Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Everyone pays for everyone’s content. You just choose not to partake in some of it while it’s current.


I usually play to a point where I would need to do heroic and mythic raiding and then quit. I wish the game had a mythic dungeon finder. I don’t care if I have to deal with bad players just give me the opportunity to do that. You can still form your own parties if you wanted to. I just want to be able to log in and que random mythic dungeons.

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Better question: why do you have to have a max level gear? I can’t care less.
For me, raid is just a mean to whoop Sylvannas’ butts.

Here lies what I believe is the overall feeling of a casual player. That I really want to experience the highest level of content but am concerned that I will not be as skilled, or geared as some would want and dont want to be ridiculed or kicked by an elitist group. I am willing to join and endure a random LfR group so I will be with like minded, skilled and geared players. These types of players are far less likely to be critical of someone who is new to the encounter and is learning. If we fail I can just queue again.

I know I’m posting an obvious ralph thread but I would put it out there.

Never played it but from what I heard its progression is bad.

Do you got evidence to back this up?

To be real with you, WoW is a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) and it and the foundation is built off of being social and interacting with people to do challenging content, adding solo instances feel weird in a Massively Multiplayer Online that encourages Social Activity when doing most of its endgame.

Because thats where the most of WoW’s endgame lies, you are not forced to do it and we are not forcing you to do it, your endgame can be whatever you want in this game.

Again, where did you get this “Forced to do it” Mentality? you are not forced to do these types of content that you dislike, as I stated your endgame can be whatever in this game but expect that your rewards will vary on what you do.

If you do dailies, expect that your gear will come out as LFR or Normal raid level gear, if you do Pet Battles than expect that you won’t get gear out of it which I don’t find any justification why it needs to drop gear.

Again, you are not forced to do raiding, you pay $15 to have FULL access to this game and you can do whatever you want with your monthly $15, if your endgame is doing dailies than expect to get entry level gear for raiding/M+/PvP. I’m not helding this against you or telling you to go raid, its what you do with your $15 a month.

If you find yourself jealous because someone has higher level gear and does a different portion of the endgame than you do doesn’t mean you put the blame on Blizzard’s service of not providing the highest level gear in your chosen endgame.

Its like paying a monthly fee for a gym, you can do whatever you want it in and how long you are going to be in as long as you abide the rules set by the gym, you see a jacked dude walk in and you want to be like him than you do your research on how to be like him and put some effort into getting there but its your choice if you want to do it, you are not forced to be jacked.

Similar situation here, its your choice if you want to push high level keys or Mythic raiding to get the highest level gear possible but however you do need to put the effort of researching your chosen class and spec, you also need to research dungeons if you are pushing high keys, Raid fights in Mythic or learning the ins and outs of PvP.

In short, You are not forced to raid or do content that requires socializing with people, its your choice on what you do with your monthly $15.


Really good question.

GW2 is a sneaky bastard and did the same to me-but I also thought mage tower was going to be a forever thing so… I’m jealous of your accomplishments but smug that GW2 got you. <3

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lol another ralph post with absolutely zero basis in reality.

The amount of support it has gotten without even an entire day passing says otherwise.

You try hards are a minority, you might want to remember that


That’s not the point of LFR. But it’s apparent you’re a troll.

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This is false. Blizzards most recent game, Overwatch, completely caters to esports only even if it makes the game worse for 99.99% of their player base. It’s why Overwatch declined so hard and is rarely talked about while LoL and DotA are still thriving.

They even abandoned HoTS, despite it doing well, because the 0.01% esports scene wasn’t working.

Blizzard is only catering to small niche minorities for over a decade now, and why the company is so disliked by it’s fans.

You don’t in FFXIV and that game is more successful and more liked than BFA.
Weird isn’t it?

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Not trying to be rude, but I’m not even going to bother reading further than this. If you like that structure, then go play that game. I play GW2 to scratch certain itches that WoW doesn’t. It’s fine to play different games for different reward structures, you don’t have to smash your personal preference into an established game.

How are we exactly paying for that? I’ve tested Shadowlands, and it’s not like you describe.

Aw hell, it’s a Ralph thread. -whistles- Taxi!!

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I am guessing you think all these things are admirable goals?

Gear is valuable by the fact that it is stronger, exclusion only benefits elitists and goes against progression, a core part of mmorpgs when the majority of your player base cannot progress further

Nobody asked for competition, for most killing other players in casual pvp is competition enough

The third statement is so wrong I don’t even see a reason to bother

By that logic you do agree that the majority of people hates the covenant system that locks player power, right? 'Cause there was a whooole lot more support.

Why am I paying the game for them to develop pet battles then?

Why am I paying a sub to get pvp neglected

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Im not seeing that at all because lfr is still around not to mention the single player content and did they remove the weekly event cache reward i doubt it or am i wrong?

Honestly, whenever I actually see someone who plays WoW for it’s PvP, I ask that to myself.

Can’t imagine spending 15 a month for this games PvP system.

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I don’t know man now when i pvp people die and not live forever lol!