Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Look I dont make enough to afford that much alcohol. Well maybe if I get some military special but I dont feel like dying before breakfast.

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Yeah alcohol poisoning would probably get us quickly in a Ralph thread.

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What it likely boils down to is OP is a tryhard: Tries hard to match what the eltists do but lacks the skill to actually do it which is why he buys carries, gets romplestomed in PVP and blames it on ilvl, and creates a myriad of these posts where he gets to rage against those who he actually wishes he was.

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I think the best part is he has called me a try hard when not only do I have the same raid progress in the current raid as he does, I play a less powerful class exclusively for raiding and m+ purposes. But I’m the tryhard leet 1%er.

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I pay for no one else’s admission fee except for mine.

I hate these too, I just dont like being forced to PvE for PvP gear. Thats flat out my problem.

They tried using LFD for harder heroics in Cataclysm and it was a trainwreck. All it did was make you have to get a group of friends if you didn’t want to risk spending a couple hours wiping.

This is an overexaggerated assumption at best. Most people arnt able to buy carries in the first place.

Probably because the 1% is helping to pay for us casuals via m+ invitational event ad revenues.

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He is referring to Ralph who has stated in other threads that he has paid for carries.

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I would have continued playing Star Wars: The Old Republic if it wasn’t for EA’s horrid customer service, even compared to Activision Blizzard’s… at least the latter actually tries… whereas in SW:TOR, a GM there attempted to unstuck my Sith Warrior, but got me re-stuck somewhere else in the process… then when I pointed it out to them in the nicest way I could, they insulted me repeatedly before dishing out a temp ban… I didn’t even come back when it expired, I straight-up cancelled sub / uninstalled SW:TOR right then and there… it wasn’t even the first problem I had from them either, more like the straw that broke the camel’s back… the game itself otherwise had some great systems that Blizzard could learn from, namely the player / NPC companion interactions… I was surprised they didn’t do this in the expansions when our player characters actually had bodyguard followers…

HAHA, ur funny. This is exactly why ur pissed off. I was a top 100 warlock when I Mythic raided back in the day. Raiders DO care about gear thats point, you are a Tard. Do content, get better gear(ilvl) and progress to harder content. That is raiding. Ur mad because other people want endgame gear from NOT mythic raiding. I love raiding dont get me wrong, but look at visions of Nzoth, this was a very good example of Good solo content that awarded near end game gear. I loved these. You got a stick up ur A@#. You are defintly the type of person that likes to belittle lower gear/skilled players and ruin any chance of a good community in the game.

Thats the issue though. NEAR end game gear, which is not what is being asked for. They want end game gear for normal everyday tasks.

Honestly I agree with Geeteeoo here. You should be able to get good gear for pvp from pvp. I liked WODs take where raid armor was scaled down in pvp and pvp armor was scaled down in raids.

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I misread it. That’s my bad.

Because the game exists for casual players too. Just because the progression path looks different and has a different endpoint doesn’t mean the game is dead to casual players.

Let’s also not pretend Mythic+15 was EVER “casual”. Given that M+ being slightly knocked down a peg is the only major gearing change in Shadowlands, I’m not sure why you’re bringing up this complaint now.

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Honestly I’m fine with a more casual approach to gearing i just dont think that road should go as far as harder content. Things like horrific visions I think are fine. Its difficult content and gives good gear. But I dont think you should get mythic gear for doing your dalies.

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Amen, they just refuse to go back to the tried and true. I love both PvP and PvE. I just HATE their system right now, its so trash and is ruining PvP at the expense of PvE.

Honestly it ruins it both ways imo. The first people to get mythic gear are most likely mythic raiders so it ruins the whole pvp scene until the hard-core pvpers start getting it them selfs. At the same time pvp players join raid groups and find out raiding is not as easy as some players would like you to think.

Maybe not mythic but if you are under the Heroic item level your going to get demolished by players in Mythic gear. The gear gap really is killing Random BG’s at this point.

yes but as far as i’m aware, they’re fixing this in shadowlands with the new pvp changes.