece of gear per run is big dumb.