Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

What you don’t see doesn’t change the state of gearing.

They definitely went overboard on the catch up. Making content in the current expansion irrelevant.

Oooops! Didn’t mean to tag anyone there.

Pvp is a side game. Pve is the main game. I think that’s why the devs just don’t really care about pvp anymore.

Now, yeah pvp is a side game for pve people. It wasn’t this way before legion.

If they continue to treat pvp as a side game they will continue to lose players who remember how much better the game used to be.

The lead PvP dev, Holinka, said more people did BGs than LFR and more people did Arenas than Heroic(now mythic) raiding.

Just ignore that person, they’re a trash troll that has no idea what they’re talking about.


Game has been the same from the getgo

Therefore, yes, people do like this model

Or else the game wouldn’t have become popular


Get out of here man

Neither do you apparently because you can’t even say what exactly you want.

It’s popular streamers and influencers that push for the exclusive content that requires a lot of time and dedication because it gives them content for their audience and a sense of superiority over the rest of the planet.

Yep only them. There totally aren’t players that just enjoy the content.


Pvp IS a side game. Pve is the main game. If people choose to make pvp their primary game…well idk what to say…this is a pve based game.

Is that why the best gear came from raiding in BC…

It was the 2007 streamers! They’re to blame!
:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

there are people who just 5-man

there are poeple who just do mythic+ 5-man

there are people who just LFR

there are people who just normal raid

or just heroic raid, or just mythic raid

hell, there are people who just flip around doing the quests

sounds like for SL … people will be able to get what they need doing wihat they want

but unless thye mythic raid or do some other high level content, they might not have rank-15 conduits

that’s ok

Because Bellular wanted World of Warcraft 76 to happen.
I’ve heard he’s a fan Big Rigs over the World Trucking because of how empty and Dead the world was, if there was a Walking on Mars Simulator, I am quite sure he’ll find it fun as well.

If I am placed in a Raid or Die situation, I will certainly choose Death.

We just had this conversation and you practically repeated yourself word for word without presenting any new information.

Pvp has been a side game since BC. Vanilla wow, you could make a case that pvp = pve but that started to change in BC. Pvp barely gets any development or anything new added while pve gets the lion’s share of dev time. You can disagree with me on any of this but doesn’t change the facts.

Many people would disagree with your “facts” from TBC to WOD it wouldn’t have been considered a side game.

The last two expansions turned it into a side game.

I don’t get why you even care about the distinction of what pvp is/was to this game as you don’t seem to like/participate or care about it.

The point was gear progression and there is none for pvp through pvp.

Back then it was Youtubers.

This is though. It’s just SUPER grindy.

Are you the type that believes people can’t actually think for themselves?

It’s not completely them as there are wealthy individuals or the infirmed who also have the time and resources to dedicate to the task that wish for it to remain the way that it is. Blizzard is mostly thinking with their pockets, however. They know the longer a popular influencer plays their game to a big audience the more subscribers they can grab from followers who are hopeful to reach the level their favorite influencer has reached. Of course, in most cases it’s a hopeless dream as they realize they have full time jobs they have to report to just to keep the lights on.