Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

Rrriiigghhhtttt… That’s why nobody plays that game? There’s a reason it’s free to play. It’s almost like people like having raids and PvP to do together?

Lol casuals aren’t keeping that game afloat. It’s hardcore whales who spend a hell of a lot of money on the cash shop.

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I assign nothing to any one person. I do however warn against falling into this type of behavior. This is a hard criticism of Blizzard for employing secretive forums that the at large communities have no access to. The idea behind influencers is to influence irregardless of their position on a subject. These actions are not accomplished due to good faith in the ideas that are being promoted, but because of advertising dollars, gifts and for most a desire to be seen as someone who has a higher value in the community or narcissisam if you will.

This type of behavior does not bode well for the majority of the playerbase due a misrepresentation of what the majority sees as important, but only what Blizzard believes is important, which is money generated through hype created by…influencers. this in turn brings in revenue from new subscribers, resubscibers and long returning players. When these players arrive and start to figure out that it is only the top tier that is getting advantageous treatment they will become more likely to abandon the game or spend their subscription time standing in goldshire.


How does class balance in mythic raids affect you? Or do you think these super secret forums were put in place to discuss world quests and LFR? How long should Blizzard have to sift through the wreckage of this forum to find anything worth reading, much less acting on before they find people whose opinions they value and give them a space to give said opinions?

I can’t be sure about this but I will assume based on a what I have seen so far in game that the assumption you make is incorrect. There is an option to inspect a player and to compare achievements. I do this quite often and especially when I see someone with a mount that I like. The largest part have hardly any achievements and have spent large amounts in the store to quickly acquire something special. While those that have monts that are achievement based have more achievements. This is an assumption and should be treated as one but at a glance this seems incorrect at best and unsubstantiated and reflexive at worst.

God forbid you actually be accountable for mechanics…

The affect on me is negligible because I have not participated in this content. This is not a new discussion though, it has been here for quite a long time. Please dont misunderstand me. I didn’t say that I disagree with a forum for a higher value of input. I agree wholeheartedly. But I disagree with secretive practices everywhere I come across them. My point is to be open and honest or transparent if you like. Be bold and firm in this area. Give access to these forums as view only to the general population so that they may learn and understand what it means to provide valuable feedback and how to interact with a development team who has no time for silliness or unusefull data. Provide an opportunity to join this valued feedback system through an established set of achievements or goals. Many of these players have good ideas and could, if instructed, provide a great deal to any discussion.

As it stands I have no idea who is providing feedback and what playstyles are represented in this feedback.

The private feedback system isn’t a secret. All large technology companies employ this system, I am a member of a large part of them and contribute frequently. I will assume that is where Blizzard encountered this idea, they probably need to deal with a few of these companies themselves.

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agree with OP

definitely merits discussion and potential change of the design path


My server is full and Org lags extremely bad because there is always like 300+ here.

Visions right now offer like mythic level gear, you can do them solo. Are you not doing them?

Is this a real question or troll? Maybe you played a different game from 2004-2010 than I did. The game had the most players many of them casual.

The best gear was awarded through raiding and high end pvp. Not sure what you think has changed.

Have we all forgotten the outrage when they changed LFR to require basic mechanics?

Blizzard already heavily caters to the casual crowd far more than the 1%. Most of the game can played casually. You could technically even casually do Mythic raiding and arena as well I’m pretty sure.

There are plenty of single player games out there if that’s what you want, Ralph. If you’re playing an MMO for the single player experience, you’re 100% in the wrong genre.

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It caters to the casuals with content that is finished with in less than a day? Orly? Anything that’s not end game can pretty much be written off as non content. It’s pretty much one and done for a non altoholic. Anyone that plays this game even with the tightest schedule is going to spend the majority of their time at end game.

This is a casuals end game that cares about gear progression in SL… WQ, LFR… and? Maybe “casual” PvP. That’s it…


Depends on the person really. Some love pet battles that are casual and the rest is just icing on the cake. Some xmog and mount farm almost all the time and only care about that. There are many different ways to play WoW, and I also doubt anyone who is casually playing will be done with SL in a day from 50-60. Those people log in for a few hours and level some then log off. So maybe a few days to a week is normal for them. And that is just the leveling part not including gearing up.

an overpowered gearing method being nerfed is hardly “raid or die”

Because this is an MMORPG, not a single player game. If you want to do higher end content, you need to come out of your shell and group up with other people.

And last time I stepped into SWTOR it was a dead game with just 2 U.S servers and 5 total worldwide. Clearly spending most of your $200 million dollar budget on the “solo” experience isn’t the right strategy for a long lasting, successful MMORPG.

You still had to pay for the whole game back in the day when games were hard even if you couldn’t get past the first level, so why would it be any different now?

Yeah I for one love the “well Wildstar catered to the hardcore fanbase and look how that went”, while we ignore the multitude of games from the other end of the spectrum that went under just as fast. Almost like there are more reasons than one why a game makes it or fails.

They mostly fixed that. PvP now has more options available than raiding, at least you can get each piece in 3 variants with haste, mastery, or crit.

Raiding typically only has 1, or 2 variants at most and if crit/mastery isn’t your best combo then unlucky.

Definitely worked though, the amount of people who join and just stand there is at an all time low.

Bah, what do I know. I barely recognise outrage from here as is is. Let alone validating ‘movements’ from x years ago.