Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

It feels so much better, love it

Also of all the MMOs I’ve played WoWs PvP is unquestionably the best one

I swear half this forum would be better off playing guild wars 2

Stacks of solo player content
Way more class builds for solo content
Gear barely matters and you can get almost the best gear straight after hitting max level
Cosmetic cash shop
LGBT representation

OP go to GW2 and never return

I don’t consider games like gw2 good mmorpgs simply because of the terrible skill limitations

In an mmorpg would need to have a ton of different skills and buttons like an spriest or Druid rn, the less buttons, the worse it is

No doubt even my decently geared monk is wrecking people now then again i don’t think monk were ever bad in pvp in the first place.

Dude I literally just saw you commenting on a similar thread about this. SWTOR is cool, I’ve thought about playing it for fun but whats the value of anything without a challenge. Also, SWTOR is not designed to be a competitive MMORPG

If people can’t even be bothered to do LFR mechanics then maybe watching the raid on YouTube would be the best course of action.

I don’t think he has a point. He just brings up the same argument over and over, he just wants Mythic level gear for little to no effort.

Its getting incredibly tiresome. Why are the laziest people always the loudest whiners.


I am that casual person who does mostly solo stuff, and some group content here and there. I’ve never thought that I should get the strongest gear just from doing what I do. It’s locked behind super high end content, and that seems fair to me. Do the hardest stuff, get the coolest gear.


Haha , the thread got un-buried

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Yeah it’s really weird. There is a lot of people that think they should be able to get every piece of gear in the game just because.

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The majority of classes in GW2 have 15 abilities at one time, most of them have around 20, the upper end has around 30

GW2 requires better movement management and has things like dodge rolls.

WoW is the most simple combat of MMOs, the other ones require some form of skill rather than slapping buttons in different orders

Building baby characters from implanted zygotes/swimmers all night?

I think he’s worked out he wasted money paying for carries

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You mean WOTLK, which was when WoW was liked the most and the most successful, and FFXIV, which is WOTLK WoW clone and liked more than BFA?

Yeah, people generally like games that aren’t designed to be Ion’s personal Esports Arena/Raiding simulator.

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raid sim*

the fact that high level arena stuff happens is beyond - I don’t think anyone enjoyed watching Mage destro lock 20 minute pillar humping sim

This game isn’t being designed around the top end, it’s being designed to sell stuff to whales

I just want to say I agree 100% with you.

Torghast (or whatever its called) I was wondering it would give us, solo players, a way to upgrade our gear to ilvls close to max.
But as far as I am reading about it will be a cosmetic stuff basically (please correct me if I am wrong) and guess what, you will need good gear in order to do the really high levels… and the gear will come from, yeah, raid and m+.

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That is the case, I do not believe there is any gear from Torghast

I think they should put a currency in there and you can buy and upgrade gear from it

Torghast is really fun, they defs should make it a viable mode of play


Which was an expansion where the best gear came from raids.

Solo players shouldn’t be able to get max ilvl gear in an MMO.

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Because, they suck lol. Im just giving begrudingly. Gonna raid with my old guild. Would of prefered to PvP casually. All my BG buddies are gone anyways…