Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

I think you are severely underestimating how terrible bfa has been, WoW would be lucky to even have a million players rn, gine are the days it had multiple millions

And you’re dramatically overestimating how well FF14 is doing

WoW pummels the competition on its worst days still

The biggest threat to WoW currently is shadowlands completely sucking and it’s pretty hit or miss at this point and another game coming out in that time and filling then void
The combined might of ashes of creation and new world could pull some decent numbers from the player base if blizzard aren’t careful

Ashes of creation won’t hurt WoW much because it is the typical tryhard elitists game where they quite literally said ‘few guilds who own a castle will have better legendaries/gear than others’ so everyone else will be below them

Beating wow’s elitism and that is an achievement.

Shadowlands main threat is that it is raid or die, I don’t see casuals staying long when they realize they have half the health of raiders in pvp and open world and can’t do anything other than raid or die

I have no idea what goes through your head but if you the day elitism is dead in WoW is the day WoW dies

All you’re attempting to do is bring on WoWs end time by removing player motivation to the point where the game is a brainless husk

Can you even tell us how elitist have impacted you in this game?
As far as I can recall I haven’t had an experience of elitism gate keeping me in WoW ever

And you cannot have a game without profits. I say all the people fed up with raid or die and forced competition simply unsub. If we can’t have a game, neither can you.

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Trust me when I say it’s pointless to argue with ralph. This isn’t an act, he’s actually this delusional. Always has been, always will be.


There should be more incentive for a non mythic raider to push for harder raids.

Bonus loot rolls was the right kind of step, but its removal tells me Blizzard is more interested in keeping us running on the hamster wheel than actually rewarding us for our time spent invested in this game.


It’s no surprise considering he was banned on the EU WoW forums for toxic behavior because he couldn’t handle people disagreeing with him.

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Or it becomes way more popular and successful cuz casuals keep games alive, not tryhard elitists

Sounds like the only reason people are doing mythic is cuz they have locked gear behind it if you believe mythic dies the moment gear is gone, looks like forced content to me then

Forcing people to do mythic or rated arenas even if they hate it else they get 2 shotted in pvp
Creates delusional mentalities of superiority and elitism which leads to toxic tryhardism
Turns the community into a toxic mess cuz the plague that is metaslavery has spread to people doing 10s

In short, they keep screwing up casual players and push for content the majority doesn’t like or do

Account with 6 posts that all revolve around attacking me pretends he isn’t buttmad and biased, that feeling I arouse in you people is magnificent

But I guess you want to hide your main so others don’t realize you are part of the incel boards : ^)

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This “incel board” he’s referring to was also a place where he got banned, repeatedly, then evaded every ban and bragged about how easy it was because he put his router next to his PC so he could get a new IP in seconds.

If your not mythic raiding you don’t need that level of gear. You can get to an ilvl to tackle all world content with ease without doing raids. Higher level items are only relevant for the raid content.

It does however come unstuck in pvp where you get raid geared people dominating. They should implement some kind of ilvl bracket to keep it fair.

I don’t know anything about any “incel board”. I was only made aware of the fact that he was permanently banned from posting on the official EU WoW forums for harassing other posters.

Just pointing out that you have prior history to being a toxic individual, which you still have not addressed btw. Nice damage control though. :roll_eyes:

I ve been called toxic for calling out toxic elitist tryhards a ton of times so that accusation is nothing new.

Also funny how you keep talking about an eu ban even though bans are not announced so there would be no difference between me getting banned or just leaving because I unsubbed and move to oce : ^ )

But hey, keep making posts just about my on that character, it shows how angry and affected by me you have been to actually do that and hide behind it xD

I like how this thread has 4.3k views but only 554 replies, like people didn’t notice it was Ralph thread before clicking on it :rofl:

That’s because you’re as toxic as the toxic people you’re calling out

In fact you sound more elitist than the elitist you claim to hate

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Compared to me Ralph is an elitist He has mythic + keys on his mages , I have none . He has a full Nya heroic clear and 5 mythic bosses , I’m an lfr hero.

He wants people that do hard content punished ,I want them to keep making challenging content because I may want to get back into higher then lfr raiding some time in the near future.

Ralph want blizz to cater to those like him that pay for carries and make things easier . Maybe WoW isn’t the right Actiblizz game for him . Maybe Hearthstone or Candycrush is.

Ralph still trying to damage control :roll_eyes:

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Yeah how elitist of me for wanting everyone to have access to max ilvl gear instead of locking it behind unfun, forced group content that the vast majority don’t even touch.

Wasted resources intensifies, just wait for shadowlands raid or die, the exodus will sadly be big

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Or for that time you called me an alt right n*zi racist for saying oy vey when I’m jewish.

Going to deny that ever happened too?

You’re toxic because you’re deranged.

Ok people do see this right here . Ralph wants them to turn what is probably the most successful MMORPG game of all time into a Single Player RPG.

WoW has plenty of stuff individuals can do if they don’t raid high end or do high mythic keys or do rated bgs or arenas.

I don’t do highend and I have no problem paying for all levels of play put into the game. I pay for all the content and play what I enjoy and guess what I still get my monies worth.