Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Yes, a badge of honor uwu

How is swtor doing compared to WoW, remind me?


Not well hahaha

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Everyone can progress to max ilvl by doing the content of their choice and get currency to get max ilvl gear

There’s a ton of loot which you scrap for that currency at max lvl so it is easy to farm that currency, usually get my full set within the first 1 week if I grind a lot .

After that you have to augment all your gear to increase your stats which is mostly buying them or making them, not a big deal and the rolling the amplifiers, those are the last and minor thing that you want to get in order to reach 100% max gear which can take awhile so progression is pretty great.

Battlegrounds are my favorite way of playing and getting gears, Swtor pvp is superior to WoW because classes have a lot more depth and a lot of counterplay exists unlike WoW sadly.

Swtor has a ton of story content, usually reach max level before even the original story ends so I have a long way to go to reach the latest one and all content like dungeons and raids still exists so there’s a ton of dungeons and raids to do which are pretty lucrative gear currency wise and fun to do a few master modes every now and then

Also pvp is mostly scaled, max gear gives a tiny advantage unlike WoW so pvp is far more balanced and fair plus ques are almost instant at max level, hell even leveling they usually take a min or two

The only real weaknesses Swtor has is because ea gives them scraps but let’s them do their own thing their updates are way slower, and lack of public dps meters which is usually the only thing that makes pve fun for me

Funny how you immediately backpedaled about not posting on the EU forums after I posted proof you did in fact do so. I’m not making any of this up nor has it “vanished”. I didn’t know the Priest community discord was an “incel board” whatever that is, but have this thing of proof, courtesy of them :slight_smile:

https:// i.imgur. com/vu55tg6.png

And yes, all the mods in the Priest discord are already aware you’re an unhinged degenerate. No need to try to hide it with your damage control.


Was waiting for that, didnt think you would link a made up image from your incel board but I am not worried for mainly 2 quite obvious reasons.
I never used the name ralphz and more importantly the photoshop is so terrible the sentences aren’t even coherent cuz they didn’t even think of replacing the words they deleted : ^)
Oh and never having a family dog also ruins that but I know muricans from the incel board aren’t very original xD

I am a very proud furry and will always be that no matter how much you hate people being free to enjoy being themselves because you lack independence so you have to be the most stereotypical furry hater xD

The OP’s question is a key issue for MMO RPG’s. The best answer I’ve seen, is that the hardest content gives an MMO street cred that attract all kinds of players even casuals. Without it, potential subscribers wouldn’t sign up. It’s a weird explanation but probably has some credibility. For me, I’d must prefer they would spend more development time on features that are fun for solo players.


Swtor and final fantasy have been doing great, ff14 has been doing better than WoW and they don’t lock gear behind mythic, he’ll max raids are for cosmetics

Nah man look you seem to have a pretty loose grip on reality

I don’t exactly understand your crusade to undermine everything that has made WoW the most popular MMO in history by destroying the underlying philosophy of getting better at the game gets you better stuff, effort is rewarded with gear

If you think the 1% should have to pay more than casuals I don’t know what to tell you, their still trying to fix covenant balance even though the same community you despise outlined how much of a nightmare it was going to be to balance and now we all have to wait for an xpac that was going to be out tomorrow

If anything the mean full choice crowd helped hamstring the development cycle and overall balance of the game by getting blizzard to spend way to much time trying to fix a system that was broken in the first place


Again ff14 is more popular and more successful and doesn’t lock gear behind max content and somehow does great

I wonder why

Swtor, a game that gets scraps from ea has a stable and growing base and you can get gear by doing random bgs

I wonder

A supporter of the orange one needs no name

This is FF14s steam chart for last month

Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain
Last 30 Days 15,545.2 ‑3,405.3 ‑17.97%

Maybe try to think that most people actually like to play the game instead of watching tryhard content cuz WoW screws over casuals

That is why ff14 is doing far better than WoW, twitch numbers mean very little considering their focus

FF14 has less active players than RuneScape

Why does no one ever give any damn credit to OSRS

Game can be played on a 9 year old microwave, has more content than WoW and some content that even is harder than WoWs content and is using 15 year old assets

It’s brilliant

So you knew about it beforehand? Kind of weird you’re so acutely aware of an allegedly “made up image” about yourself. Maybe because you were the one that posted it in the first place?

So by refering to everyone else as “muricans” and not yourself, thus you admit that you’re from the EU? And thus, as a logical consequence, have in fact posted on the EU General Discussion forums? And have subsequently been banned on there for repeated vile remarks?

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ff14 is not more popular than WoW, guys… this whole thing is a giant bait. Stop falling for it.

I’m sure if blizzard ever wants help securing the “screwed by the family dog” audience they can hit you up for advice ralph

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Is that why it has received great praise and numbers so high to challenge WoW?

I am not even playing ff14, I dislike the design but you can’t pretend it isn’t the current no 1 mmorpg out there

‘How could you be aware of a notorious terribly photoshopped image made spread by incel boards that were so mad at you that the only way they could think of attacking you is making stuff up cuz they hate furries, and this has been like 5 years ago or more lmao
I must be a genius to know of that then xD

Again don’t expect much of my haters so your response isn’t rly surprising

So by not denying you’ve been banned on the EU forums for toxic behavior, you’re admitting to the fact? Got it.

It’s not a challenge to wow, it doesn’t even have a half the player base if people go off guesses, I’m assuming you’ve been reading some opinion pieces by FF14 fanbois

There is no hard data we have to tell us that FF14 has anywhere near the numbers or following than WoW does

This is fake news, you are fake news, everything here is fake news

WoW still remains the number 1 MMO, RuneScape is still beating FF14 in player count, so it’s not even number 2