Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

And yet… we are the ones who stick around.
The 1% is a seasoning crap, the tourists of Azeroth.

Maybe you are right and in that case maybe this game is not for me anymore, well, we will see soon.
Because my friend life always catch up, and the 1% today will join the masses of casuals in the future, happened with me, will happen with you too.

Wish I could like this a thousand times, and you know the fun thing about it, it will NEVER BE a esport, its all about pillar hiding, and pillar hiding is just pathetic.

Oh no not to long ago ole Ralphie boy here was praising Ion and the devs about the Covenant lock .

So much to the point he was making so many threads on the subject with slightly different titles that he ended up getting a forum vacay for spam threads.

Heck he even went on to try and take Preach on , on Preach’s Twitter feed and kind of creeped Preach out.

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Everytime I see raid or die I always think of that south park episode with “vote or die.” Was that with Kanye west or P.diddy?

Imagine been creeped out by someone in the interwebz. Man this generation failed and does not even realize it.

I wish Ralph could see this because sitting here thinking ,I just thought of something I’d like to throw back in his face.

WoW is a mmorpg and in rpg game should have meaningful choice.

Your meaningful choice was to spend $40-60 on the xpac (depending on version ) and $15 /month sub fee.

That meaningful choice came with things you like but it also came with stuff you would not like .

Stuff for people that play at a higher level ,but in turn those same people that play at a higher level made the same choice to have their money not only go to what they like but to what you like even if they themselves don’t like it.

News flash: not every single raider quits the game as soon as they finish a raid.

Calling the people who raid mythic tourists…SMH

Gear in BFA was out of control. It meant nothing. When anyone can get the best gear the game is boring. There’s nothing to actual accomplish. Might as well play a game with cheat codes enabled.

I’ve been both very recent and I’ve been playing since vanilla. A 2.5 hour 2 days a week commitment isn’t much. If you can’t handle that then a single player game would definitely be more your speed.

Or you can keep playing casually but do not ask for max ilvl gear just for existing in the game…

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I’ve heard people talk about Ralph’s twitter and possibly some other stuff involving Ralph and finding it disturbing.

I have no desire to go confirm it either.

Hit the “start a group” button and list it as learning (or completion for M+) or Join a community of like minded people to do that content.

Both of which are easy and will get you a better than LFR group for the most part.

I have yet to see any of this.

Because that’s a stupid idea, not because of elitism.

I said close to it… (but alright lets play along).

So did I, 2004, had only 24 years old.

News flash: MOST DO!

You know that M+ and Raid isnt hard right? Even pvp makes you wonder what the other side will do next, that does not happen in Raid or M+. I will give to you one thing… Nyalotha was hard in a few encounters, something new if you ask me.

Agree, was out of control but I dont remeber anyone geting the best gear and even if thats the case, I dont think you are in the position of telling what is fun and what is not. But again, gear was out of control, quality gear was very hard to get, if you dont know the diference maybe you are not the pro player you think you are.

News flash: that’s only people who play for the story.

News flash: I hardly disagree.

Why should you be able to get close to the best gear in the game by playing solo in an MMO?


If it’s not hard why are you complaining? Just go do ezmode mythic raiding and get your gear. What’s stopping you?

Where am I telling anyone what’s fun and what’s not? My entire argument is:
You should not be able to gear max (or near) ilvl from solo content in an MMO.

Where did I say I was a pro? I didn’t even raid in BFA. I was a super casual. I stand by my previous statement.


There must always be a 1%

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The “you don’t mythic raid, you don’t need better gear” line is getting tired.

It’s an RPG. I want to improve my character power in ways other than getting more skilled as a player. That involves gearing up in WoW.

Getting powerful from skilling up as a player is an action game mechanic not an RPG mechanic.


This entitlement is what has ruined the mystique of the game, if everyone is on the same level then there is no depth or feel to the game.

Mythic raiders work hard for their gear and are rewarded with being able to do other portions of the game easier so that they don’t have to double their efforts in other parts.

Being one shot is not a bad thing, all through Vanilla, BC and WOTLK I played a holy priest and got one shot all the time, did that make me quit the game? No I just rolled other classes and tried to get a slice of that one shot pie where I could either through macros or specs or specific pieces of easily obtainable gear.

This whole mindset that everyone deserves to be on an even playing field is how we got PvP battles where no one dies for 10 minutes and never runs out of mana.

Stop this.


See, Ralphy just wants to be a toxic min-maxer, he wants everyone to have the same gear in WPvP!!
What he needs to understand is that by not going into raids he made the meaningful choice to… not raid and therefore he isnt always 100% perfect. Like a good RPG should be!! But he cant accept not being 100% perfect every time, so he comes here and cries.

You know why this MMO was and still is one of the most success of the industry? The franchise.
I cant say for sure what I am about to but I would bet some money on it.
There are a lot of better MMOs out there that does exacly what you said they should not do, and they get more and more popular by the day (ESO and FF are the ones leading atm).
The franchise is now old, ppl like you and me are the exceptions, we love this game, we can disagree with a lof of stuff but we have a comum factor.
The new influx of players that should be arriving, well, their numbers are not that good because they have better options.
I think it is that simple.
I am not saying make a expansion only for casuals but let casuals work on their gear with some kind of catch up mechanic (like the one in Najathar just to give you a exemple) that casuals can work on.
I dont know if that would be a good system, its not my job to figure out, its just a exemple.

Thats another great idea.


I’m not saying that if you play solo you should get NO gear at all. I just don’t think you should be able to get a full set of normal raid ilvl gear for doing solo content. I think that leaves nothing to work toward. A few pieces of normal raid quality from say crafting or a world boss, sure that’s cool.

It really is.

How? Ppl who raid can get their stuff, ppl who M+ can still get their stuff and ppl who are casuals can get their stuff.
A piece of the cake for everyone.

You just gave a new idea, and I was under the impression with the new tokens they added to shadowlands that we would be going in this direction even with old raid stuff.
How awesome would be that? You could have your old raid gear bring back to life by crafting.
That is fun to some ppl. How that would kill raids and M+? Just make sure the effort is close to it. Lock the process, idk, as I said before its not my job to figure out.

Another reason to visit old raids besides transmog.

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