Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

If you seriously believe that you’re a lost cause.

Takes 6 hours a week tops.

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You do realize that no one raids everyday? That would insanity.

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Double that for 2 characters. Triple that for 3.

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So you want a mythic raid geared army of alts…to do WQs?

You want the gear, earn the gear.

Wait let me edit this:
If you support solo rewards and are fine with them taking longer to get then if you want to gear up multiple alts it would take SO MUCH MORE time than just raiding.

So yes this makes me believe you just want free hand outs.

I agree with many of your points, and think you make a sound argument, but this isn’t true.

Anybody can turn in conquest and get a full heroic raid level set of gear. Anyone can run a single M+15 and get mythic level gear, spending nowhere near 40 hours per week.

They can’t be happy unless they’re “oppressed by the elites”.

When have I ever expressed wanting mythic gear from WQs? I just want alternative gearing routes that don’t leave me in LFR quality gear. Blizzard is capable of making a suitable challenge for solo players or at least smaller groups without dedicated heals/tank.

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This is an MMO. A genre that is build on the foundation of raiding. Can there be other activities? Sure. Those activities shouldn’t award the highest gear. The highest gear should come from group content.

You can do a M+15 and get mythic raid quality gear. That doesn’t take a raid or a raid schedule. There is your smaller group content.


Benthic gear did this. Conquest gear did this.

Horrific visions. They gave near mythic guaranteed corrupted gear. It would seem BFA had everything you wanted. I’m sure SL will too. Be patient.

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Benthic really was some “grind sickening amounts of easy repetitive content for okay gear” stuff that I don’t want. PvP in general is the same way with everything up to, but not including elite area gear basically being free if you turn WM on, but with more standing in a graveyard.

I can only hope Torghast is what I want, given that HVs made me dislike them with the million unavoidable gimmicks and loss of control effects.

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Oh god, people think this.
No, raiding was NOT the foundation of MMO’s. Have you played older games like FFXI and everquest? I got full BIS gear in FFXI on all my jobs, one of the most hardcore MMO’s possible(exp loss on death + deleveling + no easy ports) without doing any content above 4-5 people.

Neither of these things exist in shadowlands(conquest gear is rating locked!), which is the title of the thread.


Wow is built on raiding. If not built then it became the main focus around BC.


My friend who is in a raiding guild raids 3 days a week for 2 to 4 hours.

Great for her and all those with regular schedules, but for those who work swing shifts with rotating schedules it’s the pug life or nothing.

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Such is an MMO. I’m sorry but I stand by my statement.

Such this game has become since Legion.

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Legion and BFA have had the most casual friendly gearing in the history of wow…

Unless of course you enjoyed casual pvp.


I love how you keep referencing SWTOR like it isn’t the perfect reference for how to fail an MMO.

Good start, no follow-through. Do us a favor and go back.

Oh…I don’t see why anyone who enjoys pvp would play wow as their primary pvp game…