Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

No, it’s a rational argument. This “problem” you guys are so worried and concerned about has existed since the start of the game to one degree or another. It’s not a new problem. So if it’s an important issue for you, it doesn’t make sense that you would be here.

They have to defend Blizzard, their real life income and thus entire life depends on it. That’s why gear needs to be gate kept so hard, so they can keep selling it.

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ITT: 15 year old games aren’t allowed to evolve.

Dude, I’ve been playing since Dec '04 and your argument relies around conservative fallacies, especially in the light of the other modern MMORPGS surrounding WoW.


It’s only because people who want free hand outs for nothing are out in force today.

They can’t read either, so they rely on making things up.
Not a single person has asked for “Free hand outs”.

It’s obvious that they’re so desperate to cling onto their income source for surviving.

Maybe Blizzard will stop being a trash company and actually fix their game, moderate it, and make it good. But who I am kidding, they’ll never do that, they’ll just abandon it once it fails as an Esport just like they’ve done to every other game they have made in the past decade.


So it’s all a vast right wing conspiracy?

They can change, but they obviously aren’t going to anytime soon. And, as you and others keep saying, the grass is apparently greener elsewhere.

So, again, why are you here?

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Can’t we all just get along?

No, but it is saying “it’s better because it’s always been that way”.

I’m as casual as can be and the answer to your question of…

Because even if I am NOT on the 1%, I still am not okay nor should you be okay with a broken game on launch. Would you accept a car that started 75% of the time? Oh but this car is only for racers and professional stunt drivers, so it shouldn’t matter if the 25% of the time the car will never start is okay because you’re not a professional?

Because I love WoW and I want it to be a better game that does better around its competitors?


Yes, they have. Several people have stated that they should get mythic raid gear from doing whatever it is they want to do.

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IDK… Blizzard probably makes a pretty penny off token sales and people who buy runs.

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But I would argue that it would make it a worse game. I would also argue that the attempts over the years to pander to you people have greatly damaged the game.

So there you go.


The hell are you smoking?

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How does Blizz make money off people buying runs?

For every one person like you, there plenty of people who disagree. And those people have money that Blizz isn’t taking yet… hmm…


If people pay with tokens, or they buy tokens to sell for gold to pay for runs, then they make money.


And I would respond by pointing out that as Blizz has pandered more and more to you, their subs have fallen faster and faster…

Yeah the game is in such a great state catering to mythic raiders.