Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

We’d all die of alcohol poisoning before we even got a quarter of the way through one of his threads.

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I don’t think they have any changes that will help this situation for random BG only people. We can gear through arena much better but honor gear is still useless after S1 starts.

No, they removed gear scaling so the situation is WORSE than BFA. The game is literally a KMMO in terms of player power gaps.

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The gear scaling system they had in both Legion and BFA were a travesty. If they would just cut the BS and return to the WoD system, PvP gearing would be in a much better place.


As a casual lfr hero I am so glad Trashforged is gone

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The biggest problem I have with raiding is that you are shackled to a raid schedule, people who work irregular hours are forced to sit out.

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Shackled to a raiding schedule? This is only true if you’re wanting to progress through Mythic. Otherwise the Group Finder is there.

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I refuse to raid with pugs on any difficulty. (And I’m not the only one.)

Then it has nothing to do with needing to be on a schedule. I’m saying this in the nicest way possible, but you’re being stubborn and gating yourself from the solution for reasons unknown.

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You can call it whatever you want, but I’ve done enough pug raiding to last me a life time and I won’t do it anymore.

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Okay. That’s fine. It’s your choice to do so. But in said choice you’re doing this to yourself and has nothing to do with requiring a schedule.

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That’s in my case, but I do not like being chained down to a schedule. I also know plenty of people who can’t raid because they are unable to commit to a schedule. The “raid or die” philosophy doesn’t work for everyone.

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The only way that’s the case is if PvP gearing blows and the weekly chest system ends up being bad. Because you’ll still be getting a choice of 3 Mythic ilvl pieces each week for clearing 10 +15s each week.

PvP is up in the air because we’re still in the dark as to how the upgrade system will work.

And again, you can tear down the wall of refusing to do pugs at any time. Whatever reason you have for refusing pugs is the confusing part here.

We’ll have to see what happens, I don’t mind if M+ offers one big reward per week instead of every day.

Same. The only way I can think of it going belly up is if the RNG tied to it is terribad.

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i lvled an alt today to 50 and was excited to gear it until I remembered that I would have to get azerite gear and lvl the heart…

benched it.

The delay is so that we don’t get crappy unbalanced systems like BFA has.

With the current gear scarcity you will have to spend a long time gearing, in bfa you need essences, cloak and gear, in SL you ll just need gear to grind renown which shouldn’t be hard, but gear will be a lot harder

Now that they butchered m+ and turned the game into raid or die the only mythic ilvl pieces you ll ever get is the 1 during the weekly and whatever you are lucky to get from mythic and no more bonus rolls.

M+is completely dead, not only did they butcher the ilvl to be below heroic raids, it is only 1 item so good luck being the one to get that one item that more than likely will be useless.

We are back to raid or die if you want gear and that makes gearing a lot a lot slower


I don’t think they have any changes that will help this situation for random BG only people. We can gear through arena much better but honor gear is still useless after S1 starts.

No, they removed gear scaling so the situation is WORSE than BFA. The game is literally a KMMO in terms of player power gaps.

oh that sucks, i thought they were making it so you don’t need to have raiding gear anymore for pvp.

You can buy and upgrade honor gear in SL but it takes a long time and is worse than LFR gear I think. The gear system in the arena sounds fine but we don’t know 100% how it works yet with conquest. As for trinkets while Ion said he will balance them in PvP chances are we still want to get raid trinkets. Some of them are really OP.

I would say we are fine in arena but a lot of people hate it and only want to do BG’s and I feel bad for them. I used to be one of those players that only did random BG;s and solo stuff in WoW and they kind of killed the fun in BG’s after legion if you were not already geared.

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Pvp gearing is dead, it is like m+, trash ilvl from spamming games and only a single piece of mythic ilvl per week through the chest, and that also requires a ridiculous rating so doing a m15 is easier

Sl has gone full mythic raid or die