Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Are you talking about the same level of power “stuff”?

That would be cool. The required mats should only drop from raids though since it would be old raid gear. ***You’re talking here about bringing old raid gear back to relevancy?

And you just gave something new and cool for a small part of the community hurting this game yet again.

How’s that? LFR should give tokens that could revive old raid gear with the power of current LFR, normal for normal and so on.

You’re not. This is the same nonsense you “casuals,” always use.

First of all you’re not casuals, you’re lazy. I’M a casual in a casual guild. I raid twice a week for 3 hours. You don’t do competitive content by your own admission, so you don’t need or deserve the high end rewards that are required for that content.

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Same power.
If you can get, idk, 10 m+ dungeons a week, you have 10 shots in something really good that will impact endgame.
Raiders have 1 shot per week per tier.
Casuals could have something for then, thats what I am talking about. Ok you can grind those items in order to upgrade 1 piece of gear from your chosing per week. IDK. I have no idea how this would kill raid or m+.

Back in the days I would receive this same answer from a raider that would say M+ was a terrible idea and should not exist. Guess what, they did it anyway and created a new endgame for ppl who dont like to raid.

This forum was once against transmog… Your answer is not new and was proven wrong time and time again.

I never got where this was a good population indicator.

Come Wednesday to Friday my horde is no where near the place. They could be in wrath clearing out raids after reset for example. Some players don’t hang around the cities.

Even before RNG finally liked me when waiting for HH pop I was on WQ’s till the pop came up.

it should be raids giving best itemization, not best item level. Make the raid items really cool and unique in their effects. Add set bonuses, but let every player get the ilvl power I agree. Then add set bonuses and interesting effects to m+ gear, rated pvp gear as well. Only dropping for +10 keys and requiring serious rank to unlock to get the set bonus/uniquely itemized gear.

But, let people who just do world quests and unranked more casual content get the top tier ilvl. Maybe even set bonuses and unique effects too, just make sure they pale in comparison to the raid/ranked/m+ set bonuses and unique effects so raiders/ranked pvp/m+ don’t have to be casual to be meta.

I feel like making ilvl the main distinction between content is just lazy. Sure there are raid trinkets and certain unique items, but that’s a pretty weak argument. It shouldn’t be a few outliers that provide unique and cool itemization, it should be most of the gear.

No. Don’t agree at all. If you are a solo player you shouldn’t have access to the same power as raiders.

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Remove rating requirements and this is a great idea.

Well I think ranked arena pvp gear should be distinguished from BG pvp gear. Same with ranked BG gear, it should be the same as arena pvp gear maybe. Or its own set.

I do not agree that pvpers should be able to get gladiator level gear from doing random BG though. I believe they should get their own set that maybe lacks set bonuses and has less cool effects. Still full ilvl though.

Absolutely. Why on earth would solo players want the same power as raiders on an MMO, designed around multiplayer systems? If they want rewards for solo content that badly, there are paths of solo content they can take already in-game, although not on the same level as raiding.
Doesn’t mean they’re barred from raiding at all though. It’s really not that difficult to find a raiding guild or to even create one if you want to set a mood and playstyle to achieve that gear you dream of.
Raiders put in effort, so they get rewarded for it.

-Signed, a casual player who dabbles in almost everything.


Looks? Absolutely. Gear power? Nope that’s bad for pvp.

How so? Grind the BG gear casually > rank up in arena with casual gear if you want to be truly excellent. If not, then just keep doing BG and you have the same ilvl, just less bells and whistles.

Blizzard said it best:

Hmm that’s pretty interesting. Pretty divisive change.

“I want max level gear without doing anything challenging or skill based” Got it!

Stop re posting the same rants over and over. It’s a bad idea and will never happen. Even if I agreed, Blizz would never listen anyways. They never really do.

It did happen with pvp in shadowlands though if you read that article.

edit: BAMBOOZLED. Blizzard said it “best”, then scrapped that system years ago! I got jebaited.

Wrong. Just because you misunderstood my answer doesn’t mean it was “wrong,” from time to time.

High end M+ requires good gear. High end PVP requires high end gear. And i have never opposed transmog. He’s not doing any high end content, he wants “solo” content. Solo content by its very nature will ALWAYS have “winners,” for whom it is much easier. The mage tower is a prime example. Some of the mage tower challenges were truly challenging. Meanwhile rogues walked in and out without effort.

That hyperbole is too extreme. Obviously we don’t want Cookie Clicker where numbers are guaranteed to go up regardless of how uncalculated your strategy is, otherwise we’d play that instead. Just challenges that aren’t as hard gated to us low skill boomers and grandmas as serious business raiding.

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I do raid but does this label me as a try hard? I’m not gatekeeping a certain part of the game to prevent you to get the highest level of gear so no I’m not a try hard.

If you don’t like the reward structure of WoW, go play GW2, SWTOR or that Mobile MMO that someone posted on here from Lazy Peon where you are instantly getting rewards by simply moving and the game plays it self.

I’m not going to lose brain cells on this any further if you can’t make up a solid argument as to why having Instant gratification as a reward structure is not good thing in a RPG/MMORPG.