Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

It just suggests that he’s found the ‘sweet spot’ of trolling, kind of like those ‘Why do guys play female characters’ and ‘If he’s called Invisible then how can you see him’ deals. Like laying a box out for cats. It’s same damn box every time and every time they gotta sit in it. The hallmarks of a master troll at work.

It’s always amusing to see his threads with 500++ posts each.

That says a lot more about the cats than the person leaving the box xD

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Why do so many take the bait for this guy?

It’s driving me insane that you try to use such big words yet can’t properly spell lose.


130 likes on the original post lmao.

the casual pity party rolls on apparently.

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Because the 99% all think they are the 1%.

I dont see what is the issue? the gear rewarded by the high end activities are for those high end activities.
If someone is full heroic raid gear then they out gear the heroic raid and should breeze through it. If you are having trouble clearing heroic raids in full heroic raid gear then its a skill issue and just means you should go down to normal or lfr.

The game is super easy for normal and heroic raiders and is basically afktowin in lfr.

what bothering you is the fact that someone has better gear than you and you want it as well. Thats WoW get used to it. if you dont like it then just quit otherwise stop complaining.

if its only the top 1% doing mythic raid content and getting the “super elite gear you can never compete with” then its really not that big of a problem is it? cuz that means, on average, only 1 in 100 people you run into elsewhere in the game will have that type of gear. with the other 99 people being the more average casual player.

so in 2v2 arenas, only 1 in every 50 matches, 1 in 33 matches for 3v3 (assuming no one in your group is that 1%)
in a 10v10 BG you might run into one person every 5 matches, but there would also theoretically be a 50% chance that the mythic raider would be on your side giving you a distinct advantage.

once you get up to epic BG leves, yeah admittedly there would be a decent chance of at least 1 or 2 of them being in there with you, but once you hit 40v40 the individual impact of any single player gets minimized.

now if you ARE running into these mythically geared people constantly, then that would imply that its obviously far more than 1% of the population who is engaging in the content, which means that your cries to nerf it because you don’t want to do it, is actually a call to nerf the playstyle of a substantial minority of the player base, not “just” the 1%

so either you are massively over-exaggerating the scope of the “problem” or you are massively under-estimating the percentage of players who actually engage in end game content.
If its the former, then why remove the hard earned rewards from those who worked for it when the actual odds of them directly impacting you are quite small.
If its the latter, then why should they remove rewards from a substantial minority of the playerbase simply because you are unable or unwilling to complete that same content?

Because poor widdle OP doesn’t wike it when he gets womplestomped by someone in World pvp who outgears him. Has NOTHING to do with his skill I’m sure. It’s all cause the other person has 5-10 ilvls on him.

He also can’t decide if WoW is an MMO or an RPG. He uses both terms to make his point even though a distinction between the two IS the way gear is acquired and the level of challenges available.

OP just hates anyone who plays the game better than he does. If you read enough of these awful threads and the terribly inane posts, you’ll eventually pick up on an undercurrent of angry insecurity and inadequacy.

The “1%” has been used repeatedly and yet I haven’t been in a guild yet in 7+ years of playing this game that didn’t raid progressively (at least to AOTC and then play around in Mythic) or have people who like to push keys. The 1% are ACTUALLY the casual players like OP who blame their lack of skill and ability to perform harder content on everyone else in the game … or their lack of time to commit … or their dislike of socializing … etc etc etc. Nothing but excuses when it boils down to "I don’t like working for what I want, just give it to me please for “reasons.”

That he posts a new thread about it every week speaks volumes of his issues … and yet all the threads devolve to the same thing: OP hates anyone in the game who’s doing harder content than he does.

Fortunately, Bliz isn’t listening.


There’s only 2 layers of CRZ atm. I’m pretty sure NA Region is sub 200k active players right now.

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IMO there’s about 100 1%s. Most of us are in multiple 1% and that places us into secondary percentage groups.

Nobody is truly 1%. Even the commonly referred to “elite”. They’re not ONLY super mythic gladiator raiders (wait that’s more than 1% too). They may still pvp, pet battle, do WQs, do mythics… each of those adds another %! So shouldn’t the complaint be about the “other percents” and not the 1%?

I’m about a 3.7% right now and hoping in the next xpac to hit double digits.

What’s funny is that right now, a just dinged 50 in heirlooms has 8k HP and heroic/mythic raider has 20k.

In vanilla, full greens was 4k hp if eagle, and full epics was 4.7k at most for cloth(HWL gear had tons of stam). You generally LOST hp getting more damage using PvE gear until Naxx.

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For all their dislike of the success of other mmorpgs, I am seeing a lot more people leveling and playing in Swtor than I see in WoW

Was on Alderaan a couple of days ago and the main quest line at start was way faster cuz the entire cave was cleaned with other 4-5people leveling

Had to wait for a quest objective to reset on taris cuz other people used it first
Continuing to level in quesh and I ve seen more than 10 people all over doing quests.

All these are original worlds, middle of the original story and there’s still people doing them even though you would expect them to be completely dead, and Swtor has multiple instances as well and fleets always having a ton of people with many instances

But hey, some WoW players just can’t handle the fact that WoW is not the top dog anymore, for all their crying Swtor is much more alive and I was honestly positively surprised to meet so many people just leveling in a completely old and original world stories

Hey pvers need something to delude them into thinking they are stronger/better so they ruined pvp for their sake

With shadowlands going full on raid or die, it will either require a panic mode response for 9.1 or it’s gonna see a mass exodus similar to wod

I loved being a glass cannon on my mage. Sitting around keeping buffs up, dealing with adds, not blowing anything too early and waiting…
[RaidLeader] CELPHI KILL IT!
And then break the meter. Just don’t let anything look at me or I’m dead. lol

Yeah, I played SWTOR not that long ago. They have so neutered the game to pander to people you it make the old WoW leveling system look downright challenging. But that’s who the game is designed for now. “Ooh shiny” people that need constant handouts to pretend how special they are.

Ralph and his thousand alts attempting to make his post sided by the majority


Lol, ur funny guy. Your experiance suffers because of solo players wanting to solo. Their experiance suffers because of people like you. Your experience is better at the cost of theirs. And their experiance is bettered at the cost of yours. see the problem child… No need to for such language, neither of you is wrong and neither of you is right.

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Why do you keep comparing an inferior game with a much smaller audience to the biggest mmo in history and saying we should learn from swtor?

Swtor puts all its budget into making new story content, its rare if they ever get a new raid, plus their ingame story puts blizzards store of cosmetics and mounts to shame.

Also loot boxes.

LFR doesn’t exist any more?

No guild raids for 5-6 hours straight unless they’re pushing world first. Are you going to push world first? No? Then you won’t be in a guild that raids 5-6 hours straight.

Because you’re entitled.

If you need the same gear as everyone else without any effort that screams entitlement.

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