Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

There is a lag of data and numbers in the OP…seems to be presenting opinion as fact.

But but Ralph I thought your boy Ion was making this expansion for people like you.

Raiders care and think a lot about casuals exactly because they don’t want the ‘peasants’ to have the same gear as them since that way they can’t feel elite and special. It was never about achievements, that was a lie, it is about keeping people down

It is why they freak out every time someone suggests mythic gear should be disabled outside of mythic raids


Random bgs rewards are basically junk. It’d be nice if bg gear were at least decent for PVP.

Bookmark this thread for when the vast majority of casuals realizes it is raid or die and there’s a mass exodus just like in WoD

Feel free to necro this thread then, I know I am right but being proven right again and again is pretty fun

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This is funny because not long ago ole Ralph was going this expansion was being made to punish the 1% min/max meta slaves .

What happen did they nerf your meaningful choices down to meaning nothing?

People have been warning about this happening if player power wasn’t separated from the covenants. Blizzard’s idea of balance is taking a nerf wrecking ball to stuff.

Time will tell.

Been doin’ just fine.

Wod pushed the raid or die mentality by removing valor currency and we had a mass exodus of casuals because of it which stopped the plans for an entire raid.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the same happen, especially now what they are timegating the worthlessly low wq/unrated pvp ilvl behind renown level.

World quests and unrated pvp rewards are beyond trash, and they are nerfing those even more xD

It is absolutely raid or die

It really didn’t. WoD was largely raid logging and zero casual content because there was a general lack of content.

I think maybe you should look into what people think they’re really working on.

because it seems to be at least half of it is the broken leveling experience from 50 to 60.

does leveling to 60 make me an elitist 1%?

Hmmm I remember using Valor currency in WoD to upgrade gear

Nah that was MoP. WoD adopted the random Warforging proc.

There were also valor upgrades in WoD .

I remember getting them during the expansion in Ashran

I thought those were Conquest and standard Honor points?

Edit, no you’re right. You could earn Valor in Ashran. However, I’m like 99.9% sure you couldn’t upgrade your gear in WoD as item level upgrades was a MoP system.


They also had valor upgrades for MoP .

They had the Eretheral in Ashran so you could turn them in for you pve gear.

Actually this was the system most people wanted Blizz to go to instead of the corrupted gear we got to replace TF

Yeah it was a system that worked. Them going 100% RNG was a horrible design choice.

I’m reading that article and I’m still trying to figure out if item upgrades existed in WoD or not because I just don’t remember them existing. Like I’m reading it and it’s clearly saying it exists and I’m just going brain dead trying to remember it existing.

Why do you want max level gear if you are not doing top tier content? It is a weird point you try to make right now, because your main complaint is about max level gear being locked behind group content.

Yes, the top tier reward should be locked behind the hardest content because there would be no incentive to do it otherwise, I would understand if you were arguing for more cosemtic rewards for other type of content. But honestly, I might be replying to a troll, or someone who is really dense.

Just put any PvP content in. Rated 1v1 Arena, More BGs that are actually fun and change / enhance the way the games played. Redo honor rewards to make them more meaningful so players who don’t do rated arena aren’t feeling left out to dry. It’s actually not that hard. There’s nothing wrong with having meaningful rewards players can work towards solo. Having more content in the game isn’t that much to ask for. Same goes for PvE content.

Cutting edge raiders, perma rank 1 players, boosters carry sellers, rated BG ddosers, M+ meta rats, filthy casuals there’s literally no reason all of us couldn’t enjoy more content to do when we aren’t doing a scheduled cat herding activity.

It’s literally not any player’s fault that there isn’t more content in the game.

Good raids, solid pvp, fun dungeons, a great world, and solo content are not mutually exclusive. If we didn’t spend every expansion doing things like super in depth complicated systems you’re going to scrap in two years then maybe we could have a bunch of really fun things to do in the game. Then those things that are super fun to do could just carry over into the next expac. Unlike a borrowed power system that just piece meals specs core kits and plays musical chairs with your once baseline mechanics/abilities.