Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?


This is an MMO.

You want the best gear? Do the content to get it.

Why do you feel entitled to get the best gear in the game by not participating in the main content of the game?

I see the problem. Most (not all) solo players want raid equivalent gear without any effort. That’s detrimental to an MMO.

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He never said he didnt want to put in effort. Your just assuming this. Their can be challenging solo content that rewards raid equivalent gear. Look at how visions were done, I enjoyed them very much. I think you just enjoy using ur raid gear to belittle people that cant get the gear for w.e reason it is. Them being able to acheive high gear from solo content will in no way affect you because they are a solo player, so why is this a problem. You just want someone under ur boot or the game isnt fun.


Ya know what I kinda agree with Ralphs question? Why am I paying for pvp content when I dont do PVP? Blizz I demand a reduction in my sub because of the content I choose not to engage in!!

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No raider uses raid gear to belittle people. People use that strawman all the time to try and convince everyone else that raiders bad. The only people that use raider gear to belittle people are the people without it using it to belittle raiders.

The question I ask: What is the purpose of getting gear?

You get gear doing heroic raid to complete heroic raid.
You get gear in mythic raid to complete mythic raid.
If you are not trying to complete mythic raid, then why are you going for mythic raid gear?

It’s not so much about “having the best gear”, and if that is what you are going for, it may be better to change your mindset. Set a goal (achievement), incrementally get the gear (and skill through experience) to complete that goal.

Even if you don’t have any intention of mythic raiding, you should find it possible to get the necessary gear over the course of a given patch to complete that goal achievement, whether it is AoTC, +15s, etc. Mythic raiding has it’s own goal for those willing to put in the time (cutting edge).

WoW is trying to support the masses. “Just growing” doesn’t support flow. Having a reachable, challenging goal does. Take gear out of the goal, and suddenly the game feels amazing.

With all that said, I already miss titanforging…

This is what I don’t get: OP posts all these threads about how WoW will be over in SL when the casuals unsub (FYI: won’t happen) and FF and SWTOR are so much better … and yet here he is … weekly … posting the same garbage thread under a different title that all devolve into “WAAAAAAH I HATE TRYHARDS!”

Go play a game that suits your playing style. Solo content games are where you should be. WoW is NOT a solo content-focused game. They tried that in BfA and it was abysmal.

lmao… your full of it. I said why does it bother raiders so much that their is another route to high ilvl gear. You dont even interact with solo players, why is it bad if they can do their own challenging solo content to get the same gear as you? The reason why is that you would not be the sole group of players with high ilvl gear. Like I said, you wont be happy unless someone is under your boot.


I agree with this. However, I think the main argument the OP was making, is that the gap between a casual and mythic player is too far and due to the new pvp gearing system. This causes problems in PvP.

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Good. My experience should be better. I’m the one playing the MMO(Massively MULTIPLAYER online) as a multiplayer game. Don’t like that? Go play a singleplayer game. I have no issue with people playing this game as singleplayer btw. It’s when they pipe up, which a lot of them do, and demand from Blizzard equivalent gear for nonequivalent effort.


This has nothing to do with why raiders get pissed off. Most raiders, if you raided, don’t care about ilvl unless you’re talking about random tradechat guilds that can’t make it halfway through a tier. They get annoyed with casuals who demand equal gear through different means which ends up being daily/weekly grinds. It isn’t challenging solo content. It’s idiotic infinite power scaling through monotonous grinds for an imaginary power currency(Artifacts, Azerite). These grinds are then are required of the raiders because of the personal loot change(which stupid casuals demanded because they don’t have a spine to say no when someone asks them for items).

It has nothing to do with being under someone. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. It’s that when entitled solo(casual) players get their own path to “end game” gear, despite not participating in any of it, that they’re given horribly broken systems which raiders and high m+ players are forced to participate in to stay competitive.

This is in the mind of a raider. There’s more content in the game than raids, by the way.

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Gear Advantage
Over time, the gap in power between Honor and Conquest PvP items has widened. This happened, in part, because it’s necessary for us to preserve the balance in power between PvP and PvE gear so that one doesn’t become the most obvious path to victory for the other. Right now, there are four tiers of PvE items, but only two tiers of PvP items. To keep Honor items from being the best choice for entry into PvE, they needed to have a lower item level than equivalent Raid Finder items. At the same time, Conquest gear still needs to be better for PvP than Heroic raid items, which puts it way over on the opposite end of the power scale from its Honor counterpart. While there are items that bridge the gap between Raid Finder and Heroic Raid loot, there really haven’t been any PvP items to bridge the gap between Honor and Conquest gear. We plan to solve that problem by introducing new tiers of PvP items, changing which currencies it takes to buy items and when, and by making PvP weapons more readily available in general.

The old developers think you’re wrong.
Also if you’re so insecure and terrible at the game you need massive gear advantages in PvP…lol. Go play AAU/BDO, WoW was not meant to be that.


It’s not Massive Mountains One Role playing Game?

There can be anything. Doesn’t make it a good idea for an MMO.

Please look at my armory before you speak. I’ve not raided anything in BFA and I stand by my previous statements.

This is an MMO. The highest gear available should always be in group content.

So dramatic. If anything I’m the one “under boot” lol.

That was for pvp gear. Are you going to be pvping?

Where in any of my posts did I include PvP? Barely anyone cares about PvP. It’s a minigame at this point. BFA PvP is such a joke that the person who won season 1 abused an exploit. You haven’t even been 2k since wrath lmao why are you trying to project by calling me insecure and terrible? You’re a rat.

Your full of it if you can’t understand that effort =rewards. You put in less effort then you get less/worse rewards. Its not about wanting to keep people down. Its about expecting people to put in the effort to get the gear. Casual players that scream from the roof about wanting the gear dont want to put forth the effort.

The lead PvP dev said more people did BGs than LFR and more did arenas than heroic(now mythic) raiding in MoP.

Your "im a raider " is showing.